<% if (controller.andand.action_name == 'show') and params[:uuid] class_name = controller.model_class.to_s.underscore class_name_h = class_name.humanize(capitalize: false) req_item = safe_join([class_name_h, " with UUID ", raw(""), params[:uuid], raw("")], "") req_item_plain_text = safe_join([class_name_h, " with UUID ", params[:uuid]]) else req_item = "page you requested" end %>

Not Found

The <%= req_item %> was not found. <% if class_name %> Perhaps you'd like to <%= link_to("browse all #{class_name_h.pluralize}", action: :index, controller: class_name.tableize) %>? <% end %>

<% error_message = "The #{req_item_plain_text} was not found." %> Would you like to report this problem?
<%= link_to report_issue_popup_path(popup_type: 'report', current_location: request.fullpath, action_method: 'post', error_message: error_message), {class: 'btn btn-primary report-issue-modal-window', 'data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => '#report-issue-modal-window', :remote => true, return_to: request.url} do %> Report problem <% end %>