#!/bin/bash EXITCODE=0 CALL_PRM=0 APTUSER=$1 APTSERVER=$2 if [[ "$APTUSER" == '' ]]; then echo "Syntax: $0 " exit 1 fi if [[ "$APTSERVER" == '' ]]; then echo "Syntax: $0 " exit 1 fi source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh echo $WORKSPACE # Build arvados GEM echo "Build and publish ruby gem" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd sdk/ruby # clean up old gems rm -f arvados-*gem gem build arvados.gemspec # publish new gem gem push arvados-*gem # Build arvados-cli GEM echo "Build and publish ruby gem" cd "$WORKSPACE" cd sdk/cli # clean up old gems rm -f arvados-cli*gem gem build arvados-cli.gemspec # publish new gem gem push arvados-cli*gem # Build arvados-python-client Python package echo "Build and publish arvados-python-client package" cd "$WORKSPACE" GIT_HASH=`git log --format=format:%ct.%h -n1 .` cd sdk/python # We mess with this file below, reset it here git checkout setup.py # Make sure only to use sdist - that's the only format pip can deal with (sigh) python setup.py egg_info -b ".$GIT_HASH" sdist upload cd ../../services/fuse # We mess with this file below, reset it here git checkout setup.py # Make sure only to use sdist - that's the only format pip can deal with (sigh) python setup.py egg_info -b ".$GIT_HASH" sdist upload # Build debs for everything # Build arvados src deb package build_and_scp_deb () { PACKAGE=$1 PACKAGE_NAME=$2 # Put spaces in $3 and you will regret it. Despite the use of arrays below. # Because, bash sucks. VENDOR=${3// /_} PACKAGE_TYPE=$4 EXTRA_ARGUMENTS=$5 if [[ "$PACKAGE_NAME" == "" ]]; then PACKAGE_NAME=$PACKAGE fi if [[ "$PACKAGE_TYPE" == "" ]]; then PACKAGE_TYPE='python' fi COMMAND_ARR=("fpm" "-s" "$PACKAGE_TYPE" "-t" "deb") if [[ "$PACKAGE_NAME" != "$PACKAGE" ]]; then COMMAND_ARR+=('-n' "$PACKAGE_NAME") fi if [[ "$VENDOR" != "" ]]; then COMMAND_ARR+=('--vendor' "$VENDOR") fi for a in $EXTRA_ARGUMENTS; do COMMAND_ARR+=("$a") done COMMAND_ARR+=("$PACKAGE") FPM_RESULTS=$(${COMMAND_ARR[@]}) FPM_EXIT_CODE=$? echo ${COMMAND_ARR[@]} if [[ ! $FPM_RESULTS =~ "File already exists" ]]; then if [[ "$FPM_EXIT_CODE" != "0" ]]; then echo "Error building debian package for $1:\n $FPM_RESULTS" else scp -P2222 $PACKAGE_NAME*.deb $APTUSER@$APTSERVER:tmp/ CALL_PRM=1 fi else echo "Debian package for $1 exists, not rebuilding" fi } if [[ ! -d "$WORKSPACE/debs" ]]; then mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/debs fi # Make sure our destination directory on $APTSERVER exists - prm can delete it when invoked improperly ssh -p2222 $APTUSER@$APTSERVER mkdir tmp # Arvados-src # We use $WORKSPACE/src-build-dir as the clean directory from which to build the src package if [[ ! -d "$WORKSPACE/src-build-dir" ]]; then mkdir "$WORKSPACE/src-build-dir" cd "$WORKSPACE" git clone https://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git src-build-dir fi cd "$WORKSPACE/src-build-dir" # just in case, check out master git checkout master git pull # go into detached-head state git checkout `git log --format=format:%h -n1 .` cd $WORKSPACE cd $WORKSPACE/debs build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/src-build-dir/=/usr/local/arvados/src arvados-src 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "-v 0.1.$GIT_HASH -x 'usr/local/arvados/src/.git*'" # clean up, check out master and step away from detached-head state cd "$WORKSPACE/src-build-dir" git checkout master # Keep export GOPATH=$(mktemp -d) mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com" ln -sfn "$WORKSPACE" "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git" # Keep -> keepstore go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/keepstore" cd $WORKSPACE/debs build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/keepstore=/usr/bin/keepstore keepstore 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "-v 0.1.$GIT_HASH" # Keep proxy # Keep -> keepproxy go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/keepproxy" cd $WORKSPACE/debs build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/keepproxy=/usr/bin/keepproxy keepproxy 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "-v 0.1.$GIT_HASH" # crunchstat go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/crunchstat" cd $WORKSPACE/debs build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/crunchstat=/usr/bin/crunchstat crunchstat 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "-v 0.1.$GIT_HASH" # The Python SDK cd $WORKSPACE/sdk/python sed -i'' -e "s:version='0.1':version='0.1.$GIT_HASH':" setup.py cd $WORKSPACE/debs # Please resist the temptation to add --no-python-fix-name to the fpm call here # (which would remove the python- prefix from the package name), because this # package is a dependency of arvados-fuse, and fpm can not omit the python- # prefix from only one of the dependencies of a package... Maybe I could # whip up a patch and send it upstream, but that will be for another day. Ward, # 2014-05-15 build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "-v 0.1.${GIT_HASH}" # The FUSE driver cd $WORKSPACE/services/fuse sed -i'' -e "s:version='0.1':version='0.1.$GIT_HASH':" setup.py cd $WORKSPACE/debs # Please seem comment about --no-python-fix-name above; we stay consistent and do # not omit the python- prefix first. build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/services/fuse python-arvados-fuse 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "-v 0.1.${GIT_HASH}" # A few dependencies build_and_scp_deb python-gflags build_and_scp_deb pyvcf build_and_scp_deb google-api-python-client build_and_scp_deb httplib2 build_and_scp_deb ws4py build_and_scp_deb virtualenv # Finally, publish the packages, if necessary if [[ "$CALL_PRM" != "0" ]]; then ssh -p2222 $APTUSER@$APTSERVER -t "cd /var/www/$APTSERVER; /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm default do prm --type deb -p . --component main --release wheezy --arch amd64 -d /home/$APTUSER/tmp/ --gpg 1078ECD7" else echo "No new packages generated. No PRM run necessary." fi # clean up temporary GOPATH rm -rf "$GOPATH"