# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Follow events on an Arvados cluster This module provides different ways to get notified about events that happen on an Arvados cluster. You indicate which events you want updates about, and provide a function that is called any time one of those events is received from the server. `subscribe` is the main entry point. It helps you construct one of the two API-compatible client classes: `EventClient` (which uses WebSockets) or `PollClient` (which periodically queries the logs list methods). """ import enum import json import logging import os import re import ssl import sys import _thread import threading import time import websockets.exceptions as ws_exc import websockets.sync.client as ws_client from . import config from . import errors from . import util from .retry import RetryLoop from ._version import __version__ from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union, ) EventCallback = Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], object] """Type signature for an event handler callback""" FilterCondition = List[Union[None, str, 'Filter']] """Type signature for a single filter condition""" Filter = List[FilterCondition] """Type signature for an entire filter""" _logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.events') class WSMethod(enum.Enum): """Arvados WebSocket methods This enum represents valid values for the `method` field in messages sent to an Arvados WebSocket server. """ SUBSCRIBE = 'subscribe' SUB = SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE = 'unsubscribe' UNSUB = UNSUBSCRIBE class EventClient(threading.Thread): """Follow Arvados events via WebSocket EventClient follows events on Arvados cluster published by the WebSocket server. Users can select the events they want to follow and run their own callback function on each. """ _USER_AGENT = 'Python/{}.{}.{} arvados.events/{}'.format( *sys.version_info[:3], __version__, ) def __init__( self, url: str, filters: Optional[Filter], on_event_cb: EventCallback, last_log_id: Optional[int]=None, *, insecure: Optional[bool]=None, ) -> None: """Initialize a WebSocket client Constructor arguments: * url: str --- The `wss` URL for an Arvados WebSocket server. * filters: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to subscribe to after connecting to the WebSocket server. If not specified, the client will subscribe to all events. * on_event_cb: arvados.events.EventCallback --- When the client receives an event from the WebSocket server, it calls this function with the event object. * last_log_id: int | None --- If specified, this will be used as the value for the `last_log_id` field in subscribe messages sent by the client. Constructor keyword arguments: * insecure: bool | None --- If `True`, the client will not check the validity of the server's TLS certificate. If not specified, uses the value from the user's `ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE` setting. """ self.url = url self.filters = [filters or []] self.on_event_cb = on_event_cb self.last_log_id = last_log_id self.is_closed = threading.Event() self._ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context( purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=util.ca_certs_path(), ) if insecure is None: insecure = config.flag_is_true('ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE') if insecure: self._ssl_ctx.check_hostname = False self._ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE self._subscribe_lock = threading.Lock() self._connect() super().__init__(daemon=True) self.start() def _connect(self) -> None: # There are no locks protecting this method. After the thread starts, # it should only be called from inside. self._client = ws_client.connect( self.url, logger=_logger, ssl_context=self._ssl_ctx, user_agent_header=self._USER_AGENT, ) self._client_ok = True def _subscribe(self, f: Filter, last_log_id: Optional[int]) -> None: extra = {} if last_log_id is not None: extra['last_log_id'] = last_log_id return self._update_sub(WSMethod.SUBSCRIBE, f, **extra) def _update_sub(self, method: WSMethod, f: Filter, **extra: Any) -> None: msg = json.dumps({ 'method': method.value, 'filters': f, **extra, }) self._client.send(msg) def close(self, code: int=1000, reason: str='', timeout: float=0) -> None: """Close the WebSocket connection and stop processing events Arguments: * code: int --- The WebSocket close code sent to the server when disconnecting. Default 1000. * reason: str --- The WebSocket close reason sent to the server when disconnecting. Default is an empty string. * timeout: float --- How long to wait for the WebSocket server to acknowledge the disconnection, in seconds. Default 0, which means no timeout. """ self.is_closed.set() self._client.close_timeout = timeout or None self._client.close(code, reason) def run_forever(self) -> None: """Run the WebSocket client indefinitely This method blocks until the `close` method is called (e.g., from another thread) or the client permanently loses its connection. """ # Have to poll here to let KeyboardInterrupt get raised. while not self.is_closed.wait(1): pass def subscribe(self, f: Filter, last_log_id: Optional[int]=None) -> None: """Subscribe to another set of events from the server Arguments: * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One filter to subscribe to events for. * last_log_id: int | None --- If specified, request events starting from this id. If not specified, the server will only send events that occur after processing the subscription. """ with self._subscribe_lock: self._subscribe(f, last_log_id) self.filters.append(f) def unsubscribe(self, f: Filter) -> None: """Unsubscribe from an event stream Arguments: * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to stop receiving events for. """ with self._subscribe_lock: try: index = self.filters.index(f) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"filter not subscribed: {f!r}") from None self._update_sub(WSMethod.UNSUBSCRIBE, f) del self.filters[index] def on_closed(self) -> None: """Handle disconnection from the WebSocket server This method is called when the client loses its connection from receiving events. This implementation tries to establish a new connection if it was not closed client-side. """ if self.is_closed.is_set(): return _logger.warning("Unexpected close. Reconnecting.") for _ in RetryLoop(num_retries=25, backoff_start=.1, max_wait=15): try: self._connect() except Exception as e: _logger.warning("Error '%s' during websocket reconnect.", e) else: _logger.warning("Reconnect successful.") break else: _logger.error("EventClient thread could not contact websocket server.") self.is_closed.set() _thread.interrupt_main() def on_event(self, m: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Handle an event from the WebSocket server This method is called whenever the client receives an event from the server. This implementation records the `id` field internally, then calls the callback function provided at initialization time. Arguments: * m: Dict[str, Any] --- The event object, deserialized from JSON. """ try: self.last_log_id = m['id'] except KeyError: pass try: self.on_event_cb(m) except Exception: _logger.exception("Unexpected exception from event callback.") _thread.interrupt_main() def run(self) -> None: """Run the client loop This method runs in a separate thread to receive and process events from the server. """ self.name = f'ArvadosWebsockets-{self.ident}' while self._client_ok and not self.is_closed.is_set(): try: with self._subscribe_lock: for f in self.filters: self._subscribe(f, self.last_log_id) for msg_s in self._client: if not self.is_closed.is_set(): msg = json.loads(msg_s) self.on_event(msg) except ws_exc.ConnectionClosed: self._client_ok = False self.on_closed() class PollClient(threading.Thread): """Follow Arvados events via polling logs PollClient follows events on Arvados cluster by periodically running logs list API calls. Users can select the events they want to follow and run their own callback function on each. """ def __init__( self, api: 'arvados.api_resources.ArvadosAPIClient', filters: Optional[Filter], on_event: EventCallback, poll_time: float=15, last_log_id: Optional[int]=None, ) -> None: """Initialize a polling client Constructor arguments: * api: arvados.api_resources.ArvadosAPIClient --- The Arvados API client used to query logs. It will be used in a separate thread, so if it is not an instance of `arvados.safeapi.ThreadSafeApiCache` it should not be reused after the thread is started. * filters: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to subscribe to after connecting to the WebSocket server. If not specified, the client will subscribe to all events. * on_event: arvados.events.EventCallback --- When the client receives an event from the WebSocket server, it calls this function with the event object. * poll_time: float --- The number of seconds to wait between querying logs. Default 15. * last_log_id: int | None --- If specified, queries will include a filter for logs with an `id` at least this value. """ super(PollClient, self).__init__() self.api = api if filters: self.filters = [filters] else: self.filters = [[]] self.on_event = on_event self.poll_time = poll_time self.daemon = True self.last_log_id = last_log_id self._closing = threading.Event() self._closing_lock = threading.RLock() if self.last_log_id != None: # Caller supplied the last-seen event ID from a previous # connection. self._skip_old_events = [["id", ">", str(self.last_log_id)]] else: # We need to do a reverse-order query to find the most # recent event ID (see "if not self._skip_old_events" # in run()). self._skip_old_events = False def run(self): """Run the client loop This method runs in a separate thread to poll and process events from the server. """ self.on_event({'status': 200}) while not self._closing.is_set(): moreitems = False for f in self.filters: for tries_left in RetryLoop(num_retries=25, backoff_start=.1, max_wait=self.poll_time): try: if not self._skip_old_events: # If the caller didn't provide a known # recent ID, our first request will ask # for the single most recent event from # the last 2 hours (the time restriction # avoids doing an expensive database # query, and leaves a big enough margin to # account for clock skew). If we do find a # recent event, we remember its ID but # then discard it (we are supposed to be # returning new/current events, not old # ones). # # Subsequent requests will get multiple # events in chronological order, and # filter on that same cutoff time, or # (once we see our first matching event) # the ID of the last-seen event. # # Note: self._skip_old_events must not be # set until the threshold is decided. # Otherwise, tests will be unreliable. filter_by_time = [[ "created_at", ">=", time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(time.time()-7200))]] items = self.api.logs().list( order="id desc", limit=1, filters=f+filter_by_time).execute() if items["items"]: self._skip_old_events = [ ["id", ">", str(items["items"][0]["id"])]] items = { "items": [], "items_available": 0, } else: # No recent events. We can keep using # the same timestamp threshold until # we receive our first new event. self._skip_old_events = filter_by_time else: # In this case, either we know the most # recent matching ID, or we know there # were no matching events in the 2-hour # window before subscribing. Either way we # can safely ask for events in ascending # order. items = self.api.logs().list( order="id asc", filters=f+self._skip_old_events).execute() break except errors.ApiError as error: pass else: tries_left = 0 break if tries_left == 0: _logger.exception("PollClient thread could not contact API server.") with self._closing_lock: self._closing.set() _thread.interrupt_main() return for i in items["items"]: self._skip_old_events = [["id", ">", str(i["id"])]] with self._closing_lock: if self._closing.is_set(): return try: self.on_event(i) except Exception as e: _logger.exception("Unexpected exception from event callback.") _thread.interrupt_main() if items["items_available"] > len(items["items"]): moreitems = True if not moreitems: self._closing.wait(self.poll_time) def run_forever(self): """Run the polling client indefinitely This method blocks until the `close` method is called (e.g., from another thread) or the client permanently loses its connection. """ # Have to poll here, otherwise KeyboardInterrupt will never get processed. while not self._closing.is_set(): self._closing.wait(1) def close(self, code: Optional[int]=None, reason: Optional[str]=None, timeout: float=0) -> None: """Stop polling and processing events Arguments: * code: Optional[int] --- Ignored; this argument exists for API compatibility with `EventClient.close`. * reason: Optional[str] --- Ignored; this argument exists for API compatibility with `EventClient.close`. * timeout: float --- How long to wait for the client thread to finish processing events. Default 0, which means no timeout. """ with self._closing_lock: self._closing.set() try: self.join(timeout=timeout) except RuntimeError: # "join() raises a RuntimeError if an attempt is made to join the # current thread as that would cause a deadlock. It is also an # error to join() a thread before it has been started and attempts # to do so raises the same exception." pass def subscribe(self, f: Filter, last_log_id: Optional[int]=None) -> None: """Subscribe to another set of events from the server Arguments: * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One filter to subscribe to. * last_log_id: Optional[int] --- Ignored; this argument exists for API compatibility with `EventClient.subscribe`. """ self.on_event({'status': 200}) self.filters.append(f) def unsubscribe(self, f): """Unsubscribe from an event stream Arguments: * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to stop receiving events for. """ del self.filters[self.filters.index(f)] def _subscribe_websocket(api, filters, on_event, last_log_id=None): endpoint = api._rootDesc.get('websocketUrl', None) if not endpoint: raise errors.FeatureNotEnabledError( "Server does not advertise a websocket endpoint") uri_with_token = "{}?api_token={}".format(endpoint, api.api_token) try: client = EventClient(uri_with_token, filters, on_event, last_log_id) except Exception: _logger.warning("Failed to connect to websockets on %s" % endpoint) raise else: return client def subscribe( api: 'arvados.api_resources.ArvadosAPIClient', filters: Optional[Filter], on_event: EventCallback, poll_fallback: float=15, last_log_id: Optional[int]=None, ) -> Union[EventClient, PollClient]: """Start a thread to monitor events This method tries to construct an `EventClient` to process Arvados events via WebSockets. If that fails, or the `ARVADOS_DISABLE_WEBSOCKETS` flag is set in user configuration, it falls back to constructing a `PollClient` to process the events via API polling. Arguments: * api: arvados.api_resources.ArvadosAPIClient --- The Arvados API client used to query logs. It may be used in a separate thread, so if it is not an instance of `arvados.safeapi.ThreadSafeApiCache` it should not be reused after this method returns. * filters: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to subscribe to after initializing the client. If not specified, the client will subscribe to all events. * on_event: arvados.events.EventCallback --- When the client receives an event, it calls this function with the event object. * poll_time: float --- The number of seconds to wait between querying logs. If 0, this function will refuse to construct a `PollClient`. Default 15. * last_log_id: int | None --- If specified, start processing events with at least this `id` value. """ if not poll_fallback: return _subscribe_websocket(api, filters, on_event, last_log_id) try: if not config.flag_is_true('ARVADOS_DISABLE_WEBSOCKETS'): return _subscribe_websocket(api, filters, on_event, last_log_id) else: _logger.info("Using polling because ARVADOS_DISABLE_WEBSOCKETS is true") except Exception as e: _logger.warning("Falling back to polling after websocket error: %s" % e) p = PollClient(api, filters, on_event, poll_fallback, last_log_id) p.start() return p