#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import time import libcloud.compute.base as cloud_base import libcloud.compute.providers as cloud_provider import libcloud.compute.types as cloud_types from libcloud.compute.drivers import ec2 as cloud_ec2 from . import BaseComputeNodeDriver from .. import arvados_node_fqdn ### Monkeypatch libcloud to support AWS' new SecurityGroup API. # These classes can be removed when libcloud support specifying # security groups with the SecurityGroupId parameter. class ANMEC2Connection(cloud_ec2.EC2Connection): def request(self, *args, **kwargs): params = kwargs.get('params') if (params is not None) and (params.get('Action') == 'RunInstances'): for key in params.keys(): if key.startswith('SecurityGroup.'): new_key = key.replace('Group.', 'GroupId.', 1) params[new_key] = params.pop(key).id kwargs['params'] = params return super(ANMEC2Connection, self).request(*args, **kwargs) class ANMEC2NodeDriver(cloud_ec2.EC2NodeDriver): connectionCls = ANMEC2Connection class ComputeNodeDriver(BaseComputeNodeDriver): """Compute node driver wrapper for EC2. This translates cloud driver requests to EC2's specific parameters. """ DEFAULT_DRIVER = ANMEC2NodeDriver ### End monkeypatch SEARCH_CACHE = {} def __init__(self, auth_kwargs, list_kwargs, create_kwargs, driver_class=DEFAULT_DRIVER): # We need full lists of keys up front because these loops modify # dictionaries in-place. for key in list_kwargs.keys(): list_kwargs[key.replace('_', ':')] = list_kwargs.pop(key) self.tags = {key[4:]: value for key, value in list_kwargs.iteritems() if key.startswith('tag:')} super(ComputeNodeDriver, self).__init__( auth_kwargs, {'ex_filters': list_kwargs}, create_kwargs, driver_class) for key in self.create_kwargs.keys(): init_method = getattr(self, '_init_' + key, None) if init_method is not None: new_pair = init_method(self.create_kwargs.pop(key)) if new_pair is not None: self.create_kwargs[new_pair[0]] = new_pair[1] def _init_image_id(self, image_id): return 'image', self.search_for(image_id, 'list_images') def _init_ping_host(self, ping_host): self.ping_host = ping_host def _init_security_groups(self, group_names): return 'ex_security_groups', [ self.search_for(gname.strip(), 'ex_get_security_groups') for gname in group_names.split(',')] def _init_subnet_id(self, subnet_id): return 'ex_subnet', self.search_for(subnet_id, 'ex_list_subnets') def _init_ssh_key(self, filename): with open(filename) as ssh_file: key = cloud_base.NodeAuthSSHKey(ssh_file.read()) return 'auth', key def arvados_create_kwargs(self, arvados_node): result = {'name': arvados_node_fqdn(arvados_node)} ping_secret = arvados_node['info'].get('ping_secret') if ping_secret is not None: ping_url = ('https://{}/arvados/v1/nodes/{}/ping?ping_secret={}'. format(self.ping_host, arvados_node['uuid'], ping_secret)) result['ex_userdata'] = ping_url return result def post_create_node(self, cloud_node): self.real.ex_create_tags(cloud_node, self.tags) def sync_node(self, cloud_node, arvados_node): self.real.ex_create_tags(cloud_node, {'Name': arvados_node_fqdn(arvados_node)}) @classmethod def node_start_time(cls, node): time_str = node.extra['launch_time'].split('.', 2)[0] + 'UTC' return time.mktime(time.strptime( time_str,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z')) - time.timezone