<% if @object.state.in? ['Complete', 'Failed', 'Cancelled', 'Paused'] %> <%= link_to(copy_pipeline_instance_path('id' => @object.uuid, 'script' => "use_latest", "components" => "use_latest", "pipeline_instance[state]" => "RunningOnServer"), class: 'btn btn-primary', title: 'Re-run with latest options', #data: {toggle: :tooltip, placement: :top}, title: 'Re-run', method: :post, ) do %> Re-run with latest <% end %> <%= link_to raw(' Re-run options...'), "#", {class: 'btn btn-primary', 'data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => '#clone-and-edit-modal-window', title: 'Re-run with options'} %> <% end %> <% if @object.state.in? ['New', 'Ready'] %> <%= link_to(url_for('pipeline_instance[state]' => 'RunningOnServer'), class: 'btn btn-primary run-pipeline-button', title: 'Run this pipeline', method: :patch ) do %> Run <% end %> <% else %> <% if @object.state.in? ['RunningOnClient', 'RunningOnServer'] %> <%= link_to(url_for('pipeline_instance[state]' => 'Paused'), class: 'btn btn-primary run-pipeline-button', title: 'Pause this pipeline', method: :patch ) do %> Pause <% end %> <% elsif @object.state == 'Paused' %> <%= link_to(url_for('pipeline_instance[state]' => 'RunningOnServer'), class: 'btn btn-primary run-pipeline-button', title: 'Resume this pipeline', method: :patch ) do %> Resume <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>