// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import * as _ from "lodash"; import { AxiosInstance, AxiosPromise } from "axios"; import { Resource } from "src/models/resource"; import * as uuid from "uuid/v4"; import { ProgressFn } from "~/services/api/api-progress"; export interface ListArguments { limit?: number; offset?: number; filters?: string; order?: string; select?: string[]; distinct?: boolean; count?: string; } export interface ListResults { kind: string; offset: number; limit: number; items: T[]; itemsAvailable: number; } export interface Errors { errors: string[]; errorToken: string; } export enum CommonResourceServiceError { UNIQUE_VIOLATION = 'UniqueViolation', OWNERSHIP_CYCLE = 'OwnershipCycle', MODIFYING_CONTAINER_REQUEST_FINAL_STATE = 'ModifyingContainerRequestFinalState', UNKNOWN = 'Unknown', NONE = 'None' } export class CommonResourceService { static mapResponseKeys = (response: { data: any }): Promise => CommonResourceService.mapKeys(_.camelCase)(response.data) static mapKeys = (mapFn: (key: string) => string) => (value: any): any => { switch (true) { case _.isPlainObject(value): return Object .keys(value) .map(key => [key, mapFn(key)]) .reduce((newValue, [key, newKey]) => ({ ...newValue, [newKey]: CommonResourceService.mapKeys(mapFn)(value[key]) }), {}); case _.isArray(value): return value.map(CommonResourceService.mapKeys(mapFn)); default: return value; } } static defaultResponse(promise: AxiosPromise, progressFn: ProgressFn): Promise { const reqId = uuid(); progressFn(reqId, true); return promise .then(data => { progressFn(reqId, false); return data; }) .then(CommonResourceService.mapResponseKeys) .catch(({ response }) => { progressFn(reqId, false); Promise.reject(CommonResourceService.mapResponseKeys(response)); }); } protected serverApi: AxiosInstance; protected resourceType: string; protected progressFn: ProgressFn; constructor(serverApi: AxiosInstance, resourceType: string, onProgress: ProgressFn) { this.serverApi = serverApi; this.resourceType = '/' + resourceType + '/'; this.progressFn = onProgress; } create(data?: Partial | any) { return CommonResourceService.defaultResponse( this.serverApi .post(this.resourceType, data && CommonResourceService.mapKeys(_.snakeCase)(data)), this.progressFn ); } delete(uuid: string): Promise { return CommonResourceService.defaultResponse( this.serverApi .delete(this.resourceType + uuid), this.progressFn ); } get(uuid: string) { return CommonResourceService.defaultResponse( this.serverApi .get(this.resourceType + uuid), this.progressFn ); } list(args: ListArguments = {}): Promise> { const { filters, order, ...other } = args; const params = { ...other, filters: filters ? `[${filters}]` : undefined, order: order ? order : undefined }; return CommonResourceService.defaultResponse( this.serverApi .get(this.resourceType, { params: CommonResourceService.mapKeys(_.snakeCase)(params) }), this.progressFn ); } update(uuid: string, data: Partial) { return CommonResourceService.defaultResponse( this.serverApi .put(this.resourceType + uuid, data && CommonResourceService.mapKeys(_.snakeCase)(data)), this.progressFn ); } } export const getCommonResourceServiceError = (errorResponse: any) => { if ('errors' in errorResponse && 'errorToken' in errorResponse) { const error = errorResponse.errors.join(''); switch (true) { case /UniqueViolation/.test(error): return CommonResourceServiceError.UNIQUE_VIOLATION; case /ownership cycle/.test(error): return CommonResourceServiceError.OWNERSHIP_CYCLE; case /Mounts cannot be modified in state 'Final'/.test(error): return CommonResourceServiceError.MODIFYING_CONTAINER_REQUEST_FINAL_STATE; default: return CommonResourceServiceError.UNKNOWN; } } return CommonResourceServiceError.NONE; };