<%= raw(human_readable_bytes_html(size)) %>
<%= link_to(raw(''),
link_params.merge(disposition: 'inline'),
{title: "View #{file_path}", class: "btn btn-info btn-sm", disabled: !preview_allowed_for(file_path)}) %>
<%= link_to(raw(''),
link_params.merge(disposition: 'attachment'),
{title: "Download #{file_path}", class: "btn btn-info btn-sm"}) %>
<% if (!defined? no_checkboxes or !no_checkboxes) and current_user %>
<%= check_box_tag 'uuids[]', "#{object.uuid}/#{file_path}", false, {
:class => "persistent-selection",
:friendly_type => "File",
:friendly_name => "#{object.uuid}/#{file_path}",
:href => url_for(controller: 'collections', action: 'show_file',
uuid: object.portable_data_hash, file: file_path),
:title => "Include #{file_path} in your selections",
:id => "#{object.uuid}_file_#{index}",
} %>
<% end %>
<% if object.editable? %>
<%= link_to({controller: 'collections', action: 'remove_selected_files', id: object.uuid, selection: [object.portable_data_hash+'/'+file_path]}, method: :post, remote: true, data: {confirm: "Remove #{file_path}?", toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'top'}, class: 'btn btn-sm btn-default btn-nodecorate', title: "Remove #{file_path}") do %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if CollectionsHelper::is_image(filename) %>
<% if object.editable? %>
<%= render_editable_attribute object, 'filename', filename, {'data-value' => file_path, 'data-toggle' => 'manual', 'selection_path' => 'rename-file-path:'+file_path}, {tiptitle: 'Edit path of this file (name or directory or both). If you use the same path as another file, it may be removed.'} %>
<% else %>
<%= filename %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to(image_tag("#{url_for object}/#{file_path}"),
link_params.merge(disposition: 'inline'),
{title: file_path}) %>
<% else %>
<% if object.editable? %>