<% current_job = pj[:job] if pj[:job] != {} and pj[:job][:uuid] %>
<%# column offset 0 %> <%# column offset 3 %>
<%= pj[:progress_bar] %>
<% if current_job %> <%# column offset 5 %> <% if current_job[:state] != "Queued" %>
<% if current_job[:started_at] %> <% walltime = ((if current_job[:finished_at] then current_job[:finished_at] else Time.now() end) - current_job[:started_at]) %> <% cputime = tasks.map { |task| if task.started_at and task.job_uuid == current_job[:uuid] (if task.finished_at then task.finished_at else Time.now() end) - task.started_at else 0 end }.reduce(:+) || 0 %> <%= render_runtime(walltime, false, false) %> <% if cputime > 0 %> / <%= render_runtime(cputime, false, false) %> (<%= (cputime/walltime).round(1) %>⨯)<% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% if current_job[:state] == "Queued" %> <%# column offset 5 %>
<% queuetime = Time.now - Time.parse(current_job[:created_at].to_s) %> Queued for <%= render_runtime(queuetime, true) %>. <% begin %> <% if current_job[:queue_position] == 0 %> This job is next in the queue to run. <% elsif current_job[:queue_position] == 1 %> There is 1 job in the queue ahead of this one. <% elsif current_job[:queue_position] %> There are <%= current_job[:queue_position] %> jobs in the queue ahead of this one. <% end %> <% rescue %> <% end %>
<% elsif current_job[:state] == "Running" %> <%# column offset 8 %>
<%= current_job[:tasks_summary][:done] %> <%= "task".pluralize(current_job[:tasks_summary][:done]) %> done, <%= current_job[:tasks_summary][:failed] %> failed, <%= current_job[:tasks_summary][:running] %> running, <%= current_job[:tasks_summary][:todo] %> pending
<% elsif current_job[:state].in? ["Complete", "Failed", "Cancelled"] %> <%# column offset 8 %>
<% if pj[:output_uuid] %> <%= link_to_arvados_object_if_readable(pj[:output_uuid], 'Output data not available', friendly_name: true) %> <% elsif current_job[:output] %> <%= link_to_arvados_object_if_readable(current_job[:output], 'Output data not available', link_text: "Output of #{pj[:name]}") %> <% else %> No output. <% end %>
<% end %> <% if current_job[:state].in? ["Queued", "Running"] and @object.editable? %> <%# column offset 11 %>
<%= form_tag "/jobs/#{current_job[:uuid]}/cancel", remote: true, style: "display:inline; padding-left: 1em" do |f| %> <%= hidden_field_tag :return_to, url_for(@object) %> <%= button_tag "Cancel", {class: 'btn btn-xs btn-danger', id: "cancel-job-button"} %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %>
<% current_component = (if current_job then current_job else pj end) %>
<% # link to repo tree/file only if the repo is readable # and the commit is a sha1... repo = (not Repository.disable_repository_browsing? and /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ =~ current_component[:script_version] and Repository.where(name: current_component[:repository]).first) # ...and the api server provides an http:// or https:// url repo = nil unless repo.andand.http_fetch_url %> <% [:script, :repository, :script_version, :supplied_script_version, :nondeterministic].each do |k| %> <% end %> <% if current_component[:runtime_constraints].andand[:docker_image] and current_component[:docker_image_locator] %> <% else %> <% end %>
<%= k.to_s %>: <% if current_component[k].nil? %> (none) <% elsif repo and k == :repository %> <%= link_to current_component[k], show_repository_tree_path(id: repo.uuid, commit: current_component[:script_version], path: '/') %> <% elsif repo and k == :script %> <%= link_to current_component[k], show_repository_blob_path(id: repo.uuid, commit: current_component[:script_version], path: 'crunch_scripts/'+current_component[:script]) %> <% elsif repo and k == :script_version %> <%= link_to current_component[k], show_repository_commit_path(id: repo.uuid, commit: current_component[:script_version]) %> <% else %> <%= current_component[k] %> <% end %>
docker_image: <%= current_component[:runtime_constraints][:docker_image] %>
docker_image_locator: <%= link_to_arvados_object_if_readable(current_component[:docker_image_locator], current_component[:docker_image_locator], friendly_name: true) %>
docker_image: Not run in Docker
<% [:uuid, :modified_by_user_uuid, :priority, :created_at, :started_at, :finished_at].each do |k| %> <% end %>
<%= k.to_s %>: <% if k == :uuid %> <%= link_to_arvados_object_if_readable(current_component[k], current_component[k], link_text: current_component[k]) %> <% elsif k.to_s.end_with? 'uuid' %> <%= link_to_arvados_object_if_readable(current_component[k], current_component[k], friendly_name: true) %> <% elsif k.to_s.end_with? '_at' %> <%= render_localized_date(current_component[k]) %> <% else %> <%= current_component[k] %> <% end %>


<%= JSON.pretty_generate(current_component[:script_parameters]) rescue nil %>