// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0

package keepweb

import (


const metricsUpdateInterval = time.Second / 10

type cache struct {
	cluster   *arvados.Cluster
	logger    logrus.FieldLogger
	registry  *prometheus.Registry
	metrics   cacheMetrics
	sessions  map[string]*cachedSession
	setupOnce sync.Once
	mtx       sync.Mutex

	chPruneSessions chan struct{}

type cacheMetrics struct {
	requests        prometheus.Counter
	collectionBytes prometheus.Gauge
	sessionEntries  prometheus.Gauge
	sessionHits     prometheus.Counter
	sessionMisses   prometheus.Counter

func (m *cacheMetrics) setup(reg *prometheus.Registry) {
	m.collectionBytes = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
		Namespace: "arvados",
		Subsystem: "keepweb_sessions",
		Name:      "cached_session_bytes",
		Help:      "Total size of all cached sessions.",
	m.sessionEntries = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
		Namespace: "arvados",
		Subsystem: "keepweb_sessions",
		Name:      "active",
		Help:      "Number of active token sessions.",
	m.sessionHits = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
		Namespace: "arvados",
		Subsystem: "keepweb_sessions",
		Name:      "hits",
		Help:      "Number of token session cache hits.",
	m.sessionMisses = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
		Namespace: "arvados",
		Subsystem: "keepweb_sessions",
		Name:      "misses",
		Help:      "Number of token session cache misses.",

type cachedSession struct {
	cache         *cache
	expire        time.Time
	client        *arvados.Client
	arvadosclient *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient
	keepclient    *keepclient.KeepClient

	// Each session uses a system of three mutexes (plus the
	// cache-wide mutex) to enable the following semantics:
	// - There are never multiple sessions in use for a given
	// token.
	// - If the cached in-memory filesystems/user records are
	// older than the configured cache TTL when a request starts,
	// the request will use new ones.
	// - Unused sessions are garbage-collected.
	// In particular, when it is necessary to reset a session's
	// filesystem/user record (to save memory or respect the
	// configured cache TTL), any operations that are already
	// using the existing filesystem/user record are allowed to
	// finish before the new filesystem is constructed.
	// The locks must be acquired in the following order:
	// cache.mtx, session.mtx, session.refresh, session.inuse.

	// mtx is RLocked while session is not safe to evict from
	// cache -- i.e., a checkout() has decided to use it, and its
	// caller is not finished with it. When locking or rlocking
	// this mtx, the cache mtx MUST already be held.
	// This mutex enables pruneSessions to detect when it is safe
	// to completely remove the session entry from the cache.
	mtx sync.RWMutex
	// refresh must be locked in order to read or write the
	// fs/user/userLoaded/lastuse fields. This mutex enables
	// GetSession and pruneSessions to remove/replace fs and user
	// values safely.
	refresh sync.Mutex
	// inuse must be RLocked while the session is in use by a
	// caller. This mutex enables pruneSessions() to wait for all
	// existing usage to finish by calling inuse.Lock().
	inuse sync.RWMutex

	fs         arvados.CustomFileSystem
	user       arvados.User
	userLoaded bool
	lastuse    time.Time

func (sess *cachedSession) Release() {
	select {
	case sess.cache.chPruneSessions <- struct{}{}:

func (c *cache) setup() {
	var err error
	c.sessions = map[string]*cachedSession{}
	if err != nil {

	reg := c.registry
	if reg == nil {
		reg = prometheus.NewRegistry()
	go func() {
		for range time.Tick(metricsUpdateInterval) {
	c.chPruneSessions = make(chan struct{}, 1)
	go func() {
		for range c.chPruneSessions {

func (c *cache) updateGauges() {
	n, size := c.sessionsSize()

var selectPDH = map[string]interface{}{
	"select": []string{"portable_data_hash"},

func (c *cache) checkout(token string) (*cachedSession, error) {
	defer c.mtx.Unlock()
	sess := c.sessions[token]
	if sess == nil {
		client, err := arvados.NewClientFromConfig(c.cluster)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		client.AuthToken = token
		client.Timeout = time.Minute
		// A non-empty origin header tells controller to
		// prioritize our traffic as interactive, which is
		// true most of the time.
		origin := c.cluster.Services.WebDAVDownload.ExternalURL
		client.SendHeader = http.Header{"Origin": {origin.Scheme + "://" + origin.Host}}
		arvadosclient, err := arvadosclient.New(client)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		sess = &cachedSession{
			cache:         c,
			client:        client,
			arvadosclient: arvadosclient,
			keepclient:    keepclient.New(arvadosclient),
		c.sessions[token] = sess
	return sess, nil

// Get a long-lived CustomFileSystem suitable for doing a read or
// write operation with the given token.
// If the returned error is nil, the caller must call Release() on the
// returned session when finished using it.
func (c *cache) GetSession(token string) (arvados.CustomFileSystem, *cachedSession, *arvados.User, error) {
	sess, err := c.checkout(token)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	defer sess.refresh.Unlock()
	now := time.Now()
	sess.lastuse = now
	refresh := sess.expire.Before(now)
	if sess.fs == nil || !sess.userLoaded || refresh {
		// Wait for all active users to finish (otherwise they
		// might make changes to an old fs after we start
		// using the new fs).
		if !sess.userLoaded || refresh {
			err := sess.client.RequestAndDecode(&sess.user, "GET", "arvados/v1/users/current", nil, nil)
			if he := errorWithHTTPStatus(nil); errors.As(err, &he) && he.HTTPStatus() == http.StatusForbidden {
				// token is OK, but "get user id" api is out
				// of scope -- use existing/expired info if
				// any, or leave empty for unknown user
			} else if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, nil, err
			sess.userLoaded = true

		if sess.fs == nil || refresh {
			sess.fs = sess.client.SiteFileSystem(sess.keepclient)
			sess.expire = now.Add(c.cluster.Collections.WebDAVCache.TTL.Duration())
		} else {
	} else {
	return sess.fs, sess, &sess.user, nil

type sessionSnapshot struct {
	token   string
	sess    *cachedSession
	lastuse time.Time
	fs      arvados.CustomFileSystem
	size    int64
	prune   bool

// Remove all expired idle session cache entries, and remove in-memory
// filesystems until approximate remaining size <= maxsize
func (c *cache) pruneSessions() {
	now := time.Now()
	snaps := make([]sessionSnapshot, 0, len(c.sessions))
	for token, sess := range c.sessions {
		snaps = append(snaps, sessionSnapshot{
			token: token,
			sess:  sess,

	// Load lastuse/fs/expire data from sessions. Note we do this
	// after unlocking c.mtx because sess.refresh.Lock sometimes
	// waits for another goroutine to finish "[re]fetch user
	// record".
	for i := range snaps {
		snaps[i].lastuse = snaps[i].sess.lastuse
		snaps[i].fs = snaps[i].sess.fs
		snaps[i].prune = snaps[i].sess.expire.Before(now)

	// Sort sessions with oldest first.
	sort.Slice(snaps, func(i, j int) bool {
		return snaps[i].lastuse.Before(snaps[j].lastuse)

	// Add up size of sessions that aren't already marked for
	// pruning based on expire time.
	var size int64
	for i, snap := range snaps {
		if !snap.prune && snap.fs != nil {
			size := snap.fs.MemorySize()
			snaps[i].size = size
			size += size
	// Mark more sessions for deletion until reaching desired
	// memory size limit, starting with the oldest entries.
	for i, snap := range snaps {
		if size <= c.cluster.Collections.WebDAVCache.MaxCollectionBytes {
		if snap.prune {
		snaps[i].prune = true
		size -= snap.size

	// Mark more sessions for deletion until reaching desired
	// session count limit.
	mustprune := len(snaps) - c.cluster.Collections.WebDAVCache.MaxSessions
	for i := range snaps {
		if snaps[i].prune {
	for i := range snaps {
		if mustprune < 1 {
		} else if !snaps[i].prune {
			snaps[i].prune = true

	defer c.mtx.Unlock()
	for _, snap := range snaps {
		if !snap.prune {
		sess := snap.sess
		if sess.mtx.TryLock() {
			delete(c.sessions, snap.token)
		// We can't remove a session that's been checked out
		// -- that would allow another session to be created
		// for the same token using a different in-memory
		// filesystem. Instead, we wait for active requests to
		// finish and then "unload" it. After this, either the
		// next GetSession will reload fs/user, or a
		// subsequent pruneSessions will remove the session.
		go func() {
			// Ensure nobody is mid-GetSession() (note we
			// already know nobody is mid-checkout()
			// because we have c.mtx locked)
			defer sess.refresh.Unlock()
			// Wait for current usage to finish (i.e.,
			// anyone who has decided to use the current
			// values of sess.fs and sess.user, and hasn't
			// called Release() yet)
			defer sess.inuse.Unlock()
			// Release memory
			sess.fs = nil
			// Next GetSession will make a new fs

// sessionsSize returns the number and approximate total memory size
// of all cached sessions.
func (c *cache) sessionsSize() (n int, size int64) {
	n = len(c.sessions)
	sessions := make([]*cachedSession, 0, n)
	for _, sess := range c.sessions {
		sessions = append(sessions, sess)
	for _, sess := range sessions {
		fs := sess.fs
		if fs != nil {
			size += fs.MemorySize()