#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import argparse import sys import arvados import arvados.util import datetime import ciso8601 import csv import os from datetime import timedelta import base64 def parse_arguments(arguments): arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() arg_parser.add_argument('--start', help='Start date for the report in YYYY-MM-DD format (UTC)') arg_parser.add_argument('--end', help='End date for the report in YYYY-MM-DD format (UTC), default "now"') arg_parser.add_argument('--days', type=int, help='Number of days before "end" to start the report') arg_parser.add_argument('--cost-report-file', type=str, help='Export cost report to specified CSV file') arg_parser.add_argument('--cluster', type=str, help='Cluster to query for prometheus stats') arg_parser.add_argument('--prometheus-auth', type=str, help='Authorization file with prometheus info') args = arg_parser.parse_args(arguments) if args.days and args.start: arg_parser.print_help() print("Error: either specify --days or both --start and --end") exit(1) if not args.days and not args.start: arg_parser.print_help() print("\nError: either specify --days or both --start and --end") exit(1) if (args.start and not args.end): arg_parser.print_help() print("\nError: no start or end date found, either specify --days or both --start and --end") exit(1) if args.end: try: to = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.end,"%Y-%m-%d") except: arg_parser.print_help() print("\nError: end date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format") exit(1) else: to = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if args.days: since = to - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days) if args.start: try: since = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.start,"%Y-%m-%d") except: arg_parser.print_help() print("\nError: start date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format") exit(1) if args.prometheus_auth: with open(args.prometheus_auth, "rt") as f: for line in f: sp = line.split("=") if sp[0].startswith("PROMETHEUS_"): os.environ[sp[0]] = sp[1] return args, since, to def data_usage(prom, timestamp, cluster, label): metric_data = prom.get_current_metric_value(metric_name='arvados_keep_total_bytes', label_config={"cluster": cluster}, params={"time": timestamp.timestamp()}) metric_object_list = MetricsList(metric_data) if len(metric_data) == 0: return my_metric_object = metric_object_list[0] # one of the metrics from the list value = my_metric_object.metric_values.iloc[0]["y"] summary_value = value metric_data = prom.get_current_metric_value(metric_name='arvados_keep_dedup_byte_ratio', label_config={"cluster": cluster}, params={"time": timestamp.timestamp()}) if len(metric_data) == 0: return my_metric_object = MetricsList(metric_data)[0] dedup_ratio = my_metric_object.metric_values.iloc[0]["y"] value_gb = value / (1024*1024*1024) first_50tb = min(1024*50, value_gb) next_450tb = max(min(1024*450, value_gb-1024*50), 0) over_500tb = max(value_gb-1024*500, 0) monthly_cost = (first_50tb * 0.023) + (next_450tb * 0.022) + (over_500tb * 0.021) for scale in ["KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB"]: summary_value = summary_value / 1024 if summary_value < 1024: print(label, "%.3f %s apparent," % (summary_value*dedup_ratio, scale), "%.3f %s actually stored," % (summary_value, scale), "$%.2f monthly S3 storage cost" % monthly_cost) break def container_usage(prom, start_time, end_time, metric, label, fn=None): from prometheus_api_client.utils import parse_datetime from prometheus_api_client import PrometheusConnect, MetricsList, Metric import pandas start = start_time chunk_size = timedelta(days=1) cumulative = 0 while start < end_time: if start + chunk_size > end_time: chunk_size = end_time - start metric_data = prom.custom_query_range(metric, start_time=start, end_time=(start + chunk_size), step=15 ) if len(metric_data) == 0: break if "__name__" not in metric_data[0]["metric"]: metric_data[0]["metric"]["__name__"] = metric metric_object_list = MetricsList(metric_data) my_metric_object = metric_object_list[0] # one of the metrics from the list series = my_metric_object.metric_values.set_index(pandas.DatetimeIndex(my_metric_object.metric_values['ds'])) # Resample to 1 minute increments, fill in missing values rs = series.resample("min").mean(1).ffill() # Calculate the sum of values #print(rs.sum()["y"]) cumulative += rs.sum()["y"] start += chunk_size if fn is not None: cumulative = fn(cumulative) print(label % cumulative) def report_from_prometheus(cluster, since, to): from prometheus_api_client import PrometheusConnect prom_host = os.environ.get("PROMETHEUS_HOST") prom_token = os.environ.get("PROMETHEUS_APIKEY") prom_user = os.environ.get("PROMETHEUS_USER") prom_pw = os.environ.get("PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD") headers = {} if prom_token: headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer %s" % prom_token if prom_user: headers["Authorization"] = "Basic %s" % str(base64.b64encode(bytes("%s:%s" % (prom_user, prom_pw), 'utf-8')), 'utf-8') prom = PrometheusConnect(url=prom_host, headers=headers) print(cluster, "between", since, "and", to, "timespan", (to-since)) try: data_usage(prom, since, cluster, "at start:") except: pass try: data_usage(prom, to - timedelta(minutes=240), cluster, "current :") except: pass container_usage(prom, since, to, "arvados_dispatchcloud_containers_running{cluster='%s'}" % cluster, '%.1f container hours', lambda x: x/60) container_usage(prom, since, to, "sum(arvados_dispatchcloud_instances_price{cluster='%s'})" % cluster, '$%.2f spent on compute', lambda x: x/60) print() def flush_containers(arv_client, csvwriter, pending): containers = {} for container in arvados.util.keyset_list_all( arv_client.containers().list, filters=[ ["uuid", "in", [c["container_uuid"] for c in pending]], ], select=["uuid", "started_at", "finished_at"]): containers[container["uuid"]] = container workflows = {} workflows["none"] = "workflow run from command line" for wf in arvados.util.keyset_list_all( arv_client.workflows().list, filters=[ ["uuid", "in", [c["properties"]["template_uuid"] for c in pending if "template_uuid" in c["properties"]]], ], select=["uuid", "name"]): workflows[wf["uuid"]] = wf["name"] projects = {} for pr in arvados.util.keyset_list_all( arv_client.groups().list, filters=[ ["uuid", "in", [c["owner_uuid"] for c in pending if c["owner_uuid"][6:11] == 'j7d0g']], ], select=["uuid", "name"]): projects[pr["uuid"]] = pr["name"] for pr in arvados.util.keyset_list_all( arv_client.users().list, filters=[ ["uuid", "in", [c["owner_uuid"] for c in pending if c["owner_uuid"][6:11] == 'tpzed']], ], select=["uuid", "full_name", "first_name", "last_name"]): projects[pr["uuid"]] = pr["full_name"] for container_request in pending: if not containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["finished_at"]: continue length = ciso8601.parse_datetime(containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["finished_at"]) - ciso8601.parse_datetime(containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["started_at"]) hours = length.seconds // 3600 minutes = (length.seconds // 60) % 60 seconds = length.seconds % 60 csvwriter.writerow(( projects.get(container_request["owner_uuid"], "unknown owner"), workflows.get(container_request["properties"].get("template_uuid", "none"), "workflow missing"), container_request["name"], containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["started_at"], "%i:%02i:%02i:%02i" % (length.days, hours, minutes, seconds), round(container_request["cumulative_cost"], 3), )) def report_from_api(since, to, out): arv_client = arvados.api() csvwriter = csv.writer(out) csvwriter.writerow(("Project", "Workflow", "Sample", "Started", "Runtime", "Cost")) pending = [] for container_request in arvados.util.keyset_list_all( arv_client.container_requests().list, filters=[ ["command", "like", "[\"arvados-cwl-runner%"], ["created_at", ">=", since.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")], ], select=["uuid", "owner_uuid", "container_uuid", "name", "cumulative_cost", "properties"]): if len(pending) < 1000: pending.append(container_request) else: flush_containers(arv_client, csvwriter, pending) pending.clear() flush_containers(arv_client, csvwriter, pending) def main(arguments=None): if arguments is None: arguments = sys.argv[1:] args, since, to = parse_arguments(arguments) if "PROMETHEUS_HOST" in os.environ and args.cluster: report_from_prometheus(args.cluster, since, to) if args.cost_report_file: with open(args.cost_report_file, "wt") as f: report_from_api(since, to, f) if __name__ == "__main__": main()