import {Workflow} from "../.."; import {PluginBase} from "../plugin-base"; export class SelectionPlugin extends PluginBase { static edgePortsDelimiter = "$!$"; private svg: SVGSVGElement; private selection = new Map(); private cleanups: Function[] = []; private detachModelEvents: Function | undefined; private selectionChangeCallbacks: Function[] = []; private css = { selected: "__selection-plugin-selected", highlight: "__selection-plugin-highlight", fade: "__selection-plugin-fade", plugin: "__plugin-selection" }; registerWorkflow(workflow: Workflow): void { super.registerWorkflow(workflow); this.svg = this.workflow.svgRoot; this.svg.classList.add(this.css.plugin); const clickListener = this.onClick.bind(this); this.svg.addEventListener("click", clickListener); this.cleanups.push(() => this.svg.removeEventListener("click", clickListener)); } afterRender() { this.restoreSelection(); } afterModelChange(): void { if (typeof this.detachModelEvents === "function") { this.detachModelEvents(); } this.detachModelEvents = this.bindModelEvents(); } destroy() { if (this.detachModelEvents) { this.detachModelEvents(); } this.detachModelEvents = undefined; this.svg.classList.remove(this.css.plugin); for (const fn of this.cleanups) { fn(); } } clearSelection(): void { const selection: any = this.svg.querySelectorAll(`.${this.css.selected}`); const highlights: any = this.svg.querySelectorAll(`.${this.css.highlight}`); for (const el of selection) { el.classList.remove(this.css.selected); } for (const el of highlights) { el.classList.remove(this.css.highlight); } this.svg.classList.remove(this.css.fade); this.selection.clear(); this.emitChange(null); } getSelection() { return this.selection; } registerOnSelectionChange(fn: (node: any) => any) { this.selectionChangeCallbacks.push(fn); } selectStep(stepID: string) { const query = `[data-connection-id="${stepID}"]`; const el = this.svg.querySelector(query) as SVGElement; if (el) { this.materializeClickOnElement(el); } } private bindModelEvents() { const handler = () => this.restoreSelection(); const cleanup: any[] = []; const events = ["connection.create", "connection.remove"]; for (const ev of events) { const dispose = this.workflow.model.on(ev as any, handler); cleanup.push(() => dispose.dispose()); } return () => cleanup.forEach(fn => fn()); } private restoreSelection() { this.selection.forEach((type, connectionID) => { if (type === "node") { const el = this.svg.querySelector(`[data-connection-id="${connectionID}"]`) as SVGElement; if (el) { this.selectNode(el); } } else if (type === "edge") { const [sID, dID] = connectionID.split(SelectionPlugin.edgePortsDelimiter); const edgeSelector = `[data-source-connection="${sID}"][data-destination-connection="${dID}"]`; const edge = this.svg.querySelector(edgeSelector) as SVGElement; if (edge) { this.selectEdge(edge); } } }); } private onClick(click: MouseEvent): void { const target = as SVGElement; this.clearSelection(); this.materializeClickOnElement(target); } private materializeClickOnElement(target: SVGElement) { let element: SVGElement | undefined; if ((element = this.workflow.findParent(target, "node"))) { this.selectNode(element); this.selection.set(element.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!, "node"); this.emitChange(element); } else if ((element = this.workflow.findParent(target, "edge"))) { this.selectEdge(element); const cid = [ element.getAttribute("data-source-connection"), SelectionPlugin.edgePortsDelimiter, element.getAttribute("data-destination-connection") ].join(""); this.selection.set(cid, "edge"); this.emitChange(cid); } } private selectNode(element: SVGElement): void { // Fade everything on canvas so we can highlight only selected stuff this.svg.classList.add(this.css.fade); // Mark this node as selected element.classList.add(this.css.selected); // Highlight it in case there are no edges on the graph element.classList.add(this.css.highlight); // Take all adjacent edges since we should highlight them and move them above the other edges const nodeID = element.getAttribute("data-id"); const adjacentEdges: any = this.svg.querySelectorAll( `.edge[data-source-node="${nodeID}"],` + `.edge[data-destination-node="${nodeID}"]` ); // Find the first node to be an anchor, so we can put all those edges just before that one. const firstNode = this.svg.getElementsByClassName("node")[0]; for (const edge of adjacentEdges) { // Highlight each adjacent edge edge.classList.add(this.css.highlight); // Move it above other edges this.workflow.workflow.insertBefore(edge, firstNode); // Find all adjacent nodes so we can highlight them const sourceNodeID = edge.getAttribute("data-source-node"); const destinationNodeID = edge.getAttribute("data-destination-node"); const connectedNodes: any = this.svg.querySelectorAll( `.node[data-id="${sourceNodeID}"],` + `.node[data-id="${destinationNodeID}"]` ); // Highlight each adjacent node for (const n of connectedNodes) { n.classList.add(this.css.highlight); } } } private selectEdge(element: SVGElement) { element.classList.add(this.css.highlight); element.classList.add(this.css.selected); const sourceNode = element.getAttribute("data-source-node"); const destNode = element.getAttribute("data-destination-node"); const sourcePort = element.getAttribute("data-source-port"); const destPort = element.getAttribute("data-destination-port"); const inputPortSelector = `.node[data-id="${destNode}"] .input-port[data-port-id="${destPort}"]`; const outputPortSelector = `.node[data-id="${sourceNode}"] .output-port[data-port-id="${sourcePort}"]`; const connectedPorts: any = this.svg.querySelectorAll(`${inputPortSelector}, ${outputPortSelector}`); for (const port of connectedPorts) { port.classList.add(this.css.highlight); } } private emitChange(change: any) { for (const fn of this.selectionChangeCallbacks) { fn(change); } } }