// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { unionize, ofType, UnionOf } from "common/unionize"; import { TreeNode, initTreeNode, getNodeDescendants, TreeNodeStatus, getNode, TreePickerId, Tree } from 'models/tree'; import { createCollectionFilesTree } from "models/collection-file"; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { RootState } from 'store/store'; import { getUserUuid } from "common/getuser"; import { ServiceRepository } from 'services/services'; import { FilterBuilder } from 'services/api/filter-builder'; import { pipe, values } from 'lodash/fp'; import { ResourceKind } from 'models/resource'; import { GroupContentsResource } from 'services/groups-service/groups-service'; import { getTreePicker, TreePicker } from './tree-picker'; import { ProjectsTreePickerItem } from './tree-picker-middleware'; import { OrderBuilder } from 'services/api/order-builder'; import { ProjectResource } from 'models/project'; import { mapTree } from '../../models/tree'; import { LinkResource, LinkClass } from "models/link"; import { mapTreeValues } from "models/tree"; import { sortFilesTree } from "services/collection-service/collection-service-files-response"; import { GroupClass, GroupResource } from "models/group"; export const treePickerActions = unionize({ LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string }>(), LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS: ofType<{ id: string, nodes: Array>, pickerId: string }>(), APPEND_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUBTREE: ofType<{ id: string, subtree: Tree, pickerId: string }>(), TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_COLLAPSE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string }>(), EXPAND_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string }>(), ACTIVATE_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string, relatedTreePickers?: string[] }>(), DEACTIVATE_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ pickerId: string }>(), TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SELECTION: ofType<{ id: string, pickerId: string }>(), SELECT_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string | string[], pickerId: string }>(), DESELECT_TREE_PICKER_NODE: ofType<{ id: string | string[], pickerId: string }>(), EXPAND_TREE_PICKER_NODES: ofType<{ ids: string[], pickerId: string }>(), RESET_TREE_PICKER: ofType<{ pickerId: string }>() }); export type TreePickerAction = UnionOf; export interface LoadProjectParams { includeCollections?: boolean; includeFiles?: boolean; includeFilterGroups?: boolean; loadShared?: boolean; options?: { showOnlyOwned: boolean; showOnlyWritable: boolean; }; } export const treePickerSearchActions = unionize({ SET_TREE_PICKER_PROJECT_SEARCH: ofType<{ pickerId: string, projectSearchValue: string }>(), SET_TREE_PICKER_COLLECTION_FILTER: ofType<{ pickerId: string, collectionFilterValue: string }>(), SET_TREE_PICKER_LOAD_PARAMS: ofType<{ pickerId: string, params: LoadProjectParams }>(), }); export type TreePickerSearchAction = UnionOf; export const getProjectsTreePickerIds = (pickerId: string) => ({ home: `${pickerId}_home`, shared: `${pickerId}_shared`, favorites: `${pickerId}_favorites`, publicFavorites: `${pickerId}_publicFavorites` }); export const getAllNodes = (pickerId: string, filter = (node: TreeNode) => true) => (state: TreePicker) => pipe( () => values(getProjectsTreePickerIds(pickerId)), ids => ids .map(id => getTreePicker(id)(state)), trees => trees .map(getNodeDescendants('')) .reduce((allNodes, nodes) => allNodes.concat(nodes), []), allNodes => allNodes .reduce((map, node) => filter(node) ? map.set(node.id, node) : map, new Map>()) .values(), uniqueNodes => Array.from(uniqueNodes), )(); export const getSelectedNodes = (pickerId: string) => (state: TreePicker) => getAllNodes(pickerId, node => node.selected)(state); export const initProjectsTreePicker = (pickerId: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, _: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const { home, shared, favorites, publicFavorites } = getProjectsTreePickerIds(pickerId); dispatch(initUserProject(home)); dispatch(initSharedProject(shared)); dispatch(initFavoritesProject(favorites)); dispatch(initPublicFavoritesProject(publicFavorites)); }; interface ReceiveTreePickerDataParams { data: T[]; extractNodeData: (value: T) => { id: string, value: T, status?: TreeNodeStatus }; id: string; pickerId: string; } export const receiveTreePickerData = (params: ReceiveTreePickerDataParams) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => { const { data, extractNodeData, id, pickerId, } = params; dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS({ id, nodes: data.map(item => initTreeNode(extractNodeData(item))), pickerId, })); dispatch(treePickerActions.EXPAND_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId })); }; interface LoadProjectParamsWithId extends LoadProjectParams { id: string; pickerId: string; includeCollections?: boolean; includeFiles?: boolean; includeFilterGroups?: boolean; loadShared?: boolean; options?: { showOnlyOwned: boolean; showOnlyWritable: boolean; }; } export const loadProject = (params: LoadProjectParamsWithId) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const { id, pickerId, includeCollections = false, includeFiles = false, includeFilterGroups = false, loadShared = false, options } = params; dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId })); let filterB = pipe( (fb: FilterBuilder) => includeCollections ? fb.addIsA('uuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT, ResourceKind.COLLECTION]) : fb.addIsA('uuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT]), fb => fb.addNotIn("collections.properties.type", ["intermediate", "log"]), )(new FilterBuilder()); const state = getState(); if (state.treePickerSearch.collectionFilterValues[pickerId]) { filterB = filterB.addILike('collections.name', state.treePickerSearch.collectionFilterValues[pickerId]); } const filters = filterB.getFilters(); const { items, itemsAvailable } = await services.groupsService.contents(loadShared ? '' : id, { filters, excludeHomeProject: loadShared || undefined, limit: 1000 }); if (itemsAvailable > 1000) { items.push({ uuid: "more-items-available", kind: ResourceKind.WORKFLOW, name: "*** Not all items were loaded (limit 1000 items) ***", description: "", definition: "", ownerUuid: "", createdAt: "", modifiedByClientUuid: "", modifiedByUserUuid: "", modifiedAt: "", href: "", etag: "" }); } dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({ id, pickerId, data: items.filter((item) => { if (!includeFilterGroups && (item as GroupResource).groupClass && (item as GroupResource).groupClass === GroupClass.FILTER) { return false; } if (options && options.showOnlyWritable && item.hasOwnProperty('frozenByUuid') && (item as ProjectResource).frozenByUuid) { return false; } return true; }), extractNodeData: item => ( item.uuid === "more-items-available" ? { id: item.uuid, value: item, status: TreeNodeStatus.LOADED } : { id: item.uuid, value: item, status: item.kind === ResourceKind.PROJECT ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL : includeFiles ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL : TreeNodeStatus.LOADED }), })); }; export const loadCollection = (id: string, pickerId: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId })); const picker = getTreePicker(pickerId)(getState().treePicker); if (picker) { const node = getNode(id)(picker); if (node && 'kind' in node.value && node.value.kind === ResourceKind.COLLECTION) { const files = await services.collectionService.files(node.value.portableDataHash); const tree = createCollectionFilesTree(files); const sorted = sortFilesTree(tree); const filesTree = mapTreeValues(services.collectionService.extendFileURL)(sorted); dispatch( treePickerActions.APPEND_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUBTREE({ id, pickerId, subtree: mapTree(node => ({ ...node, status: TreeNodeStatus.LOADED }))(filesTree) })); dispatch(treePickerActions.TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_COLLAPSE({ id, pickerId })); } } }; export const initUserProject = (pickerId: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const uuid = getUserUuid(getState()); if (uuid) { dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({ id: '', pickerId, data: [{ uuid, name: 'Projects' }], extractNodeData: value => ({ id: value.uuid, status: TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL, value, }), })); } }; export const loadUserProject = (pickerId: string, includeCollections = false, includeFiles = false, options?: { showOnlyOwned: boolean, showOnlyWritable: boolean }) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const uuid = getUserUuid(getState()); if (uuid) { dispatch(loadProject({ id: uuid, pickerId, includeCollections, includeFiles, options })); } }; export const SHARED_PROJECT_ID = 'Shared with me'; export const initSharedProject = (pickerId: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({ id: '', pickerId, data: [{ uuid: SHARED_PROJECT_ID, name: SHARED_PROJECT_ID }], extractNodeData: value => ({ id: value.uuid, status: TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL, value, }), })); }; export const FAVORITES_PROJECT_ID = 'Favorites'; export const initFavoritesProject = (pickerId: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({ id: '', pickerId, data: [{ uuid: FAVORITES_PROJECT_ID, name: FAVORITES_PROJECT_ID }], extractNodeData: value => ({ id: value.uuid, status: TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL, value, }), })); }; export const PUBLIC_FAVORITES_PROJECT_ID = 'Public Favorites'; export const initPublicFavoritesProject = (pickerId: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({ id: '', pickerId, data: [{ uuid: PUBLIC_FAVORITES_PROJECT_ID, name: PUBLIC_FAVORITES_PROJECT_ID }], extractNodeData: value => ({ id: value.uuid, status: TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL, value, }), })); }; interface LoadFavoritesProjectParams { pickerId: string; includeCollections?: boolean; includeFiles?: boolean; options?: { showOnlyOwned: boolean, showOnlyWritable: boolean }; } export const loadFavoritesProject = (params: LoadFavoritesProjectParams, options: { showOnlyOwned: boolean, showOnlyWritable: boolean } = { showOnlyOwned: true, showOnlyWritable: false }) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const { pickerId, includeCollections = false, includeFiles = false } = params; const uuid = getUserUuid(getState()); if (uuid) { const filters = pipe( (fb: FilterBuilder) => includeCollections ? fb.addIsA('head_uuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT, ResourceKind.COLLECTION]) : fb.addIsA('head_uuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT]), fb => fb.getFilters(), )(new FilterBuilder()); const { items } = await services.favoriteService.list(uuid, { filters }, options.showOnlyOwned); dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({ id: 'Favorites', pickerId, data: items.filter((item) => { if (options.showOnlyWritable && (item as GroupResource).writableBy && (item as GroupResource).writableBy.indexOf(uuid) === -1) { return false; } if (options.showOnlyWritable && item.hasOwnProperty('frozenByUuid') && (item as ProjectResource).frozenByUuid) { return false; } return true; }), extractNodeData: item => ({ id: item.uuid, value: item, status: item.kind === ResourceKind.PROJECT ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL : includeFiles ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL : TreeNodeStatus.LOADED }), })); } }; export const loadPublicFavoritesProject = (params: LoadFavoritesProjectParams) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const { pickerId, includeCollections = false, includeFiles = false } = params; const uuidPrefix = getState().auth.config.uuidPrefix; const publicProjectUuid = `${uuidPrefix}-j7d0g-publicfavorites`; const filters = pipe( (fb: FilterBuilder) => includeCollections ? fb.addIsA('head_uuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT, ResourceKind.COLLECTION]) : fb.addIsA('head_uuid', [ResourceKind.PROJECT]), fb => fb .addEqual('link_class', LinkClass.STAR) .addEqual('owner_uuid', publicProjectUuid) .getFilters(), )(new FilterBuilder()); const { items } = await services.linkService.list({ filters }); dispatch(receiveTreePickerData({ id: 'Public Favorites', pickerId, data: items.filter(item => { if (params.options && params.options.showOnlyWritable && item.hasOwnProperty('frozenByUuid') && (item as any).frozenByUuid) { return false; } return true; }), extractNodeData: item => ({ id: item.headUuid, value: item, status: item.headKind === ResourceKind.PROJECT ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL : includeFiles ? TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL : TreeNodeStatus.LOADED }), })); }; export const receiveTreePickerProjectsData = (id: string, projects: ProjectResource[], pickerId: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS({ id, nodes: projects.map(project => initTreeNode({ id: project.uuid, value: project })), pickerId, })); dispatch(treePickerActions.TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_COLLAPSE({ id, pickerId })); }; export const loadProjectTreePickerProjects = (id: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId: TreePickerId.PROJECTS })); const ownerUuid = id.length === 0 ? getUserUuid(getState()) || '' : id; const { items } = await services.projectService.list(buildParams(ownerUuid)); dispatch(receiveTreePickerProjectsData(id, items, TreePickerId.PROJECTS)); }; export const loadFavoriteTreePickerProjects = (id: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const parentId = getUserUuid(getState()) || ''; if (id === '') { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id: parentId, pickerId: TreePickerId.FAVORITES })); const { items } = await services.favoriteService.list(parentId); dispatch(receiveTreePickerProjectsData(parentId, items as ProjectResource[], TreePickerId.FAVORITES)); } else { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId: TreePickerId.FAVORITES })); const { items } = await services.projectService.list(buildParams(id)); dispatch(receiveTreePickerProjectsData(id, items, TreePickerId.FAVORITES)); } }; export const loadPublicFavoriteTreePickerProjects = (id: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const parentId = getUserUuid(getState()) || ''; if (id === '') { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id: parentId, pickerId: TreePickerId.PUBLIC_FAVORITES })); const { items } = await services.favoriteService.list(parentId); dispatch(receiveTreePickerProjectsData(parentId, items as ProjectResource[], TreePickerId.PUBLIC_FAVORITES)); } else { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId: TreePickerId.PUBLIC_FAVORITES })); const { items } = await services.projectService.list(buildParams(id)); dispatch(receiveTreePickerProjectsData(id, items, TreePickerId.PUBLIC_FAVORITES)); } }; const buildParams = (ownerUuid: string) => { return { filters: new FilterBuilder() .addEqual('owner_uuid', ownerUuid) .getFilters(), order: new OrderBuilder() .addAsc('name') .getOrder() }; };