# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 source("./R/Subcollection.R") source("./R/ArvadosFile.R") source("./R/util.R") CollectionTree <- R6::R6Class( "CollectionTree", public = list( pathsList = NULL, initialize = function(fileContent, collection) { self$pathsList <- fileContent treeBranches <- sapply(fileContent, function(filePath) { splitPath <- unlist(strsplit(filePath, "/", fixed = TRUE)) branch <- private$createBranch(splitPath) }) root <- Subcollection$new("") sapply(treeBranches, function(branch) { private$addBranch(root, branch) }) root$setCollection(collection) private$tree <- root }, getElement = function(relativePath) { relativePath <- trimFromStart(relativePath, "./") relativePath <- trimFromEnd(relativePath, "/") if(endsWith(relativePath, "/")) relativePath <- substr(relativePath, 0, nchar(relativePath) - 1) splitPath <- unlist(strsplit(relativePath, "/", fixed = TRUE)) returnElement <- private$tree for(pathFragment in splitPath) { returnElement <- returnElement$get(pathFragment) if(is.null(returnElement)) return(NULL) } returnElement }, getTree = function() private$tree ), private = list( tree = NULL, createBranch = function(splitPath) { branch <- NULL lastElementIndex <- length(splitPath) for(elementIndex in lastElementIndex:1) { if(elementIndex == lastElementIndex) { branch <- ArvadosFile$new(splitPath[[elementIndex]]) } else { newFolder <- Subcollection$new(splitPath[[elementIndex]]) newFolder$add(branch) branch <- newFolder } } branch }, addBranch = function(container, node) { child <- container$get(node$getName()) if(is.null(child)) { container$add(node) } else { # Note: REST always returns folder name alone before other folder # content, so in first iteration we don't know if it's a file # or folder since its just a name, so we assume it's a file. # If we encounter that same name again we know # it's a folder so we need to replace ArvadosFile with Subcollection. if("ArvadosFile" %in% class(child)) { child = private$replaceFileWithSubcollection(child) } private$addBranch(child, node$getFirst()) } }, replaceFileWithSubcollection = function(arvadosFile) { subcollection <- Subcollection$new(arvadosFile$getName()) fileParent <- arvadosFile$getParent() fileParent$remove(arvadosFile$getName()) fileParent$add(subcollection) arvadosFile$setParent(NULL) subcollection } ) ) # deepCopyArvadosComposite = function(composite) # { # if("ArvadosFile" %in% class(content)) # { # newFile <- ArvadosFile$new(content$name) # newFile$setCollection(content$getCollection()) # return(newFile) # } # else if("Subcollection" %in% class(content)) # { # root <- Subcollection$new(content$name) # root$setCollection(content$getCollection()) # } # else # stop("Arvados composite is corrupted. It can contain only ArvadosFile or Subcollection.") # }