// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import * as parser from 'store/search-bar/search-query/parser'; interface Property { key: string; value: string; } export enum Keywords { TYPE = 'type', CLUSTER = 'cluster', PROJECT = 'project', IS = 'is', FROM = 'from', TO = 'to', } export enum States { TRASHED = 'trashed', PAST_VERSION = 'pastVersion' } const keyValuePattern = (key: string) => new RegExp(`${key}:([^ ]*)`); const propertyPattern = /has:"(.*?)":"(.*?)"/; const patterns = [ keyValuePattern(Keywords.TYPE), keyValuePattern(Keywords.CLUSTER), keyValuePattern(Keywords.PROJECT), keyValuePattern(Keywords.IS), keyValuePattern(Keywords.FROM), keyValuePattern(Keywords.TO), propertyPattern ]; export const parseSearchQuery = parser.parseSearchQuery(patterns); export const getValue = (tokens: string[]) => (key: string) => { const pattern = keyValuePattern(key); const token = tokens.find(t => pattern.test(t)); if (token) { const [, value] = token.split(':'); return value; } return undefined; }; export const getProperties = (tokens: string[]) => tokens.reduce((properties, token) => { const match = token.match(propertyPattern); if (match) { const [, key, value] = match; const newProperty = { key, value }; return [...properties, newProperty]; } return properties; }, [] as Property[]); export const isTrashed = (tokens: string[]) => isSomeState(States.TRASHED, tokens); export const isPastVersion = (tokens: string[]) => isSomeState(States.PAST_VERSION, tokens); const isSomeState = (state: string, tokens: string[]) => { for (const token of tokens) { const match = token.match(keyValuePattern(Keywords.IS)) || ['', '']; if (match) { const [, value] = match; if(value === state) { return true; } } } return false; };