#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import functools import itertools import logging import time import pykka from ..clientactor import _notify_subscribers from .. import config def arvados_node_fqdn(arvados_node, default_hostname='dynamic.compute'): hostname = arvados_node.get('hostname') or default_hostname return '{}.{}'.format(hostname, arvados_node['domain']) def arvados_node_mtime(node): return time.mktime(time.strptime(node['modified_at'] + 'UTC', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%Z')) - time.timezone def timestamp_fresh(timestamp, fresh_time): return (time.time() - timestamp) < fresh_time class BaseComputeNodeDriver(object): """Abstract base class for compute node drivers. libcloud abstracts away many of the differences between cloud providers, but managing compute nodes requires some cloud-specific features (e.g., on EC2 we use tags to identify compute nodes). Compute node drivers are responsible for translating the node manager's cloud requests to a specific cloud's vocabulary. Subclasses must implement arvados_create_kwargs (to update node creation kwargs with information about the specific Arvados node record), sync_node, and node_start_time. """ def __init__(self, auth_kwargs, list_kwargs, create_kwargs, driver_class): self.real = driver_class(**auth_kwargs) self.list_kwargs = list_kwargs self.create_kwargs = create_kwargs def __getattr__(self, name): # Proxy non-extension methods to the real driver. if (not name.startswith('_') and not name.startswith('ex_') and hasattr(self.real, name)): return getattr(self.real, name) else: return super(BaseComputeNodeDriver, self).__getattr__(name) def search_for(self, term, list_method, key=lambda item: item.id): cache_key = (list_method, term) if cache_key not in self.SEARCH_CACHE: results = [item for item in getattr(self.real, list_method)() if key(item) == term] count = len(results) if count != 1: raise ValueError("{} returned {} results for '{}'".format( list_method, count, term)) self.SEARCH_CACHE[cache_key] = results[0] return self.SEARCH_CACHE[cache_key] def list_nodes(self): return self.real.list_nodes(**self.list_kwargs) def arvados_create_kwargs(self, arvados_node): raise NotImplementedError("BaseComputeNodeDriver.arvados_create_kwargs") def create_node(self, size, arvados_node): kwargs = self.create_kwargs.copy() kwargs.update(self.arvados_create_kwargs(arvados_node)) kwargs['size'] = size return self.real.create_node(**kwargs) def sync_node(self, cloud_node, arvados_node): # When a compute node first pings the API server, the API server # will automatically assign some attributes on the corresponding # node record, like hostname. This method should propagate that # information back to the cloud node appropriately. raise NotImplementedError("BaseComputeNodeDriver.sync_node") @classmethod def node_start_time(cls, node): raise NotImplementedError("BaseComputeNodeDriver.node_start_time") ComputeNodeDriverClass = BaseComputeNodeDriver class ComputeNodeStateChangeBase(config.actor_class): """Base class for actors that change a compute node's state. This base class takes care of retrying changes and notifying subscribers when the change is finished. """ def __init__(self, logger_name, timer_actor, retry_wait, max_retry_wait): super(ComputeNodeStateChangeBase, self).__init__() self._later = self.actor_ref.proxy() self._timer = timer_actor self._logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) self.min_retry_wait = retry_wait self.max_retry_wait = max_retry_wait self.retry_wait = retry_wait self.subscribers = set() @staticmethod def _retry(errors): """Retry decorator for an actor method that makes remote requests. Use this function to decorator an actor method, and pass in a tuple of exceptions to catch. This decorator will schedule retries of that method with exponential backoff if the original method raises any of the given errors. """ def decorator(orig_func): @functools.wraps(orig_func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: orig_func(self, *args, **kwargs) except errors as error: self._logger.warning( "Client error: %s - waiting %s seconds", error, self.retry_wait) self._timer.schedule(self.retry_wait, getattr(self._later, orig_func.__name__), *args, **kwargs) self.retry_wait = min(self.retry_wait * 2, self.max_retry_wait) else: self.retry_wait = self.min_retry_wait return wrapper return decorator def _finished(self): _notify_subscribers(self._later, self.subscribers) self.subscribers = None def subscribe(self, subscriber): if self.subscribers is None: try: subscriber(self._later) except pykka.ActorDeadError: pass else: self.subscribers.add(subscriber) class ComputeNodeSetupActor(ComputeNodeStateChangeBase): """Actor to create and set up a cloud compute node. This actor prepares an Arvados node record for a new compute node (either creating one or cleaning one passed in), then boots the actual compute node. It notifies subscribers when the cloud node is successfully created (the last step in the process for Node Manager to handle). """ def __init__(self, timer_actor, arvados_client, cloud_client, cloud_size, arvados_node=None, retry_wait=1, max_retry_wait=180): super(ComputeNodeSetupActor, self).__init__( 'arvnodeman.nodeup', timer_actor, retry_wait, max_retry_wait) self._arvados = arvados_client self._cloud = cloud_client self.cloud_size = cloud_size self.arvados_node = None self.cloud_node = None if arvados_node is None: self._later.create_arvados_node() else: self._later.prepare_arvados_node(arvados_node) @ComputeNodeStateChangeBase._retry(config.ARVADOS_ERRORS) def create_arvados_node(self): self.arvados_node = self._arvados.nodes().create(body={}).execute() self._later.create_cloud_node() @ComputeNodeStateChangeBase._retry(config.ARVADOS_ERRORS) def prepare_arvados_node(self, node): self.arvados_node = self._arvados.nodes().update( uuid=node['uuid'], body={'hostname': None, 'ip_address': None, 'slot_number': None, 'first_ping_at': None, 'last_ping_at': None, 'info': {'ec2_instance_id': None, 'last_action': "Prepared by Node Manager"}} ).execute() self._later.create_cloud_node() @ComputeNodeStateChangeBase._retry(config.CLOUD_ERRORS) def create_cloud_node(self): self._logger.info("Creating cloud node with size %s.", self.cloud_size.name) self.cloud_node = self._cloud.create_node(self.cloud_size, self.arvados_node) self._logger.info("Cloud node %s created.", self.cloud_node.id) self._finished() def stop_if_no_cloud_node(self): if self.cloud_node is None: self.stop() class ComputeNodeShutdownActor(ComputeNodeStateChangeBase): """Actor to shut down a compute node. This actor simply destroys a cloud node, retrying as needed. """ def __init__(self, timer_actor, cloud_client, cloud_node, retry_wait=1, max_retry_wait=180): super(ComputeNodeShutdownActor, self).__init__( 'arvnodeman.nodedown', timer_actor, retry_wait, max_retry_wait) self._cloud = cloud_client self.cloud_node = cloud_node self._later.shutdown_node() @ComputeNodeStateChangeBase._retry(config.CLOUD_ERRORS) def shutdown_node(self): self._cloud.destroy_node(self.cloud_node) self._logger.info("Cloud node %s shut down.", self.cloud_node.id) self._finished() class ComputeNodeUpdateActor(config.actor_class): """Actor to dispatch one-off cloud management requests. This actor receives requests for small cloud updates, and dispatches them to a real driver. ComputeNodeMonitorActors use this to perform maintenance tasks on themselves. Having a dedicated actor for this gives us the opportunity to control the flow of requests; e.g., by backing off when errors occur. This actor is most like a "traditional" Pykka actor: there's no subscribing, but instead methods return real driver results. If you're interested in those results, you should get them from the Future that the proxy method returns. Be prepared to handle exceptions from the cloud driver when you do. """ def __init__(self, cloud_factory, max_retry_wait=180): super(ComputeNodeUpdateActor, self).__init__() self._cloud = cloud_factory() self.max_retry_wait = max_retry_wait self.error_streak = 0 self.next_request_time = time.time() def _throttle_errors(orig_func): @functools.wraps(orig_func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): throttle_time = self.next_request_time - time.time() if throttle_time > 0: time.sleep(throttle_time) self.next_request_time = time.time() try: result = orig_func(self, *args, **kwargs) except config.CLOUD_ERRORS: self.error_streak += 1 self.next_request_time += min(2 ** self.error_streak, self.max_retry_wait) raise else: self.error_streak = 0 return result return wrapper @_throttle_errors def sync_node(self, cloud_node, arvados_node): return self._cloud.sync_node(cloud_node, arvados_node) class ShutdownTimer(object): """Keep track of a cloud node's shutdown windows. Instantiate this class with a timestamp of when a cloud node started, and a list of durations (in minutes) of when the node must not and may be shut down, alternating. The class will tell you when a shutdown window is open, and when the next open window will start. """ def __init__(self, start_time, shutdown_windows): # The implementation is easiest if we have an even number of windows, # because then windows always alternate between open and closed. # Rig that up: calculate the first shutdown window based on what's # passed in. Then, if we were given an odd number of windows, merge # that first window into the last one, since they both# represent # closed state. first_window = shutdown_windows[0] shutdown_windows = list(shutdown_windows[1:]) self._next_opening = start_time + (60 * first_window) if len(shutdown_windows) % 2: shutdown_windows.append(first_window) else: shutdown_windows[-1] += first_window self.shutdown_windows = itertools.cycle([60 * n for n in shutdown_windows]) self._open_start = self._next_opening self._open_for = next(self.shutdown_windows) def _advance_opening(self): while self._next_opening < time.time(): self._open_start = self._next_opening self._next_opening += self._open_for + next(self.shutdown_windows) self._open_for = next(self.shutdown_windows) def next_opening(self): self._advance_opening() return self._next_opening def window_open(self): self._advance_opening() return 0 < (time.time() - self._open_start) < self._open_for class ComputeNodeMonitorActor(config.actor_class): """Actor to manage a running compute node. This actor gets updates about a compute node's cloud and Arvados records. It uses this information to notify subscribers when the node is eligible for shutdown. """ def __init__(self, cloud_node, cloud_node_start_time, shutdown_timer, timer_actor, update_actor, arvados_node=None, poll_stale_after=600, node_stale_after=3600): super(ComputeNodeMonitorActor, self).__init__() self._later = self.actor_ref.proxy() self._logger = logging.getLogger('arvnodeman.computenode') self._last_log = None self._shutdowns = shutdown_timer self._timer = timer_actor self._update = update_actor self.cloud_node = cloud_node self.cloud_node_start_time = cloud_node_start_time self.poll_stale_after = poll_stale_after self.node_stale_after = node_stale_after self.subscribers = set() self.arvados_node = None self._later.update_arvados_node(arvados_node) self.last_shutdown_opening = None self._later.consider_shutdown() def subscribe(self, subscriber): self.subscribers.add(subscriber) def _debug(self, msg, *args): if msg == self._last_log: return self._last_log = msg self._logger.debug(msg, *args) def _shutdown_eligible(self): if self.arvados_node is None: return timestamp_fresh(self.cloud_node_start_time, self.node_stale_after) else: return (timestamp_fresh(arvados_node_mtime(self.arvados_node), self.poll_stale_after) and (self.arvados_node['info'].get('slurm_state') == 'idle')) def consider_shutdown(self): next_opening = self._shutdowns.next_opening() if self._shutdowns.window_open(): if self._shutdown_eligible(): self._debug("Node %s suggesting shutdown.", self.cloud_node.id) _notify_subscribers(self._later, self.subscribers) else: self._debug("Node %s shutdown window open but node busy.", self.cloud_node.id) else: self._debug("Node %s shutdown window closed. Next at %s.", self.cloud_node.id, time.ctime(next_opening)) if self.last_shutdown_opening != next_opening: self._timer.schedule(next_opening, self._later.consider_shutdown) self.last_shutdown_opening = next_opening def offer_arvados_pair(self, arvados_node): if self.arvados_node is not None: return None elif arvados_node['ip_address'] in self.cloud_node.private_ips: self._later.update_arvados_node(arvados_node) return self.cloud_node.id else: return None def update_cloud_node(self, cloud_node): if cloud_node is not None: self.cloud_node = cloud_node self._later.consider_shutdown() def update_arvados_node(self, arvados_node): if arvados_node is not None: self.arvados_node = arvados_node new_hostname = arvados_node_fqdn(self.arvados_node) if new_hostname != self.cloud_node.name: self._update.sync_node(self.cloud_node, self.arvados_node) self._later.consider_shutdown()