# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import re from cwltool.errors import WorkflowException from collections import deque def done(self, record, tmpdir, outdir, keepdir): cols = [ ("output", "Output %s of %s" % (record["output"][0:7], self.name), record["output"]), ("log", "Log of %s" % (record["uuid"]), record["log"]) ] for coltype, colname, colpdh in cols: # check if collection already exists with same owner, name and content collection_exists = self.arvrunner.api.collections().list( filters=[["owner_uuid", "=", self.arvrunner.project_uuid], ['portable_data_hash', '=', colpdh], ["name", "=", colname]] ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) if not collection_exists["items"]: # Create a collection located in the same project as the # pipeline with the contents of the output/log. # First, get output/log record. collections = self.arvrunner.api.collections().list( limit=1, filters=[['portable_data_hash', '=', colpdh]], select=["manifest_text"] ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) if not collections["items"]: raise WorkflowException( "[job %s] %s '%s' cannot be found on API server" % ( self.name, coltype, colpdh)) # Create new collection in the parent project # with the output/log contents. self.arvrunner.api.collections().create(body={ "owner_uuid": self.arvrunner.project_uuid, "name": colname, "portable_data_hash": colpdh, "manifest_text": collections["items"][0]["manifest_text"] }, ensure_unique_name=True).execute( num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) return done_outputs(self, record, tmpdir, outdir, keepdir) def done_outputs(self, record, tmpdir, outdir, keepdir): self.builder.outdir = outdir self.builder.pathmapper.keepdir = keepdir return self.collect_outputs("keep:" + record["output"]) crunchstat_re = re.compile(r"^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d_\d\d:\d\d:\d\d [a-z0-9]{5}-8i9sb-[a-z0-9]{15} \d+ \d+ stderr crunchstat:") timestamp_re = re.compile(r"^(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+Z) (.*)") def logtail(logcollection, logfunc, header, maxlen=25): if len(logcollection) == 0: logfunc("%s\n%s", header, " ** log is empty **") return containersapi = ("crunch-run.txt" in logcollection) mergelogs = {} for log in logcollection.keys(): if not containersapi or log in ("crunch-run.txt", "stdout.txt", "stderr.txt"): logname = log[:-4] logt = deque([], maxlen) mergelogs[logname] = logt with logcollection.open(log) as f: for l in f: if containersapi: g = timestamp_re.match(l) logt.append((g.group(1), g.group(2))) elif not crunchstat_re.match(l): logt.append(l) if containersapi: keys = mergelogs.keys() loglines = [] while True: earliest = None for k in keys: if mergelogs[k]: if earliest is None or mergelogs[k][0][0] < mergelogs[earliest][0][0]: earliest = k if earliest is None: break ts, msg = mergelogs[earliest].popleft() loglines.append("%s %s %s" % (ts, earliest, msg)) loglines = loglines[-maxlen:] else: loglines = mergelogs.values()[0] logtxt = "\n ".join(l.strip() for l in loglines) logfunc("%s\n\n %s", header, logtxt)