# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 from past.builtins import basestring from builtins import object from future.utils import viewitems import logging import re import copy import json import time from cwltool.process import shortname, UnsupportedRequirement from cwltool.errors import WorkflowException from cwltool.command_line_tool import revmap_file, CommandLineTool from cwltool.load_tool import fetch_document from cwltool.builder import Builder from cwltool.pathmapper import adjustFileObjs, adjustDirObjs, visit_class from cwltool.job import JobBase from schema_salad.sourceline import SourceLine import arvados_cwl.util import ruamel.yaml as yaml import arvados.collection from arvados.errors import ApiError from .arvdocker import arv_docker_get_image from .runner import Runner, arvados_jobs_image, packed_workflow, upload_workflow_collection, trim_anonymous_location, remove_redundant_fields from .pathmapper import VwdPathMapper, trim_listing from .perf import Perf from . import done from ._version import __version__ from .util import get_intermediate_collection_info logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner') metrics = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner.metrics') crunchrunner_re = re.compile(r"^.*crunchrunner: \$\(task\.(tmpdir|outdir|keep)\)=(.*)$") crunchrunner_git_commit = 'a3f2cb186e437bfce0031b024b2157b73ed2717d' class ArvadosJob(JobBase): """Submit and manage a Crunch job for executing a CWL CommandLineTool.""" def __init__(self, runner, builder, # type: Builder joborder, # type: Dict[Text, Union[Dict[Text, Any], List, Text]] make_path_mapper, # type: Callable[..., PathMapper] requirements, # type: List[Dict[Text, Text]] hints, # type: List[Dict[Text, Text]] name # type: Text ): super(ArvadosJob, self).__init__(builder, joborder, make_path_mapper, requirements, hints, name) self.arvrunner = runner self.running = False self.uuid = None def run(self, runtimeContext): script_parameters = { "command": self.command_line } runtime_constraints = {} with Perf(metrics, "generatefiles %s" % self.name): if self.generatefiles["listing"]: vwd = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=self.arvrunner.api, keep_client=self.arvrunner.keep_client, num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) script_parameters["task.vwd"] = {} generatemapper = VwdPathMapper(self.generatefiles["listing"], "", "", separateDirs=False) with Perf(metrics, "createfiles %s" % self.name): for f, p in generatemapper.items(): if p.type == "CreateFile": with vwd.open(p.target, "w") as n: n.write(p.resolved.encode("utf-8")) if vwd: with Perf(metrics, "generatefiles.save_new %s" % self.name): info = get_intermediate_collection_info(self.name, None, runtimeContext.intermediate_output_ttl) vwd.save_new(name=info["name"], owner_uuid=self.arvrunner.project_uuid, ensure_unique_name=True, trash_at=info["trash_at"], properties=info["properties"]) for f, p in generatemapper.items(): if p.type == "File": script_parameters["task.vwd"][p.target] = p.resolved if p.type == "CreateFile": script_parameters["task.vwd"][p.target] = "$(task.keep)/%s/%s" % (vwd.portable_data_hash(), p.target) script_parameters["task.env"] = {"TMPDIR": self.tmpdir, "HOME": self.outdir} if self.environment: script_parameters["task.env"].update(self.environment) if self.stdin: script_parameters["task.stdin"] = self.stdin if self.stdout: script_parameters["task.stdout"] = self.stdout if self.stderr: script_parameters["task.stderr"] = self.stderr if self.successCodes: script_parameters["task.successCodes"] = self.successCodes if self.temporaryFailCodes: script_parameters["task.temporaryFailCodes"] = self.temporaryFailCodes if self.permanentFailCodes: script_parameters["task.permanentFailCodes"] = self.permanentFailCodes with Perf(metrics, "arv_docker_get_image %s" % self.name): (docker_req, docker_is_req) = self.get_requirement("DockerRequirement") if docker_req and runtimeContext.use_container is not False: if docker_req.get("dockerOutputDirectory"): raise SourceLine(docker_req, "dockerOutputDirectory", UnsupportedRequirement).makeError( "Option 'dockerOutputDirectory' of DockerRequirement not supported.") runtime_constraints["docker_image"] = arv_docker_get_image(self.arvrunner.api, docker_req, runtimeContext.pull_image, self.arvrunner.project_uuid) else: runtime_constraints["docker_image"] = "arvados/jobs" resources = self.builder.resources if resources is not None: runtime_constraints["min_cores_per_node"] = resources.get("cores", 1) runtime_constraints["min_ram_mb_per_node"] = resources.get("ram") runtime_constraints["min_scratch_mb_per_node"] = resources.get("tmpdirSize", 0) + resources.get("outdirSize", 0) runtime_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#RuntimeConstraints") if runtime_req: if "keep_cache" in runtime_req: runtime_constraints["keep_cache_mb_per_task"] = runtime_req["keep_cache"] runtime_constraints["min_ram_mb_per_node"] += runtime_req["keep_cache"] if "outputDirType" in runtime_req: if runtime_req["outputDirType"] == "local_output_dir": script_parameters["task.keepTmpOutput"] = False elif runtime_req["outputDirType"] == "keep_output_dir": script_parameters["task.keepTmpOutput"] = True filters = [["repository", "=", "arvados"], ["script", "=", "crunchrunner"], ["script_version", "in git", crunchrunner_git_commit]] if not self.arvrunner.ignore_docker_for_reuse: filters.append(["docker_image_locator", "in docker", runtime_constraints["docker_image"]]) enable_reuse = runtimeContext.enable_reuse if enable_reuse: reuse_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#ReuseRequirement") if reuse_req: enable_reuse = reuse_req["enableReuse"] self.output_callback = self.arvrunner.get_wrapped_callback(self.output_callback) try: with Perf(metrics, "create %s" % self.name): response = self.arvrunner.api.jobs().create( body={ "owner_uuid": self.arvrunner.project_uuid, "script": "crunchrunner", "repository": "arvados", "script_version": "master", "minimum_script_version": crunchrunner_git_commit, "script_parameters": {"tasks": [script_parameters]}, "runtime_constraints": runtime_constraints }, filters=filters, find_or_create=enable_reuse ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) self.uuid = response["uuid"] self.arvrunner.process_submitted(self) self.update_pipeline_component(response) if response["state"] == "Complete": logger.info("%s reused job %s", self.arvrunner.label(self), response["uuid"]) # Give read permission to the desired project on reused jobs if response["owner_uuid"] != self.arvrunner.project_uuid: try: self.arvrunner.api.links().create(body={ 'link_class': 'permission', 'name': 'can_read', 'tail_uuid': self.arvrunner.project_uuid, 'head_uuid': response["uuid"], }).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) except ApiError as e: # The user might not have "manage" access on the job: log # a message and continue. logger.info("Creating read permission on job %s: %s", response["uuid"], e) else: logger.info("%s %s is %s", self.arvrunner.label(self), response["uuid"], response["state"]) except Exception: logger.exception("%s error" % (self.arvrunner.label(self))) self.output_callback({}, "permanentFail") def update_pipeline_component(self, record): with self.arvrunner.workflow_eval_lock: if self.arvrunner.pipeline: self.arvrunner.pipeline["components"][self.name] = {"job": record} with Perf(metrics, "update_pipeline_component %s" % self.name): self.arvrunner.pipeline = self.arvrunner.api.pipeline_instances().update( uuid=self.arvrunner.pipeline["uuid"], body={ "components": self.arvrunner.pipeline["components"] }).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) if self.arvrunner.uuid: try: job = self.arvrunner.api.jobs().get(uuid=self.arvrunner.uuid).execute() if job: components = job["components"] components[self.name] = record["uuid"] self.arvrunner.api.jobs().update( uuid=self.arvrunner.uuid, body={ "components": components }).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) except Exception: logger.exception("Error adding to components") def done(self, record): try: self.update_pipeline_component(record) except: pass try: if record["state"] == "Complete": processStatus = "success" else: processStatus = "permanentFail" outputs = {} try: if record["output"]: with Perf(metrics, "inspect log %s" % self.name): logc = arvados.collection.CollectionReader(record["log"], api_client=self.arvrunner.api, keep_client=self.arvrunner.keep_client, num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) log = logc.open(list(logc.keys())[0]) dirs = { "tmpdir": "/tmpdir", "outdir": "/outdir", "keep": "/keep" } for l in log: # Determine the tmpdir, outdir and keep paths from # the job run. Unfortunately, we can't take the first # values we find (which are expected to be near the # top) and stop scanning because if the node fails and # the job restarts on a different node these values # will different runs, and we need to know about the # final run that actually produced output. g = crunchrunner_re.match(l) if g: dirs[g.group(1)] = g.group(2) if processStatus == "permanentFail": done.logtail(logc, logger.error, "%s (%s) error log:" % (self.arvrunner.label(self), record["uuid"]), maxlen=40) with Perf(metrics, "output collection %s" % self.name): outputs = done.done(self, record, dirs["tmpdir"], dirs["outdir"], dirs["keep"]) except WorkflowException as e: # Only include a stack trace if in debug mode. # This is most likely a user workflow error and a stack trace may obfuscate more useful output. logger.error("%s unable to collect output from %s:\n%s", self.arvrunner.label(self), record["output"], e, exc_info=(e if self.arvrunner.debug else False)) processStatus = "permanentFail" except Exception: logger.exception("Got unknown exception while collecting output for job %s:", self.name) processStatus = "permanentFail" # Note: Currently, on error output_callback is expecting an empty dict, # anything else will fail. if not isinstance(outputs, dict): logger.error("Unexpected output type %s '%s'", type(outputs), outputs) outputs = {} processStatus = "permanentFail" finally: self.output_callback(outputs, processStatus) class RunnerJob(Runner): """Submit and manage a Crunch job that runs crunch_scripts/cwl-runner.""" def arvados_job_spec(self, debug=False): """Create an Arvados job specification for this workflow. The returned dict can be used to create a job (i.e., passed as the +body+ argument to jobs().create()), or as a component in a pipeline template or pipeline instance. """ if self.embedded_tool.tool["id"].startswith("keep:"): self.job_order["cwl:tool"] = self.embedded_tool.tool["id"][5:] else: packed = packed_workflow(self.arvrunner, self.embedded_tool, self.merged_map) wf_pdh = upload_workflow_collection(self.arvrunner, self.name, packed) self.job_order["cwl:tool"] = "%s/workflow.cwl#main" % wf_pdh adjustDirObjs(self.job_order, trim_listing) visit_class(self.job_order, ("File", "Directory"), trim_anonymous_location) visit_class(self.job_order, ("File", "Directory"), remove_redundant_fields) if self.output_name: self.job_order["arv:output_name"] = self.output_name if self.output_tags: self.job_order["arv:output_tags"] = self.output_tags self.job_order["arv:enable_reuse"] = self.enable_reuse if self.on_error: self.job_order["arv:on_error"] = self.on_error if debug: self.job_order["arv:debug"] = True return { "script": "cwl-runner", "script_version": "master", "minimum_script_version": "570509ab4d2ef93d870fd2b1f2eab178afb1bad9", "repository": "arvados", "script_parameters": self.job_order, "runtime_constraints": { "docker_image": arvados_jobs_image(self.arvrunner, self.jobs_image), "min_ram_mb_per_node": self.submit_runner_ram } } def run(self, runtimeContext): job_spec = self.arvados_job_spec(runtimeContext.debug) job_spec.setdefault("owner_uuid", self.arvrunner.project_uuid) job = self.arvrunner.api.jobs().create( body=job_spec, find_or_create=self.enable_reuse ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) for k,v in viewitems(job_spec["script_parameters"]): if v is False or v is None or isinstance(v, dict): job_spec["script_parameters"][k] = {"value": v} del job_spec["owner_uuid"] job_spec["job"] = job instance_spec = { "owner_uuid": self.arvrunner.project_uuid, "name": self.name, "components": { "cwl-runner": job_spec, }, "state": "RunningOnServer", } if not self.enable_reuse: instance_spec["properties"] = {"run_options": {"enable_job_reuse": False}} self.arvrunner.pipeline = self.arvrunner.api.pipeline_instances().create( body=instance_spec).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries) logger.info("Created pipeline %s", self.arvrunner.pipeline["uuid"]) if runtimeContext.wait is False: self.uuid = self.arvrunner.pipeline["uuid"] return self.uuid = job["uuid"] self.arvrunner.process_submitted(self) class RunnerTemplate(object): """An Arvados pipeline template that invokes a CWL workflow.""" type_to_dataclass = { 'boolean': 'boolean', 'File': 'File', 'Directory': 'Collection', 'float': 'number', 'int': 'number', 'string': 'text', } def __init__(self, runner, tool, job_order, enable_reuse, uuid, submit_runner_ram=0, name=None, merged_map=None, loadingContext=None): self.runner = runner self.embedded_tool = tool self.job = RunnerJob( runner=runner, tool=tool, enable_reuse=enable_reuse, output_name=None, output_tags=None, submit_runner_ram=submit_runner_ram, name=name, merged_map=merged_map, loadingContext=loadingContext) self.job.job_order = job_order self.uuid = uuid def pipeline_component_spec(self): """Return a component that Workbench and a-r-p-i will understand. Specifically, translate CWL input specs to Arvados pipeline format, like {"dataclass":"File","value":"xyz"}. """ spec = self.job.arvados_job_spec() # Most of the component spec is exactly the same as the job # spec (script, script_version, etc.). # spec['script_parameters'] isn't right, though. A component # spec's script_parameters hash is a translation of # self.tool.tool['inputs'] with defaults/overrides taken from # the job order. So we move the job parameters out of the way # and build a new spec['script_parameters']. job_params = spec['script_parameters'] spec['script_parameters'] = {} for param in self.embedded_tool.tool['inputs']: param = copy.deepcopy(param) # Data type and "required" flag... types = param['type'] if not isinstance(types, list): types = [types] param['required'] = 'null' not in types non_null_types = [t for t in types if t != "null"] if len(non_null_types) == 1: the_type = [c for c in non_null_types][0] dataclass = None if isinstance(the_type, basestring): dataclass = self.type_to_dataclass.get(the_type) if dataclass: param['dataclass'] = dataclass # Note: If we didn't figure out a single appropriate # dataclass, we just left that attribute out. We leave # the "type" attribute there in any case, which might help # downstream. # Title and description... title = param.pop('label', '') descr = param.pop('doc', '').rstrip('\n') if title: param['title'] = title if descr: param['description'] = descr # Fill in the value from the current job order, if any. param_id = shortname(param.pop('id')) value = job_params.get(param_id) if value is None: pass elif not isinstance(value, dict): param['value'] = value elif param.get('dataclass') in ('File', 'Collection') and value.get('location'): param['value'] = value['location'][5:] spec['script_parameters'][param_id] = param spec['script_parameters']['cwl:tool'] = job_params['cwl:tool'] return spec def save(self): body = { "components": { self.job.name: self.pipeline_component_spec(), }, "name": self.job.name, } if self.runner.project_uuid: body["owner_uuid"] = self.runner.project_uuid if self.uuid: self.runner.api.pipeline_templates().update( uuid=self.uuid, body=body).execute( num_retries=self.runner.num_retries) logger.info("Updated template %s", self.uuid) else: self.uuid = self.runner.api.pipeline_templates().create( body=body, ensure_unique_name=True).execute( num_retries=self.runner.num_retries)['uuid'] logger.info("Created template %s", self.uuid)