<%if object and (object.class.goes_in_projects? or (object.is_a?(Link) and ArvadosBase::resource_class_for_uuid(object.head_uuid).to_s == 'Collection')) %> <% fn = if defined? friendly_name friendly_name else link_to_if_arvados_object object, {no_link: true} end %> <% # This 'fn' string may contain embedded HTML which is already marked html_safe. # Since we are putting it into a tag attribute, we need to copy into an # unsafe string so that rails will escape it for us. fn = String.new fn %> <%= check_box_tag 'uuids[]', object.uuid, false, { :class => 'persistent-selection', :friendly_type => object.class.name, :friendly_name => fn, :href => "#{url_for controller: object.class.name.tableize, action: 'show', id: object.uuid }", :title => "Click to add this item to your selection list" } %> <% end %>