--- layout: default navsection: sdk navmenu: Python title: Examples ... {% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} In these examples, the site prefix is @aaaaa@. h2. Initialize SDK {% codeblock as python %} import arvados api = arvados.api("v1") {% endcodeblock %} h2. create {% codeblock as python %} result = api.collections().create(body={"collection": {"name": "create example"}}).execute() {% endcodeblock %} h2. delete {% codeblock as python %} result = api.collections().delete(uuid="aaaaa-4zz18-ccccccccccccccc").execute() {% endcodeblock %} h2. get {% codeblock as python %} result = api.collections().get(uuid="aaaaa-4zz18-ccccccccccccccc").execute() {% endcodeblock %} h2. list {% codeblock as python %} result = api.collections().list(filters=[["uuid", "=", "aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccccccccccccc"]]).execute() {% endcodeblock %} h2. update {% codeblock as python %} result = api.collections().update(uuid="aaaaa-4zz18-ccccccccccccccc", body={"collection": {"name": "update example"}}).execute() {% endcodeblock %} h2. Get current user {% codeblock as python %} result = api.users().current().execute() {% endcodeblock %}