package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "testing" ) var TEST_BLOCK = []byte("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.") var TEST_HASH = "e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0" var BAD_BLOCK = []byte("The magic words are squeamish ossifrage.") // TODO(twp): Tests still to be written // // * PutBlockFull // - test that PutBlock returns 503 Full if the filesystem is full. // (must mock FreeDiskSpace or Statfs? use a tmpfs?) // // * PutBlockWriteErr // - test the behavior when Write returns an error. // - Possible solutions: use a small tmpfs and a high // MIN_FREE_KILOBYTES to trick PutBlock into attempting // to write a block larger than the amount of space left // - use an interface to mock ioutil.TempFile with a File // object that always returns an error on write // // ======================================== // GetBlock tests. // ======================================== // TestGetBlock // Test that simple block reads succeed. // func TestGetBlock(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Prepare two test Keep volumes. Our block is stored on the second volume. KeepVolumes = setup(t, 2) store(t, KeepVolumes[1], TEST_HASH, TEST_BLOCK) // Check that GetBlock returns success. result, err := GetBlock(TEST_HASH) if err != nil { t.Errorf("GetBlock error: %s", err) } if fmt.Sprint(result) != fmt.Sprint(TEST_BLOCK) { t.Errorf("expected %s, got %s", TEST_BLOCK, result) } } // TestGetBlockMissing // GetBlock must return an error when the block is not found. // func TestGetBlockMissing(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Create two empty test Keep volumes. KeepVolumes = setup(t, 2) // Check that GetBlock returns failure. result, err := GetBlock(TEST_HASH) if err != NotFoundError { t.Errorf("Expected NotFoundError, got %v", result) } } // TestGetBlockCorrupt // GetBlock must return an error when a corrupted block is requested // (the contents of the file do not checksum to its hash). // func TestGetBlockCorrupt(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Create two test Keep volumes and store a block in each of them, // but the hash of the block does not match the filename. KeepVolumes = setup(t, 2) for _, vol := range KeepVolumes { store(t, vol, TEST_HASH, BAD_BLOCK) } // Check that GetBlock returns failure. result, err := GetBlock(TEST_HASH) if err != CorruptError { t.Errorf("Expected CorruptError, got %v", result) } } // ======================================== // PutBlock tests // ======================================== // TestPutBlockOK // PutBlock can perform a simple block write and returns success. // func TestPutBlockOK(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Create two test Keep volumes. KeepVolumes = setup(t, 2) // Check that PutBlock stores the data as expected. if err := PutBlock(TEST_BLOCK, TEST_HASH); err != nil { t.Fatalf("PutBlock: %v", err) } result, err := GetBlock(TEST_HASH) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("GetBlock returned error: %v", err) } if string(result) != string(TEST_BLOCK) { t.Error("PutBlock/GetBlock mismatch") t.Fatalf("PutBlock stored '%s', GetBlock retrieved '%s'", string(TEST_BLOCK), string(result)) } } // TestPutBlockOneVol // PutBlock still returns success even when only one of the known // volumes is online. // func TestPutBlockOneVol(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Create two test Keep volumes, but cripple one of them. KeepVolumes = setup(t, 2) os.Chmod(KeepVolumes[0], 000) // Check that PutBlock stores the data as expected. if err := PutBlock(TEST_BLOCK, TEST_HASH); err != nil { t.Fatalf("PutBlock: %v", err) } result, err := GetBlock(TEST_HASH) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("GetBlock: %v", err) } if string(result) != string(TEST_BLOCK) { t.Error("PutBlock/GetBlock mismatch") t.Fatalf("PutBlock stored '%s', GetBlock retrieved '%s'", string(TEST_BLOCK), string(result)) } } // TestPutBlockMD5Fail // Check that PutBlock returns an error if passed a block and hash that // do not match. // func TestPutBlockMD5Fail(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Create two test Keep volumes. KeepVolumes = setup(t, 2) // Check that PutBlock returns the expected error when the hash does // not match the block. if err := PutBlock(BAD_BLOCK, TEST_HASH); err != MD5Error { t.Error("Expected MD5Error, got %v", err) } // Confirm that GetBlock fails to return anything. if result, err := GetBlock(TEST_HASH); err != NotFoundError { t.Errorf("GetBlock succeeded after a corrupt block store (result = %s, err = %v)", string(result), err) } } // TestPutBlockCorrupt // PutBlock should overwrite corrupt blocks on disk when given // a PUT request with a good block. // func TestPutBlockCorrupt(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Create two test Keep volumes. KeepVolumes = setup(t, 2) // Store a corrupted block under TEST_HASH. store(t, KeepVolumes[0], TEST_HASH, BAD_BLOCK) if err := PutBlock(TEST_BLOCK, TEST_HASH); err != nil { t.Errorf("PutBlock: %v", err) } // The block on disk should now match TEST_BLOCK. if block, err := GetBlock(TEST_HASH); err != nil { t.Errorf("GetBlock: %v", err) } else if bytes.Compare(block, TEST_BLOCK) != 0 { t.Errorf("GetBlock returned: '%s'", string(block)) } } // PutBlockCollision // PutBlock returns a 400 Collision error when attempting to // store a block that collides with another block on disk. // func TestPutBlockCollision(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // These blocks both hash to the MD5 digest cee9a457e790cf20d4bdaa6d69f01e41. var b1 = []byte("\x0e0eaU\x9a\xa7\x87\xd0\x0b\xc6\xf7\x0b\xbd\xfe4\x04\xcf\x03e\x9epO\x854\xc0\x0f\xfbe\x9cL\x87@\xcc\x94/\xeb-\xa1\x15\xa3\xf4\x15\\\xbb\x86\x07Is\x86em}\x1f4\xa4 Y\xd7\x8fZ\x8d\xd1\xef") var b2 = []byte("\x0e0eaU\x9a\xa7\x87\xd0\x0b\xc6\xf7\x0b\xbd\xfe4\x04\xcf\x03e\x9etO\x854\xc0\x0f\xfbe\x9cL\x87@\xcc\x94/\xeb-\xa1\x15\xa3\xf4\x15\xdc\xbb\x86\x07Is\x86em}\x1f4\xa4 Y\xd7\x8fZ\x8d\xd1\xef") var locator = "cee9a457e790cf20d4bdaa6d69f01e41" // Prepare two test Keep volumes. Store one block, // then attempt to store the other. KeepVolumes = setup(t, 2) store(t, KeepVolumes[1], locator, b1) if err := PutBlock(b2, locator); err == nil { t.Error("PutBlock did not report a collision") } else if err != CollisionError { t.Errorf("PutBlock returned %v", err) } } // ======================================== // FindKeepVolumes tests. // ======================================== // TestFindKeepVolumes // Confirms that FindKeepVolumes finds tmpfs volumes with "/keep" // directories at the top level. // func TestFindKeepVolumes(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Initialize two keep volumes. var tempVols []string = setup(t, 2) // Set up a bogus PROC_MOUNTS file. if f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "keeptest"); err == nil { for _, vol := range tempVols { fmt.Fprintf(f, "tmpfs %s tmpfs opts\n", path.Dir(vol)) } f.Close() PROC_MOUNTS = f.Name() // Check that FindKeepVolumes finds the temp volumes. resultVols := FindKeepVolumes() if len(tempVols) != len(resultVols) { t.Fatalf("set up %d volumes, FindKeepVolumes found %d\n", len(tempVols), len(resultVols)) } for i := range tempVols { if tempVols[i] != resultVols[i] { t.Errorf("FindKeepVolumes returned %s, expected %s\n", resultVols[i], tempVols[i]) } } os.Remove(f.Name()) } } // TestFindKeepVolumesFail // When no Keep volumes are present, FindKeepVolumes returns an empty slice. // func TestFindKeepVolumesFail(t *testing.T) { defer teardown() // Set up a bogus PROC_MOUNTS file with no Keep vols. if f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "keeptest"); err == nil { fmt.Fprintln(f, "rootfs / rootfs opts 0 0") fmt.Fprintln(f, "sysfs /sys sysfs opts 0 0") fmt.Fprintln(f, "proc /proc proc opts 0 0") fmt.Fprintln(f, "udev /dev devtmpfs opts 0 0") fmt.Fprintln(f, "devpts /dev/pts devpts opts 0 0") f.Close() PROC_MOUNTS = f.Name() // Check that FindKeepVolumes returns an empty array. resultVols := FindKeepVolumes() if len(resultVols) != 0 { t.Fatalf("FindKeepVolumes returned %v", resultVols) } os.Remove(PROC_MOUNTS) } } // ======================================== // Helper functions for unit tests. // ======================================== // setup // Create KeepVolumes for testing. // Returns a slice of pathnames to temporary Keep volumes. // func setup(t *testing.T, num_volumes int) []string { vols := make([]string, num_volumes) for i := range vols { if dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "keeptest"); err == nil { vols[i] = dir + "/keep" os.Mkdir(vols[i], 0755) } else { t.Fatal(err) } } return vols } // teardown // Cleanup to perform after each test. // func teardown() { for _, vol := range KeepVolumes { os.RemoveAll(path.Dir(vol)) } KeepVolumes = nil } // store // Low-level code to write Keep blocks directly to disk for testing. // func store(t *testing.T, keepdir string, filename string, block []byte) { blockdir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", keepdir, filename[:3]) if err := os.MkdirAll(blockdir, 0755); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } blockpath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", blockdir, filename) if f, err := os.Create(blockpath); err == nil { f.Write(block) f.Close() } else { t.Fatal(err) } }