--- layout: default navsection: userguide title: "Trashing and untrashing data" ... {% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} Collections have a sophisticated data lifecycle, which is documented in the architecture guide at "Collection lifecycle":{{ site.baseurl }}/architecture/keep-data-lifecycle.html#collection_lifecycle. Arvados supports trashing (deletion) of collections. For a period of time after a collection is trashed, it can be "untrashed". After that period, the collection is permanently deleted, though there may still be ways to recover the data, see "Recovering data":{{ site.baseurl }}/admin/keep-recovering-data.html in the admin guide for more details. # "*Trashing (deleting) collections*":#delete-collection # "*Recovering trashed collections*":#trash-recovery {% include 'tutorial_expectations' %} h2(#delete-collection). Trashing (deleting) collections A collection can be trashed using workbench or the arv command line tool. h3. Trashing a collection using workbench To trash a collection using workbench, go to the Data collections tab in the project, and use the trash icon for this collection row. h3. Trashing a collection using arv command line tool
arv collection delete --uuid=zzzzz-4zz18-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
h2(#trash-recovery). Recovering trashed collections A collection can be untrashed / recovered using workbench or the arv command line tool. h3. Untrashing a collection using workbench To untrash a collection using Workbench, go to the *Trash* page from the right-side panel, locate the trashed collection, and click on the "clock" or _Restore_ button at the end of the row. The *Restore* button is also available from the right-click context menu. !{width: 80%}{{ site.baseurl }}/images/trash-buttons.png! h3. Untrashing a collection using arv command line tool You can list the trashed collections using the list command.
arv collection list --include-trash=true --filters '[["is_trashed", "=", "true"]]'
You can then untrash a particular collection using arv using it's uuid.
arv collection untrash --uuid=zzzzz-4zz18-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The architecture section has a more detailed description of the "data lifecycle":{{ site.baseurl }}/architecture/keep-data-lifecycle.html in Keep.