// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { PropertyValue } from 'models/search-bar'; import { Vocabulary, getTagKeyLabel, getTagValueLabel, } from 'models/vocabulary'; export const formatDate = (isoDate?: string | null, utc: boolean = false) => { if (isoDate) { const date = new Date(isoDate); let text: string; if (utc) { text = date.toUTCString(); } else { text = date.toLocaleString(); } return text === 'Invalid Date' ? '(none)' : text; } return '(none)'; }; export const formatFileSize = (size?: number | string) => { if (typeof size === 'number') { if (size === 0) { return '0 B'; } for (const { base, unit } of FILE_SIZES) { if (size >= base) { return `${(size / base).toFixed()} ${unit}`; } } } if ((typeof size === 'string' && size === '') || size === undefined) { return ''; } return '0 B'; }; export const formatTime = (time: number, seconds?: boolean) => { const minutes = Math.floor((time / (1000 * 60)) % 60).toFixed(0); const hours = Math.floor(time / (1000 * 60 * 60)).toFixed(0); if (seconds) { const seconds = Math.floor((time / 1000) % 60).toFixed(0); return hours + 'h ' + minutes + 'm ' + seconds + 's'; } return hours + 'h ' + minutes + 'm'; }; export const getTimeDiff = (endTime: string, startTime: string) => { return new Date(endTime).getTime() - new Date(startTime).getTime(); }; export const formatProgress = (loaded: number, total: number) => { const progress = loaded >= 0 && total > 0 ? (loaded * 100) / total : 0; return `${progress.toFixed(2)}%`; }; export function formatUploadSpeed( prevLoaded: number, loaded: number, prevTime: number, currentTime: number ) { const speed = loaded > prevLoaded && currentTime > prevTime ? (loaded - prevLoaded) / (currentTime - prevTime) : 0; return `${(speed / 1000).toFixed(2)} MB/s`; } const FILE_SIZES = [ { base: 1099511627776, unit: 'TB', }, { base: 1073741824, unit: 'GB', }, { base: 1048576, unit: 'MB', }, { base: 1024, unit: 'KB', }, { base: 1, unit: 'B', }, ]; export const formatPropertyValue = ( pv: PropertyValue, vocabulary?: Vocabulary ) => { if (vocabulary && pv.keyID && pv.valueID) { return `${getTagKeyLabel(pv.keyID, vocabulary)}: ${getTagValueLabel( pv.keyID, pv.valueID!, vocabulary )}`; } if (pv.key) { return pv.value ? `${pv.key}: ${pv.value}` : pv.key; } return ''; }; export const formatContainerCost = (cost: number): string => { const decimalPlaces = 3; const factor = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces); const rounded = Math.round(cost * factor) / factor; if (cost > 0 && rounded === 0) { // Display min value of 0.001 return `$${1 / factor}`; } else { // Otherwise use rounded value to proper decimal places return `$${rounded}`; } };