% content_for :tutorials do %>
<% @tutorial_links.each do |tut| %>
<%= tut.properties[:page_title] %>
<% if @tutorial_complete[tut.properties[:page_title]] %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<%= render_content_from_database tut.properties[:page_subtitle] %>
<%= link_to raw('Tutorial: ' + tut.properties[:page_title] + ' ➜'), link_path(tut.uuid), class: "pull-right btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
<% if not @tutorial_links.any? %>
Your first job
<% if @my_last_job %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
Run your first Crunch job.
<%= link_to raw('Tutorial: Your first job ➜'), 'http://doc.arvados.org/user/tutorial-job1.html', class: "pull-right btn btn-primary" %>
Search PGP data by trait
Find PGP participants who reported a medical condition, and find WGS data for them.
<%= link_to raw('Tutorial: Search PGP data ➜'), 'http://doc.arvados.org/user/tutorial-trait-search.html', class: "pull-right btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :references do %>
API Reference
API calls for running jobs, building pipelines, and developing apps.
<%= link_to raw('API Reference ➜'), 'http://doc.arvados.org/api/', class: "pull-right btn" %>
User Guide
Getting acquainted with the Arvados platform.
<%= link_to raw('User Guide ➜'), 'http://doc.arvados.org/user/', class: "pull-right btn" %>
Project home page: developer docs, source code, background.
<%= link_to raw('arvados.org ➜'), 'https://arvados.org/', class: "pull-right btn" %>
<% end %>
<% if current_user.andand.is_active %>
<% content_for :manage_access do %>
SSH keys
<%= @my_ssh_keys.count %>
You’ll use public key authentication for logging in to
VMs and using hosted git repositories.
<%= link_to raw('Add/edit keys ➜'), authorized_keys_path, class: "pull-right btn #{'btn-primary' if @my_ssh_keys.empty?}" %>
Virtual machines
<%= @my_vm_perms.collect(&:head_uuid).uniq.count %>
Arvados includes virtual machines with SDKs installed and ready to use.
<% if @my_vm_perms.any? %>
<%= link_to raw('Show VMs ➜'), virtual_machines_path, class: "pull-right btn" %>
<% elsif @my_ssh_keys.any? %>
<%= link_to raw('Request a VM ➜'), virtual_machines_path, class: "pull-right btn btn-primary" %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to raw('Request a VM ➜'), virtual_machines_path, { :class => "pull-right btn disabled", :"data-toggle" => "tooltip", :"data-placement" => "bottom", :title => "Add an SSH public key first!" } %>
<% end %>
Git repositories
<%= @my_repo_perms.collect(&:head_uuid).uniq.count %>
In order to run jobs using your own code, you need to push your code to a git repository. We provide hosted git repositories to make this easy.
<% if @my_repo_perms.any? %>
<%= link_to raw('Show repositories ➜'), repositories_path, class: "pull-right btn" %>
<% elsif @my_ssh_keys.any? %>
<%= link_to raw('Request a repository ➜'), repositories_path, class: "pull-right btn btn-primary" %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to raw('Request a repository ➜'), repositories_path, { :class => "pull-right btn disabled", :"data-toggle" => "tooltip", :"data-placement" => "bottom", :title => "Add an SSH public key first!" } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if content_for? :manage_access %>
<%= yield :manage_access %>
<% else %>
<%= render partial: 'request_activation' %>
<% end %>
<% if content_for? :tutorials %>
<%= yield :tutorials %>
<% end %>
<%= yield :references %>