<% failed = j[:tasks_summary][:failed] || 0 rescue 0 done = j[:tasks_summary][:done] || 0 rescue 0 running = j[:tasks_summary][:running] || 0 rescue 0 todo = j[:tasks_summary][:todo] || 0 rescue 0 if j[:success] == false and done + running + failed == 0 # The job failed but no tasks were ever started (i.e. crunch-dispatch # was unable to start the job). Display a full 100% failed progress bar. failed_percent = 100 success_percent = 0 running_percent = 0 elsif done + running + failed + todo == 0 # No tasks were ever created for this job; # render an empty progress bar. failed_percent = 0 success_percent = 0 running_percent = 0 else percent_total_tasks = 100.0 / (done + running + failed + todo) if defined? scaleby percent_total_tasks *= scaleby end failed_percent = (failed * percent_total_tasks).ceil success_percent = (done * percent_total_tasks).ceil running_percent = (running * percent_total_tasks).ceil end %> <% if not defined? scaleby %>
<% end %> <% if not defined? scaleby %>
<% end %>