// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0

package main

import (
	prand "math/rand"



var (
	lockPrefix     string = uuid()
	nextLockSuffix int64  = prand.Int63()
	errReadOnly           = errors.New("read-only filesystem")

// webdavFS implements a webdav.FileSystem by wrapping an
// arvados.CollectionFilesystem.
// Collections don't preserve empty directories, so Mkdir is
// effectively a no-op, and we need to make parent dirs spring into
// existence automatically so sequences like "mkcol foo; put foo/bar"
// work as expected.
type webdavFS struct {
	collfs  arvados.FileSystem
	writing bool
	// webdav PROPFIND reads the first few bytes of each file
	// whose filename extension isn't recognized, which is
	// prohibitively expensive: we end up fetching multiple 64MiB
	// blocks. Avoid this by returning EOF on all reads when
	// handling a PROPFIND.
	alwaysReadEOF bool

func (fs *webdavFS) makeparents(name string) {
	if !fs.writing {
	dir, _ := path.Split(name)
	if dir == "" || dir == "/" {
	dir = dir[:len(dir)-1]
	fs.collfs.Mkdir(dir, 0755)

func (fs *webdavFS) Mkdir(ctx context.Context, name string, perm os.FileMode) error {
	if !fs.writing {
		return errReadOnly
	name = strings.TrimRight(name, "/")
	return fs.collfs.Mkdir(name, 0755)

func (fs *webdavFS) OpenFile(ctx context.Context, name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (f webdav.File, err error) {
	writing := flag&(os.O_WRONLY|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC) != 0
	if writing {
	f, err = fs.collfs.OpenFile(name, flag, perm)
	if !fs.writing {
		// webdav module returns 404 on all OpenFile errors,
		// but returns 405 Method Not Allowed if OpenFile()
		// succeeds but Write() or Close() fails. We'd rather
		// have 405. writeFailer ensures Close() fails if the
		// file is opened for writing *or* Write() is called.
		var err error
		if writing {
			err = errReadOnly
		f = writeFailer{File: f, err: err}
	if fs.alwaysReadEOF {
		f = readEOF{File: f}

func (fs *webdavFS) RemoveAll(ctx context.Context, name string) error {
	return fs.collfs.RemoveAll(name)

func (fs *webdavFS) Rename(ctx context.Context, oldName, newName string) error {
	if !fs.writing {
		return errReadOnly
	if strings.HasSuffix(oldName, "/") {
		// WebDAV "MOVE foo/ bar/" means rename foo to bar.
		oldName = oldName[:len(oldName)-1]
		newName = strings.TrimSuffix(newName, "/")
	return fs.collfs.Rename(oldName, newName)

func (fs *webdavFS) Stat(ctx context.Context, name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
	if fs.writing {
	return fs.collfs.Stat(name)

type writeFailer struct {
	err error

func (wf writeFailer) Write([]byte) (int, error) {
	wf.err = errReadOnly
	return 0, wf.err

func (wf writeFailer) Close() error {
	err := wf.File.Close()
	if err != nil {
		wf.err = err
	return wf.err

type readEOF struct {

func (readEOF) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
	return 0, io.EOF

// noLockSystem implements webdav.LockSystem by returning success for
// every possible locking operation, even though it has no side
// effects such as actually locking anything. This works for a
// read-only webdav filesystem because webdav locks only apply to
// writes.
// This is more suitable than webdav.NewMemLS() for two reasons:
// First, it allows keep-web to use one locker for all collections
// even though coll1.vhost/foo and coll2.vhost/foo have the same path
// but represent different resources. Additionally, it returns valid
// tokens (rfc2518 specifies that tokens are represented as URIs and
// are unique across all resources for all time), which might improve
// client compatibility.
// However, it does also permit impossible operations, like acquiring
// conflicting locks and releasing non-existent locks.  This might
// confuse some clients if they try to probe for correctness.
// Currently this is a moot point: the LOCK and UNLOCK methods are not
// accepted by keep-web, so it suffices to implement the
// webdav.LockSystem interface.
type noLockSystem struct{}

func (*noLockSystem) Confirm(time.Time, string, string, ...webdav.Condition) (func(), error) {
	return noop, nil

func (*noLockSystem) Create(now time.Time, details webdav.LockDetails) (token string, err error) {
	return fmt.Sprintf("opaquelocktoken:%s-%x", lockPrefix, atomic.AddInt64(&nextLockSuffix, 1)), nil

func (*noLockSystem) Refresh(now time.Time, token string, duration time.Duration) (webdav.LockDetails, error) {
	return webdav.LockDetails{}, nil

func (*noLockSystem) Unlock(now time.Time, token string) error {
	return nil

func noop() {}

// Return a version 1 variant 4 UUID, meaning all bits are random
// except the ones indicating the version and variant.
func uuid() string {
	var data [16]byte
	if _, err := rand.Read(data[:]); err != nil {
	// variant 1: N=10xx
	data[8] = data[8]&0x3f | 0x80
	// version 4: M=0100
	data[6] = data[6]&0x0f | 0x40
	return fmt.Sprintf("%x-%x-%x-%x-%x", data[0:4], data[4:6], data[6:8], data[8:10], data[10:])