// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import React from "react"; import { Grid, Paper, Toolbar, StyleRulesCallback, withStyles, WithStyles, TablePagination, IconButton, Tooltip, Button, Typography } from "@material-ui/core"; import { ColumnSelector } from "components/column-selector/column-selector"; import { DataTable, DataColumns, DataTableFetchMode } from "components/data-table/data-table"; import { DataColumn } from "components/data-table/data-column"; import { SearchInput } from "components/search-input/search-input"; import { ArvadosTheme } from "common/custom-theme"; import { MultiselectToolbar } from "components/multiselect-toolbar/MultiselectToolbar"; import { TCheckedList } from "components/data-table/data-table"; import { createTree } from "models/tree"; import { DataTableFilters } from "components/data-table-filters/data-table-filters-tree"; import { CloseIcon, IconType, MaximizeIcon, UnMaximizeIcon, MoreVerticalIcon } from "components/icon/icon"; import { PaperProps } from "@material-ui/core/Paper"; import { MPVPanelProps } from "components/multi-panel-view/multi-panel-view"; import classNames from "classnames"; import { InlinePulser } from "components/loading/inline-pulser"; type CssRules = "titleWrapper" | "msToolbarStyles" | "subToolbarWrapper" | "searchBox" | "headerMenu" | "toolbar" | "footer"| "loadMoreContainer" | "numResults" | "root" | "moreOptionsButton" | "title" | 'subProcessTitle' | 'progressWrapper' | 'progressWrapperNoTitle' | "dataTable" | "container"; const styles: StyleRulesCallback = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({ titleWrapper: { display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", }, msToolbarStyles: { paddingTop: "0.6rem", }, subToolbarWrapper: { height: "48px", paddingTop: 0, marginBottom: "-20px", marginTop: "-10px", flexShrink: 0, }, searchBox: { paddingBottom: 0, }, toolbar: { paddingTop: 0, paddingRight: theme.spacing.unit, paddingLeft: "10px", }, footer: { overflow: "auto", }, loadMoreContainer: { minWidth: '8rem', }, root: { height: "100%", flex: 1, overflowY: "auto", }, moreOptionsButton: { padding: 0, }, numResults: { marginTop: 0, fontSize: "10px", marginLeft: "10px", marginBottom: '-0.5rem', minWidth: '8.5rem', }, title: { display: "inline-block", paddingLeft: theme.spacing.unit * 2, paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 2, fontSize: "18px", paddingRight: "10px", }, subProcessTitle: { display: "inline-block", paddingLeft: theme.spacing.unit * 2, paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 2, fontSize: "18px", flexGrow: 0, paddingRight: "10px", }, progressWrapper: { margin: "28px 0 0", flexGrow: 1, flexBasis: "100px", }, progressWrapperNoTitle: { paddingLeft: "10px", }, dataTable: { height: "100%", overflow: "auto", }, container: { height: "100%", }, headerMenu: { marginLeft: "auto", flexBasis: "initial", flexGrow: 0, }, }); interface DataExplorerDataProps { fetchMode: DataTableFetchMode; items: T[]; itemsAvailable: number; loadingItemsAvailable: boolean; columns: DataColumns; searchLabel?: string; searchValue: string; rowsPerPage: number; rowsPerPageOptions: number[]; page: number; contextMenuColumn: boolean; defaultViewIcon?: IconType; defaultViewMessages?: string[]; working?: boolean; hideColumnSelector?: boolean; paperProps?: PaperProps; actions?: React.ReactNode; hideSearchInput?: boolean; title?: React.ReactNode; progressBar?: React.ReactNode; paperKey?: string; currentRouteUuid: string; selectedResourceUuid: string; elementPath?: string; isMSToolbarVisible: boolean; checkedList: TCheckedList; isNotFound: boolean; searchBarValue: string; paperClassName?: string; forceMultiSelectMode?: boolean; } interface DataExplorerActionProps { onSetColumns: (columns: DataColumns) => void; onSearch: (value: string) => void; onRowClick: (item: T) => void; onRowDoubleClick: (item: T) => void; onColumnToggle: (column: DataColumn) => void; onContextMenu: (event: React.MouseEvent, item: T) => void; onSortToggle: (column: DataColumn) => void; onFiltersChange: (filters: DataTableFilters, column: DataColumn) => void; onChangePage: (page: number) => void; onChangeRowsPerPage: (rowsPerPage: number) => void; onLoadMore: (page: number) => void; extractKey?: (item: T) => React.Key; toggleMSToolbar: (isVisible: boolean) => void; setCheckedListOnStore: (checkedList: TCheckedList) => void; setSelectedUuid: (uuid: string) => void; } type DataExplorerProps = DataExplorerDataProps & DataExplorerActionProps & WithStyles & MPVPanelProps; export const DataExplorer = withStyles(styles)( class DataExplorerGeneric extends React.Component> { state = { hideToolbar: true, }; multiSelectToolbarInTitle = !this.props.title && !this.props.progressBar; maxItemsAvailable = 0; componentDidMount() { if (this.props.onSetColumns) { this.props.onSetColumns(this.props.columns); } } componentDidUpdate( prevProps: Readonly>, prevState: Readonly<{}>, snapshot?: any ): void { const { selectedResourceUuid, currentRouteUuid } = this.props; if(selectedResourceUuid !== prevProps.selectedResourceUuid || currentRouteUuid !== prevProps.currentRouteUuid) { this.setState({ hideToolbar: selectedResourceUuid === this.props.currentRouteUuid, }) } if (this.props.itemsAvailable !== prevProps.itemsAvailable) { this.maxItemsAvailable = Math.max(this.maxItemsAvailable, this.props.itemsAvailable); } if (this.props.searchBarValue !== prevProps.searchBarValue) { this.maxItemsAvailable = 0; } } render() { const { columns, onContextMenu, onFiltersChange, onSortToggle, extractKey, rowsPerPage, rowsPerPageOptions, onColumnToggle, searchLabel, searchValue, onSearch, items, itemsAvailable, loadingItemsAvailable, onRowClick, onRowDoubleClick, classes, defaultViewIcon, defaultViewMessages, hideColumnSelector, actions, paperProps, hideSearchInput, paperKey, fetchMode, selectedResourceUuid, title, progressBar, doHidePanel, doMaximizePanel, doUnMaximizePanel, panelName, panelMaximized, elementPath, toggleMSToolbar, setCheckedListOnStore, checkedList, working, paperClassName, forceMultiSelectMode, } = this.props; return (
{title && ( {title} )} {!!progressBar &&
} {this.multiSelectToolbarInTitle && !this.state.hideToolbar && } {(!hideColumnSelector || !hideSearchInput || !!actions) && ( {!hideSearchInput && (
{!hideSearchInput && ( )}
)} {actions} {!hideColumnSelector && ( )}
{doUnMaximizePanel && panelMaximized && ( )} {doMaximizePanel && !panelMaximized && ( )} {doHidePanel && ( )}
{!this.multiSelectToolbarInTitle &&
{!this.state.hideToolbar && }
} onRowClick(item)} onContextMenu={onContextMenu} onRowDoubleClick={(_, item: T) => onRowDoubleClick(item)} onFiltersChange={onFiltersChange} onSortToggle={onSortToggle} extractKey={extractKey} defaultViewIcon={defaultViewIcon} defaultViewMessages={defaultViewMessages} currentRoute={paperKey} toggleMSToolbar={toggleMSToolbar} setCheckedListOnStore={setCheckedListOnStore} checkedList={checkedList} selectedResourceUuid={selectedResourceUuid} setSelectedUuid={this.props.setSelectedUuid} currentRouteUuid={this.props.currentRouteUuid} working={working} isNotFound={this.props.isNotFound} /> {elementPath && ( {elementPath.length > 2 ? elementPath : ''} )} {fetchMode === DataTableFetchMode.PAGINATED ? ( ) : ( Showing {items.length} / {this.maxItemsAvailable} results )}
); } changePage = (event: React.MouseEvent, page: number) => { this.props.onChangePage(page); }; changeRowsPerPage: React.ChangeEventHandler = event => { this.props.onChangeRowsPerPage(parseInt(event.target.value, 10)); }; loadMore = () => { this.props.onLoadMore(this.props.page + 1); }; renderContextMenuTrigger = (item: T) => ( { event.stopPropagation() this.props.onContextMenu(event, item) }} > ); contextMenuColumn: DataColumn = { name: "Actions", selected: true, configurable: false, filters: createTree(), key: "context-actions", render: this.renderContextMenuTrigger, }; } ); const renderPaginationLabel = (loading: boolean) => ({ from, to, count }) => ( loading ? : <>{from}-{to} of {count} ); const getPaginiationButtonProps = (itemsAvailable: number, loading: boolean) => ( loading ? { disabled: false } // Always allow paging while loading total : itemsAvailable > 0 ? { } : { disabled: true } // Disable next button on empty lists since that's not default behavior );