<%# The locators in the given text are expected to be of the form JSON_KEEP_LOCATOR_REGEXP %> <% data_height = data_height || 100 %>
<% text_data.each_line do |l| %> <% text_part = l %> <% match = keep_locator_in_json l %> <% if match text_part = match[1] rindex = match[2].rindex('"'); match2 = match[2][0..rindex-1] quote_char = '"' pdh_readable = object_readable(match2) file_link = '' if pdh_readable and match[4].size > 0 link_params = {controller: 'collections', action: 'show_file', uuid: match[3], file: match[4][1..-1]} preview_allowed = preview_allowed_for(match[4]) if preview_allowed file_link = link_to(raw(match[4]), link_params.merge(disposition: 'inline')) else file_link = link_to(raw(match[4]), link_params.merge(disposition: 'attachment')) end end end %> <%= text_part %><% if match %><% if pdh_readable then %><%= link_to_arvados_object_if_readable(match[3], match[3], friendly_name: true) %><%= file_link%><% else %><%= match2%><% end %><%=quote_char+match[5]%>
<% end %>
<% end %>