# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 getAPIDocument <- function(){ url <- "https://4xphq.arvadosapi.com/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest" serverResponse <- httr::RETRY("GET", url = url) httr::content(serverResponse, as = "parsed", type = "application/json") } #' @export generateAPI <- function() { #TODO: Consider passing discovery document URL as parameter. #TODO: Consider passing location where to create new files. discoveryDocument <- getAPIDocument() methodResources <- discoveryDocument$resources resourceNames <- names(methodResources) methodDoc <- genMethodsDoc(methodResources, resourceNames) classDoc <- genAPIClassDoc(methodResources, resourceNames) arvadosAPIHeader <- genAPIClassHeader() arvadosProjectMethods <- genProjectMethods() arvadosClassMethods <- genClassContent(methodResources, resourceNames) arvadosAPIFooter <- genAPIClassFooter() arvadosClass <- c(methodDoc, classDoc, arvadosAPIHeader, arvadosProjectMethods, arvadosClassMethods, arvadosAPIFooter) fileConn <- file("./R/Arvados.R", "w") writeLines(unlist(arvadosClass), fileConn) close(fileConn) NULL } genAPIClassHeader <- function() { c("Arvados <- R6::R6Class(", "", "\t\"Arvados\",", "", "\tpublic = list(", "", "\t\tinitialize = function(authToken = NULL, hostName = NULL, numRetries = 0)", "\t\t{", "\t\t\tif(!is.null(hostName))", "\t\t\t\tSys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_HOST = hostName)", "", "\t\t\tif(!is.null(authToken))", "\t\t\t\tSys.setenv(ARVADOS_API_TOKEN = authToken)", "", "\t\t\thostName <- Sys.getenv(\"ARVADOS_API_HOST\")", "\t\t\ttoken <- Sys.getenv(\"ARVADOS_API_TOKEN\")", "", "\t\t\tif(hostName == \"\" | token == \"\")", "\t\t\t\tstop(paste(\"Please provide host name and authentification token\",", "\t\t\t\t\t\t \"or set ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN\",", "\t\t\t\t\t\t \"environment variables.\"))", "", "\t\t\tprivate$token <- token", "\t\t\tprivate$host <- paste0(\"https://\", hostName, \"/arvados/v1/\")", "\t\t\tprivate$numRetries <- numRetries", "\t\t\tprivate$REST <- RESTService$new(token, hostName,", "\t\t\t HttpRequest$new(), HttpParser$new(),", "\t\t\t numRetries)", "", "\t\t},\n") } genProjectMethods <- function() { c("\t\tprojects.get = function(uuid)", "\t\t{", "\t\t\tself$groups.get(uuid)", "\t\t},", "", "\t\tprojects.create = function(group, ensure_unique_name = \"false\")", "\t\t{", "\t\t\tgroup <- c(\"group_class\" = \"project\", group)", "\t\t\tself$groups.create(group, ensure_unique_name)", "\t\t},", "", "\t\tprojects.update = function(group, uuid)", "\t\t{", "\t\t\tgroup <- c(\"group_class\" = \"project\", group)", "\t\t\tself$groups.update(group, uuid)", "\t\t},", "", "\t\tprojects.list = function(filters = NULL, where = NULL,", "\t\t\torder = NULL, select = NULL, distinct = NULL,", "\t\t\tlimit = \"100\", offset = \"0\", count = \"exact\",", "\t\t\tinclude_trash = NULL)", "\t\t{", "\t\t\tfilters[[length(filters) + 1]] <- list(\"group_class\", \"=\", \"project\")", "\t\t\tself$groups.list(filters, where, order, select, distinct,", "\t\t\t limit, offset, count, include_trash)", "\t\t},", "", "\t\tprojects.delete = function(uuid)", "\t\t{", "\t\t\tself$groups.delete(uuid)", "\t\t},", "") } genClassContent <- function(methodResources, resourceNames) { arvadosMethods <- Map(function(resource, resourceName) { methodNames <- names(resource$methods) functions <- Map(function(methodMetaData, methodName) { #NOTE: Index, show and destroy are aliases for the preferred names # "list", "get" and "delete". Until they are removed from discovery # document we will filter them here. if(methodName %in% c("index", "show", "destroy")) return(NULL) methodName <- paste0(resourceName, ".", methodName) createMethod(methodName, methodMetaData) }, resource$methods, methodNames) unlist(unname(functions)) }, methodResources, resourceNames) arvadosMethods } genAPIClassFooter <- function() { c("\t\tgetHostName = function() private$host,", "\t\tgetToken = function() private$token,", "\t\tsetRESTService = function(newREST) private$REST <- newREST,", "\t\tgetRESTService = function() private$REST", "\t),", "", "\tprivate = list(", "", "\t\ttoken = NULL,", "\t\thost = NULL,", "\t\tREST = NULL,", "\t\tnumRetries = NULL", "\t),", "", "\tcloneable = FALSE", ")") } createMethod <- function(name, methodMetaData) { args <- getMethodArguments(methodMetaData) signature <- getMethodSignature(name, args) body <- getMethodBody(methodMetaData) c(signature, "\t\t{", body, "\t\t},\n") } getMethodArguments <- function(methodMetaData) { request <- methodMetaData$request requestArgs <- NULL if(!is.null(request)) { resourceName <- tolower(request$properties[[1]][[1]]) if(request$required) requestArgs <- resourceName else requestArgs <- paste(resourceName, "=", "NULL") } argNames <- names(methodMetaData$parameters) args <- sapply(argNames, function(argName) { arg <- methodMetaData$parameters[[argName]] if(!arg$required) { if(!is.null(arg$default)) return(paste0(argName, " = ", "\"", arg$default, "\"")) else return(paste(argName, "=", "NULL")) } argName }) c(requestArgs, args) } getMethodSignature <- function(methodName, args) { collapsedArgs <- paste0(args, collapse = ", ") lineLengthLimit <- 40 if(nchar(collapsedArgs) > lineLengthLimit) { return(paste0("\t\t", formatArgs(paste(methodName, "= function("), "\t", args, ")", lineLengthLimit))) } else { return(paste0("\t\t", methodName, " = function(", collapsedArgs, ")")) } } getMethodBody <- function(methodMetaData) { url <- getRequestURL(methodMetaData) headers <- getRequestHeaders() requestQueryList <- getRequestQueryList(methodMetaData) requestBody <- getRequestBody(methodMetaData) request <- getRequest(methodMetaData) response <- getResponse(methodMetaData) errorCheck <- getErrorCheckingCode() returnStatement <- getReturnObject() body <- c(url, headers, requestQueryList, "", requestBody, "", request, response, "", errorCheck, "", returnStatement) paste0("\t\t\t", body) } getRequestURL <- function(methodMetaData) { endPoint <- methodMetaData$path endPoint <- stringr::str_replace_all(endPoint, "\\{", "${") url <- c(paste0("endPoint <- stringr::str_interp(\"", endPoint, "\")"), paste0("url <- paste0(private$host, endPoint)")) url } getRequestHeaders <- function() { c("headers <- list(Authorization = paste(\"OAuth2\", private$token), ", " \"Content-Type\" = \"application/json\")") } getRequestQueryList <- function(methodMetaData) { queryArgs <- names(Filter(function(arg) arg$location == "query", methodMetaData$parameters)) if(length(queryArgs) == 0) return("queryArgs <- NULL") queryArgs <- sapply(queryArgs, function(arg) paste0(arg, " = ", arg)) collapsedArgs <- paste0(queryArgs, collapse = ", ") lineLengthLimit <- 40 if(nchar(collapsedArgs) > lineLengthLimit) return(formatArgs("queryArgs <- list(", "\t\t\t\t ", queryArgs, ")", lineLengthLimit)) else return(paste0("queryArgs <- list(", collapsedArgs, ")")) } getRequestBody <- function(methodMetaData) { request <- methodMetaData$request if(is.null(request) || !request$required) return("body <- NULL") resourceName <- tolower(request$properties[[1]][[1]]) requestParameterName <- names(request$properties)[1] c(paste0("if(length(", resourceName, ") > 0)"), paste0("\tbody <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(", resourceName, " = ", resourceName, "), "), "\t auto_unbox = TRUE)", "else", "\tbody <- NULL") } getRequest <- function(methodMetaData) { method <- methodMetaData$httpMethod c(paste0("response <- private$REST$http$exec(\"", method, "\", url, headers, body,"), " queryArgs, private$numRetries)") } getResponse <- function(methodMetaData) { "resource <- private$REST$httpParser$parseJSONResponse(response)" } getErrorCheckingCode <- function() { c("if(!is.null(resource$errors))", "\tstop(resource$errors)") } getReturnObject <- function() { "resource" } #NOTE: Arvados class documentation: genMethodsDoc <- function(methodResources, resourceNames) { methodsDoc <- unlist(unname(Map(function(resource, resourceName) { methodNames <- names(resource$methods) methodDoc <- Map(function(methodMetaData, methodName) { #NOTE: Index, show and destroy are aliases for the preferred names # "list", "get" and "delete". Until they are removed from discovery # document we will filter them here. if(methodName %in% c("index", "show", "destroy")) return(NULL) methodName <- paste0(resourceName, ".", methodName) getMethodDoc(methodName, methodMetaData) }, resource$methods, methodNames) unlist(unname(methodDoc)) }, methodResources, resourceNames))) projectDoc <- genProjectMethodsDoc() c(methodsDoc, projectDoc) } genAPIClassDoc <- function(methodResources, resourceNames) { c("#' Arvados", "#'", "#' Arvados class gives users ability to access Arvados REST API.", "#'" , "#' @section Usage:", "#' \\preformatted{arv = Arvados$new(authToken = NULL, hostName = NULL, numRetries = 0)}", "#'", "#' @section Arguments:", "#' \\describe{", "#' \t\\item{authToken}{Authentification token. If not specified ARVADOS_API_TOKEN environment variable will be used.}", "#' \t\\item{hostName}{Host name. If not specified ARVADOS_API_HOST environment variable will be used.}", "#' \t\\item{numRetries}{Number which specifies how many times to retry failed service requests.}", "#' }", "#'", "#' @section Methods:", "#' \\describe{", getAPIClassMethodList(methodResources, resourceNames), "#' }", "#'", "#' @name Arvados", "#' @examples", "#' \\dontrun{", "#' arv <- Arvados$new(\"your Arvados token\", \"example.arvadosapi.com\")", "#'", "#' collection <- arv$collections.get(\"uuid\")", "#'", "#' collectionList <- arv$collections.list(list(list(\"name\", \"like\", \"Test%\")))", "#' collectionList <- listAll(arv$collections.list, list(list(\"name\", \"like\", \"Test%\")))", "#'", "#' deletedCollection <- arv$collections.delete(\"uuid\")", "#'", "#' updatedCollection <- arv$collections.update(list(name = \"New name\", description = \"New description\"),", "#' \"uuid\")", "#'", "#' createdCollection <- arv$collections.create(list(name = \"Example\",", "#' description = \"This is a test collection\"))", "#' }", "NULL", "", "#' @export") } getAPIClassMethodList <- function(methodResources, resourceNames) { methodList <- unlist(unname(Map(function(resource, resourceName) { methodNames <- names(resource$methods) paste0(resourceName, ".", methodNames[!(methodNames %in% c("index", "show", "destroy"))]) }, methodResources, resourceNames))) hardcodedMethods <- c("projects.create", "projects.get", "projects.list", "projects.update", "projects.delete") paste0("#' \t\\item{}{\\code{\\link{", sort(c(methodList, hardcodedMethods)), "}}}") } getMethodDoc <- function(methodName, methodMetaData) { name <- paste("#' @name", methodName) usage <- getMethodUsage(methodName, methodMetaData) description <- paste("#'", methodName, "is a method defined in Arvados class.") params <- getMethodDescription(methodMetaData) returnValue <- paste("#' @return", methodMetaData$response[["$ref"]], "object.") c(paste("#'", methodName), "#' ", description, "#' ", usage, params, returnValue, name, "NULL", "") } getMethodUsage <- function(methodName, methodMetaData) { lineLengthLimit <- 40 args <- getMethodArguments(methodMetaData) c(formatArgs(paste0("#' @usage arv$", methodName, "("), "#' \t", args, ")", lineLengthLimit)) } getMethodDescription <- function(methodMetaData) { request <- methodMetaData$request requestDoc <- NULL if(!is.null(request)) { requestDoc <- unname(unlist(sapply(request$properties, function(prop) { className <- sapply(prop, function(ref) ref) objectName <- paste0(tolower(substr(className, 1, 1)), substr(className, 2, nchar(className))) paste("#' @param", objectName, className, "object.") }))) } argNames <- names(methodMetaData$parameters) argsDoc <- unname(unlist(sapply(argNames, function(argName) { arg <- methodMetaData$parameters[[argName]] argDescription <- arg$description paste("#' @param", argName, argDescription) }))) c(requestDoc, argsDoc) } genProjectMethodsDoc <- function() { #TODO: Manually update this documentation to reflect changes in discovery document. c("#' project.get", "#' ", "#' projects.get is equivalent to groups.get method.", "#' ", "#' @usage arv$projects.get(uuid)", "#' @param uuid The UUID of the Group in question.", "#' @return Group object.", "#' @name projects.get", "NULL", "", "#' project.create", "#' ", "#' projects.create wrapps groups.create method by setting group_class attribute to \"project\".", "#' ", "#' @usage arv$projects.create(group, ensure_unique_name = \"false\")", "#' @param group Group object.", "#' @param ensure_unique_name Adjust name to ensure uniqueness instead of returning an error on (owner_uuid, name) collision.", "#' @return Group object.", "#' @name projects.create", "NULL", "", "#' project.update", "#' ", "#' projects.update wrapps groups.update method by setting group_class attribute to \"project\".", "#' ", "#' @usage arv$projects.update(group, uuid)", "#' @param group Group object.", "#' @param uuid The UUID of the Group in question.", "#' @return Group object.", "#' @name projects.update", "NULL", "", "#' project.delete", "#' ", "#' projects.delete is equivalent to groups.delete method.", "#' ", "#' @usage arv$project.delete(uuid)", "#' @param uuid The UUID of the Group in question.", "#' @return Group object.", "#' @name projects.delete", "NULL", "", "#' project.list", "#' ", "#' projects.list wrapps groups.list method by setting group_class attribute to \"project\".", "#' ", "#' @usage arv$projects.list(filters = NULL,", "#' where = NULL, order = NULL, distinct = NULL,", "#' limit = \"100\", offset = \"0\", count = \"exact\",", "#' include_trash = NULL, uuid = NULL, recursive = NULL)", "#' @param filters ", "#' @param where ", "#' @param order ", "#' @param distinct ", "#' @param limit ", "#' @param offset ", "#' @param count ", "#' @param include_trash Include items whose is_trashed attribute is true.", "#' @param uuid ", "#' @param recursive Include contents from child groups recursively.", "#' @return Group object.", "#' @name projects.list", "NULL", "") } #NOTE: Utility functions: # This function is used to split very long lines of code into smaller chunks. # This is usually the case when we pass a lot of named argumets to a function. formatArgs <- function(prependAtStart, prependToEachSplit, args, appendAtEnd, lineLength) { if(length(args) > 1) { args[1:(length(args) - 1)] <- paste0(args[1:(length(args) - 1)], ",") } args[1] <- paste0(prependAtStart, args[1]) args[length(args)] <- paste0(args[length(args)], appendAtEnd) argsLength <- length(args) argLines <- list() index <- 1 while(index <= argsLength) { line <- args[index] index <- index + 1 while(nchar(line) < lineLength && index <= argsLength) { line <- paste(line, args[index]) index <- index + 1 } argLines <- c(argLines, line) } argLines <- unlist(argLines) argLinesLen <- length(argLines) if(argLinesLen > 1) argLines[2:argLinesLen] <- paste0(prependToEachSplit, argLines[2:argLinesLen]) argLines }