import {Edge} from "cwlts/models"; import {PluginBase} from "../plugin-base"; import { Workflow } from "lib/cwl-svg"; export class SVGValidatePlugin extends PluginBase { private modelDisposers: any[] = []; /** Map of CSS classes attached by this plugin */ private css = { plugin: "__plugin-validate", invalid: "__validate-invalid" }; registerWorkflow(workflow: Workflow): void { super.registerWorkflow(workflow); // add plugin specific class to the svgRoot for scoping this.workflow.svgRoot.classList.add(this.css.plugin); } afterModelChange(): void { this.disposeModelListeners(); // add listener for all subsequent edge validation const update = this.workflow.model.on("connections.updated", this.renderEdgeValidation.bind(this)); const create = this.workflow.model.on("connection.create", this.renderEdgeValidation.bind(this)); this.modelDisposers.concat([update.dispose, create.dispose]); } destroy(): void { this.disposeModelListeners(); } afterRender(): void { // do initial validation rendering for edges this.renderEdgeValidation(); } onEditableStateChange(enabled: boolean): void { if (enabled) { // only show validation if workflow is editable this.renderEdgeValidation(); } else { this.removeClasses(this.workflow.workflow.querySelectorAll(".edge")) } } private disposeModelListeners(): void { for (let disposeListener of this.modelDisposers) { disposeListener(); } this.modelDisposers = []; } private removeClasses(edges: NodeListOf): void { // remove validity class on all edges for (const e of (edges as any)) { e.classList.remove(this.css.invalid); } } private renderEdgeValidation(): void { const graphEdges: any = this.workflow.workflow.querySelectorAll(".edge") as NodeListOf; this.removeClasses(graphEdges); // iterate through all modal connections this.workflow.model.connections.forEach((e: Edge) => { // if the connection isn't valid (should be colored on graph) if (!e.isValid) { // iterate through edges on the svg for (const ge of graphEdges) { const sourceNodeID = ge.getAttribute("data-source-connection"); const destinationNodeID = ge.getAttribute("data-destination-connection"); // compare invalid edge source/destination with svg edge if ( === sourceNodeID && === destinationNodeID) { // if its a match, tag it with the appropriate class and break from the loop ge.classList.add(this.css.invalid); break; } } } }); } }