#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import argparse import sys import arvados import arvados.util import datetime import ciso8601 import csv def parse_arguments(arguments): arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() arg_parser.add_argument('--start', help='Start date for the report in YYYY-MM-DD format (UTC)') arg_parser.add_argument('--end', help='End date for the report in YYYY-MM-DD format (UTC)') arg_parser.add_argument('--days', type=int, help='Number of days before now() to start the report') arg_parser.add_argument('--csv', action='store_true', help='Output in csv format (default: false)') args = arg_parser.parse_args(arguments) if args.days and (args.start or args.end): arg_parser.print_help() print("Error: either specify --days or both --start and --end") exit(1) if not args.days and (not args.start or not args.end): arg_parser.print_help() print("\nError: either specify --days or both --start and --end") exit(1) if (args.start and not args.end) or (args.end and not args.start): arg_parser.print_help() print("\nError: no start or end date found, either specify --days or both --start and --end") exit(1) if args.days: to = datetime.datetime.utcnow() since = to - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days) if args.start: try: since = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.start,"%Y-%m-%d") except: arg_parser.print_help() print("\nError: start date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format") exit(1) if args.end: try: to = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.end,"%Y-%m-%d") except: arg_parser.print_help() print("\nError: end date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format") exit(1) return args, since, to def getowner(arv, uuid, owners): if uuid is None: return None if uuid[6:11] == "tpzed": return uuid if uuid not in owners: try: gp = arv.groups().get(uuid=uuid).execute() owners[uuid] = gp["owner_uuid"] except: owners[uuid] = None return getowner(arv, owners[uuid], owners) def getuserinfo(arv, uuid): try: u = arv.users().get(uuid=uuid).execute() except: return "deleted user (%susers/%s)" % (arv.config()["Services"]["Workbench1"]["ExternalURL"], uuid) prof = "\n".join(" %s: \"%s\"" % (k, v) for k, v in u["prefs"].get("profile", {}).items() if v) if prof: prof = "\n"+prof+"\n" return "%s %s <%s> (%susers/%s)%s" % (u["first_name"], u["last_name"], u["email"], arv.config()["Services"]["Workbench1"]["ExternalURL"], uuid, prof) def getuserinfocsv(arv, uuid): try: u = arv.users().get(uuid=uuid).execute() except: return [uuid,"deleted","user",""] return [uuid, u["first_name"], u["last_name"], u["email"]] collectionNameCache = {} def getCollectionName(arv, uuid, pdh): lookupField = uuid filters = [["uuid", "=", uuid]] cached = uuid in collectionNameCache # look up by uuid if it is available, fall back to look up by pdh if uuid is None or len(uuid) != 27: # Look up by pdh. Note that this can be misleading; the download could # have happened from a collection with the same pdh but different name. # We arbitrarily pick the oldest collection with the pdh to lookup the # name, if the uuid for the request is not known. lookupField = pdh filters = [["portable_data_hash", "=", pdh]] cached = pdh in collectionNameCache if not cached: u = arv.collections().list(filters=filters, order="created_at", limit=1).execute().get("items") if len(u) < 1: return "(deleted)" collectionNameCache[lookupField] = u[0]["name"] return collectionNameCache[lookupField] def getname(u): return "\"%s\" (%s)" % (u["name"], u["uuid"]) def main(arguments=None): if arguments is None: arguments = sys.argv[1:] args, since, to = parse_arguments(arguments) arv = arvados.api() prefix = '' suffix = "\n" if args.csv: prefix = '# ' suffix = '' print("%sUser activity on %s between %s and %s%s" % (prefix, arv.config()["ClusterID"], since.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="minutes"), to.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="minutes"), suffix)) events = arvados.util.keyset_list_all(arv.logs().list, filters=[["created_at", ">=", since.isoformat()],["created_at", "<", to.isoformat()]]) users = {} owners = {} for e in events: owner = getowner(arv, e["object_owner_uuid"], owners) users.setdefault(owner, []) event_at = ciso8601.parse_datetime(e["event_at"]).astimezone().isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="minutes") loguuid = e["uuid"] if e["event_type"] == "create" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "tpzed": users.setdefault(e["object_uuid"], []) users[e["object_uuid"]].append([loguuid, event_at, "User account created"]) elif e["event_type"] == "update" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "tpzed": pass elif e["event_type"] == "create" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "xvhdp": if e["properties"]["new_attributes"]["requesting_container_uuid"] is None: users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at, "Ran container %s" % (getname(e["properties"]["new_attributes"]))]) elif e["event_type"] == "update" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "xvhdp": pass elif e["event_type"] == "create" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "j7d0g": users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"Created project %s" % (getname(e["properties"]["new_attributes"]))]) elif e["event_type"] == "delete" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "j7d0g": users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"Deleted project %s" % (getname(e["properties"]["old_attributes"]))]) elif e["event_type"] == "update" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "j7d0g": users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"Updated project %s" % (getname(e["properties"]["new_attributes"]))]) elif e["event_type"] in ("create", "update") and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "gj3su": # Don't log token activity, it is too noisy (bug #19179) pass # We want to report when a user goes through the login # process, but controller doesn't do that yet, so revisit # this when #19388 is done. elif e["event_type"] == "create" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "o0j2j": if e["properties"]["new_attributes"]["link_class"] == "tag": users[owner].append([event_at,"Tagged %s" % (e["properties"]["new_attributes"]["head_uuid"])]) elif e["properties"]["new_attributes"]["link_class"] == "permission": users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"Shared %s with %s" % (e["properties"]["new_attributes"]["tail_uuid"], e["properties"]["new_attributes"]["head_uuid"])]) else: users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"%s %s %s" % (e["event_type"], e["object_kind"], e["object_uuid"])]) elif e["event_type"] == "delete" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "o0j2j": if e["properties"]["old_attributes"]["link_class"] == "tag": users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"Untagged %s" % (e["properties"]["old_attributes"]["head_uuid"])]) elif e["properties"]["old_attributes"]["link_class"] == "permission": users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"Unshared %s with %s" % (e["properties"]["old_attributes"]["tail_uuid"], e["properties"]["old_attributes"]["head_uuid"])]) else: users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"%s %s %s" % (e["event_type"], e["object_kind"], e["object_uuid"])]) elif e["event_type"] == "create" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "4zz18": if e["properties"]["new_attributes"]["properties"].get("type") in ("log", "output", "intermediate"): pass else: users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"Created collection %s" % (getname(e["properties"]["new_attributes"]))]) elif e["event_type"] == "update" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "4zz18": users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at,"Updated collection %s" % (getname(e["properties"]["new_attributes"]))]) elif e["event_type"] == "delete" and e["object_uuid"][6:11] == "4zz18": if e["properties"]["old_attributes"]["properties"].get("type") in ("log", "output", "intermediate"): pass else: users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at, "Deleted collection %s" % (getname(e["properties"]["old_attributes"]))]) elif e["event_type"] == "file_download": users.setdefault(e["object_uuid"], []) users[e["object_uuid"]].append([loguuid, event_at, "Downloaded file \"%s\" from \"%s\" (%s) (%s)" % ( e["properties"].get("collection_file_path") or e["properties"].get("reqPath"), getCollectionName(arv, e["properties"].get("collection_uuid"), e["properties"].get("portable_data_hash")), e["properties"].get("collection_uuid"), e["properties"].get("portable_data_hash"))]) elif e["event_type"] == "file_upload": users.setdefault(e["object_uuid"], []) users[e["object_uuid"]].append([loguuid, event_at, "Uploaded file \"%s\" to \"%s\" (%s)" % ( e["properties"].get("collection_file_path") or e["properties"].get("reqPath"), getCollectionName(arv, e["properties"].get("collection_uuid"), e["properties"].get("portable_data_hash")), e["properties"].get("collection_uuid"))]) else: users[owner].append([loguuid, event_at, "%s %s %s" % (e["event_type"], e["object_kind"], e["object_uuid"])]) if args.csv: csvwriter = csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect='unix') for k,v in users.items(): # Skip system user if k is None or k.endswith("-tpzed-000000000000000"): continue # Skip users with no activity to report if not v: continue if not args.csv: print(getuserinfo(arv, k)) for ev in v: # Remove the log entry uuid, this report is intended for human consumption ev.pop(0) print(" %s" % ' '.join(ev)) print("") else: user = getuserinfocsv(arv, k) for ev in v: ev = user + ev csvwriter.writerow(ev) if __name__ == "__main__": main()