// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 package ws import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "strconv" "sync" "time" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/stats" "github.com/lib/pq" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) var ( listenerPingInterval = time.Minute testSlowPing = false ) type pgEventSource struct { DataSource string MaxOpenConns int QueueSize int Logger logrus.FieldLogger Reg *prometheus.Registry db *sql.DB pqListener *pq.Listener queue chan *event sinks map[*pgEventSink]bool mtx sync.Mutex lastQDelay time.Duration eventsIn prometheus.Counter eventsOut prometheus.Counter cancel func() setupOnce sync.Once ready chan bool } func (ps *pgEventSource) listenerProblem(et pq.ListenerEventType, err error) { if et == pq.ListenerEventConnected { ps.Logger.Debug("pgEventSource connected") return } // Until we have a mechanism for catching up on missed events, // we cannot recover from a dropped connection without // breaking our promises to clients. ps.Logger. WithField("eventType", et). WithError(err). Error("listener problem") ps.cancel() } func (ps *pgEventSource) setup() { ps.ready = make(chan bool) ps.Reg.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "queue_len", Help: "Current number of events in queue", }, func() float64 { return float64(len(ps.queue)) })) ps.Reg.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "queue_cap", Help: "Event queue capacity", }, func() float64 { return float64(cap(ps.queue)) })) ps.Reg.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "queue_delay", Help: "Queue delay of the last emitted event", }, func() float64 { return ps.lastQDelay.Seconds() })) ps.Reg.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "sinks", Help: "Number of active sinks (connections)", }, func() float64 { return float64(len(ps.sinks)) })) ps.Reg.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "sinks_blocked", Help: "Number of sinks (connections) that are busy and blocking the main event stream", }, func() float64 { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() blocked := 0 for sink := range ps.sinks { blocked += len(sink.channel) } return float64(blocked) })) ps.eventsIn = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "events_in", Help: "Number of events received from postgresql notify channel", }) ps.Reg.MustRegister(ps.eventsIn) ps.eventsOut = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "events_out", Help: "Number of events sent to client sessions (before filtering)", }) ps.Reg.MustRegister(ps.eventsOut) maxConnections := prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "db_max_connections", Help: "Maximum number of open connections to the database", }) ps.Reg.MustRegister(maxConnections) openConnections := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "arvados", Subsystem: "ws", Name: "db_open_connections", Help: "Open connections to the database", }, []string{"inuse"}) ps.Reg.MustRegister(openConnections) updateDBStats := func() { stats := ps.db.Stats() maxConnections.Set(float64(stats.MaxOpenConnections)) openConnections.WithLabelValues("0").Set(float64(stats.Idle)) openConnections.WithLabelValues("1").Set(float64(stats.InUse)) } go func() { <-ps.ready if ps.db == nil { return } updateDBStats() for range time.Tick(time.Second) { updateDBStats() } }() } // Close stops listening for new events and disconnects all clients. func (ps *pgEventSource) Close() { ps.WaitReady() ps.cancel() } // WaitReady returns when the event listener is connected. func (ps *pgEventSource) WaitReady() { ps.setupOnce.Do(ps.setup) <-ps.ready } // Run listens for event notifications on the "logs" channel and sends // them to all subscribers. func (ps *pgEventSource) Run() { ps.Logger.Debug("pgEventSource Run starting") defer ps.Logger.Debug("pgEventSource Run finished") ps.setupOnce.Do(ps.setup) ready := ps.ready defer func() { if ready != nil { close(ready) } }() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) ps.cancel = cancel defer cancel() defer func() { // Disconnect all clients ps.mtx.Lock() for sink := range ps.sinks { close(sink.channel) } ps.sinks = nil ps.mtx.Unlock() }() db, err := sql.Open("postgres", ps.DataSource) if err != nil { ps.Logger.WithError(err).Error("sql.Open failed") return } if ps.MaxOpenConns <= 0 { ps.Logger.Warn("no database connection limit configured -- consider setting PostgreSQL.ConnectionPool>0 in arvados-ws configuration file") } db.SetMaxOpenConns(ps.MaxOpenConns) if err = db.Ping(); err != nil { ps.Logger.WithError(err).Error("db.Ping failed") return } ps.db = db ps.pqListener = pq.NewListener(ps.DataSource, time.Second, time.Minute, ps.listenerProblem) err = ps.pqListener.Listen("logs") if err != nil { ps.Logger.WithError(err).Error("pq Listen failed") return } defer ps.pqListener.Close() ps.Logger.Debug("pq Listen setup done") close(ready) // Avoid double-close in deferred func ready = nil ps.queue = make(chan *event, ps.QueueSize) defer close(ps.queue) go func() { for e := range ps.queue { // Wait for the "select ... from logs" call to // finish. This limits max concurrent queries // to ps.QueueSize. Without this, max // concurrent queries would be bounded by // client_count X client_queue_size. e.Detail() ps.Logger. WithField("serial", e.Serial). WithField("detail", e.Detail()). Debug("event ready") e.Ready = time.Now() ps.lastQDelay = e.Ready.Sub(e.Received) ps.mtx.Lock() for sink := range ps.sinks { sink.channel <- e ps.eventsOut.Inc() } ps.mtx.Unlock() } }() var serial uint64 ticker := time.NewTicker(listenerPingInterval) defer ticker.Stop() for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): ps.Logger.Debug("ctx done") return case <-ticker.C: ps.Logger.Debug("listener ping") if testSlowPing { time.Sleep(time.Second / 2) } err := ps.pqListener.Ping() if err != nil { ps.listenerProblem(-1, fmt.Errorf("pqListener ping failed: %s", err)) continue } case pqEvent, ok := <-ps.pqListener.Notify: if !ok { ps.Logger.Error("pqListener Notify chan closed") return } if pqEvent == nil { // pq should call listenerProblem // itself in addition to sending us a // nil event, so this might be // superfluous: ps.listenerProblem(-1, errors.New("pqListener Notify chan received nil event")) continue } if pqEvent.Channel != "logs" { ps.Logger.WithField("pqEvent", pqEvent).Error("unexpected notify from wrong channel") continue } logID, err := strconv.ParseInt(pqEvent.Extra, 10, 64) if err != nil { ps.Logger.WithField("pqEvent", pqEvent).Error("bad notify payload") continue } serial++ e := &event{ LogID: logID, Received: time.Now(), Serial: serial, db: ps.db, logger: ps.Logger, } ps.Logger.WithField("event", e).Debug("incoming") ps.eventsIn.Inc() ps.queue <- e go e.Detail() } } } // NewSink subscribes to the event source. NewSink returns an // eventSink, whose Channel() method returns a channel: a pointer to // each subsequent event will be sent to that channel. // // The caller must ensure events are received from the sink channel as // quickly as possible because when one sink stops being ready, all // other sinks block. func (ps *pgEventSource) NewSink() eventSink { sink := &pgEventSink{ channel: make(chan *event, 1), source: ps, } ps.mtx.Lock() if ps.sinks == nil { ps.sinks = make(map[*pgEventSink]bool) } ps.sinks[sink] = true ps.mtx.Unlock() return sink } func (ps *pgEventSource) DB() *sql.DB { ps.WaitReady() return ps.db } func (ps *pgEventSource) DBHealth() error { if ps.db == nil { return errors.New("database not connected") } ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) defer cancel() var i int return ps.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT 1").Scan(&i) } func (ps *pgEventSource) DebugStatus() interface{} { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() blocked := 0 for sink := range ps.sinks { blocked += len(sink.channel) } return map[string]interface{}{ "Queue": len(ps.queue), "QueueLimit": cap(ps.queue), "QueueDelay": stats.Duration(ps.lastQDelay), "Sinks": len(ps.sinks), "SinksBlocked": blocked, "DBStats": ps.db.Stats(), } } type pgEventSink struct { channel chan *event source *pgEventSource } func (sink *pgEventSink) Channel() <-chan *event { return sink.channel } // Stop sending events to the sink's channel. func (sink *pgEventSink) Stop() { go func() { // Ensure this sink cannot fill up and block the // server-side queue (which otherwise could in turn // block our mtx.Lock() here) for range sink.channel { } }() sink.source.mtx.Lock() if _, ok := sink.source.sinks[sink]; ok { delete(sink.source.sinks, sink) close(sink.channel) } sink.source.mtx.Unlock() }