import arvados import arvados.safeapi import arvados_fuse as fuse import llfuse import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import threading import time import unittest import logging import multiprocessing import run_test_server logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.arv-mount') class MountTestBase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # The underlying C implementation of open() makes a fstat() syscall # with the GIL still held. When the GETATTR message comes back to # llfuse (which in these tests is in the same interpreter process) it # can't acquire the GIL, so it can't service the fstat() call, so it # deadlocks. The workaround is to run some of our test code in a # separate process. Forturnately the multiprocessing module makes this # relatively easy. self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(1) self.keeptmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ['KEEP_LOCAL_STORE'] = self.keeptmp self.mounttmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() run_test_server.authorize_with("admin") self.api = arvados.safeapi.ThreadSafeApiCache(arvados.config.settings()) def make_mount(self, root_class, **root_kwargs): self.operations = fuse.Operations(os.getuid(), os.getgid(), enable_write=True) self.operations.inodes.add_entry(root_class( llfuse.ROOT_INODE, self.operations.inodes, self.api, 0, **root_kwargs)) llfuse.init(self.operations, self.mounttmp, []) threading.Thread(None, llfuse.main).start() # wait until the driver is finished initializing self.operations.initlock.wait() return self.operations.inodes[llfuse.ROOT_INODE] def tearDown(self): self.pool.terminate() self.pool.join() del self.pool # llfuse.close is buggy, so use fusermount instead. #llfuse.close(unmount=True) count = 0 success = 1 while (count < 9 and success != 0): success =["fusermount", "-u", self.mounttmp]) time.sleep(0.1) count += 1 self.operations.destroy() os.rmdir(self.mounttmp) shutil.rmtree(self.keeptmp) run_test_server.reset() def assertDirContents(self, subdir, expect_content): path = self.mounttmp if subdir: path = os.path.join(path, subdir) self.assertEqual(sorted(expect_content), sorted(llfuse.listdir(path)))