#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 set -eu target=$(basename "$0" | grep -Eo '\bcentos[[:digit:]]+\b') yum -q clean all touch /var/lib/rpm/* export ARV_PACKAGES_DIR="/arvados/packages/$target" rpm -qa | sort > "$ARV_PACKAGES_DIR/$1.before" yum install --assumeyes $1 rpm -qa | sort > "$ARV_PACKAGES_DIR/$1.after" diff "$ARV_PACKAGES_DIR/$1".{before,after} >"$ARV_PACKAGES_DIR/$1.diff" || true # Enable any Software Collections that the package depended on. if [[ -d /opt/rh ]]; then # We have to stage the list to a file, because `ls | while read` would # make a subshell, causing the `source` lines to have no effect. scl_list=$(mktemp) ls /opt/rh >"$scl_list" # SCL scripts aren't designed to run with -eu. set +eu while read scl; do source scl_source enable "$scl" done <"$scl_list" set -eu rm "$scl_list" fi mkdir -p /tmp/opts cd /tmp/opts rpm2cpio $(ls -t "$ARV_PACKAGES_DIR/$1"-*.rpm | head -n1) | cpio -idm 2>/dev/null find -name '*.so' | while read so; do echo -e "\n== Packages dependencies for $so ==" ldd "$so" \ | awk '($3 ~ /^\//){print $3}' | sort -u | xargs rpm -qf | sort -u done exec /jenkins/package-testing/common-test-packages.sh "$1"