// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import Axios, { AxiosInstance, AxiosResponse } from "axios"; import { mockConfig } from "common/config"; import { createBrowserHistory } from "history"; import { GroupsPanelMiddlewareService } from "./groups-panel-middleware-service"; import { dataExplorerMiddleware } from "store/data-explorer/data-explorer-middleware"; import { Dispatch, MiddlewareAPI } from "redux"; import { DataColumns } from "components/data-table/data-table"; import { dataExplorerActions } from "store/data-explorer/data-explorer-action"; import { SortDirection } from "components/data-table/data-column"; import { createTree } from 'models/tree'; import { DataTableFilterItem } from "components/data-table-filters/data-table-filters-tree"; import { GROUPS_PANEL_ID } from "./groups-panel-actions"; import { RootState, RootStore, configureStore } from "store/store"; import { ServiceRepository, createServices } from "services/services"; import { ApiActions } from "services/api/api-actions"; import { ListResults } from "services/common-service/common-service"; import { GroupResource } from "models/group"; import { getResource } from "store/resources/resources"; describe("GroupsPanelMiddlewareService", () => { let axiosInst: AxiosInstance; let store: RootStore; let services: ServiceRepository; const config: any = {}; const actions: ApiActions = { progressFn: (id: string, working: boolean) => { }, errorFn: (id: string, message: string) => { } }; beforeEach(() => { axiosInst = Axios.create({ headers: {} }); services = createServices(mockConfig({}), actions, axiosInst); store = configureStore(createBrowserHistory(), services, config); }); it("requests group member counts and updates resource store", async () => { // Given const fakeUuid = "zzzzz-j7d0g-000000000000000"; axiosInst.get = jest.fn((url: string) => { if (url === '/groups') { return Promise.resolve( { data: { kind: "", offset: 0, limit: 100, items: [{ can_manage: true, can_write: true, created_at: "2023-11-15T20:57:01.723043000Z", delete_at: null, description: null, etag: "0000000000000000000000000", frozen_by_uuid: null, group_class: "role", href: `/groups/${fakeUuid}`, is_trashed: false, kind: "arvados#group", modified_at: "2023-11-15T20:57:01.719986000Z", modified_by_user_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000", name: "Test Group", owner_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000", properties: {}, trash_at: null, uuid: fakeUuid, writable_by: [ "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000", ] }], items_available: 1, }} as AxiosResponse); } else if (url === '/links') { return Promise.resolve( { data: { items: [], items_available: 234, kind: "arvados#linkList", limit: 0, offset: 0 }} as AxiosResponse); } else { return Promise.resolve( { data: {}} as AxiosResponse); } }) as AxiosInstance['get']; // When await store.dispatch(dataExplorerActions.REQUEST_ITEMS({id: GROUPS_PANEL_ID})); // Wait for async fetching of group count promises to resolve await new Promise(setImmediate); // Expect expect(axiosInst.get).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(axiosInst.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/groups', expect.anything()); expect(axiosInst.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/links', expect.anything()); const group = getResource(fakeUuid)(store.getState().resources); expect(group?.memberCount).toBe(234); }); it('requests group member count and stores null on failure', async () => { // Given const fakeUuid = "zzzzz-j7d0g-000000000000000"; axiosInst.get = jest.fn((url: string) => { if (url === '/groups') { return Promise.resolve( { data: { kind: "", offset: 0, limit: 100, items: [{ can_manage: true, can_write: true, created_at: "2023-11-15T20:57:01.723043000Z", delete_at: null, description: null, etag: "0000000000000000000000000", frozen_by_uuid: null, group_class: "role", href: `/groups/${fakeUuid}`, is_trashed: false, kind: "arvados#group", modified_at: "2023-11-15T20:57:01.719986000Z", modified_by_user_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000", name: "Test Group", owner_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000", properties: {}, trash_at: null, uuid: fakeUuid, writable_by: [ "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000", ] }], items_available: 1, }} as AxiosResponse); } else if (url === '/links') { return Promise.reject(); } else { return Promise.resolve({ data: {}} as AxiosResponse); } }) as AxiosInstance['get']; // When await store.dispatch(dataExplorerActions.REQUEST_ITEMS({id: GROUPS_PANEL_ID})); // Wait for async fetching of group count promises to resolve await new Promise(setImmediate); // Expect expect(axiosInst.get).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(axiosInst.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/groups', expect.anything()); expect(axiosInst.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/links', expect.anything()); const group = getResource(fakeUuid)(store.getState().resources); expect(group?.memberCount).toBe(null); }); });