<% if current_user.andand.is_active %>
Recent jobs <%= link_to raw("Show all jobs →"), jobs_path, class: 'pull-right' %> <% if not current_user.andand.is_active or @my_jobs.empty? %>
(None) <% else %> <% @my_jobs[0..6].each do |j| %> <% end %>
Script Output Log Status Age
<%= link_to j.script[0..31], job_path(j.uuid) %> <% if j.success %> <% Collection.limit(1).where(uuid: j.output).each do |c| c.files.each do |file| %> <%= "#{file[0]}/#{file[1]}" %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if j.success %> Log <% end %> <%= raw(distance_of_time_in_words(j[:created_at], Time.now).sub('about ','~').sub(' ',' ')) if j[:created_at] %> ago <% if j.success %> finished <% elsif j.success == false %> failed <% elsif j.running and j.started_at and not j.finished_at %> <% percent_total_tasks = 100 / (j.tasks_summary[:running] + j.tasks_summary[:done] + j.tasks_summary[:todo]) rescue 0 %>
<% else %> queued <% end %>
<% end %>
Recent pipeline instances <%= link_to raw("Show all pipeline instances →"), jobs_path, class: 'pull-right' %> <% if not current_user.andand.is_active or @my_pipelines.empty? %>
(None) <% else %> <% @my_pipelines[0..6].each do |p| %> <% end %>
Pipeline template Age Status
<% PipelineTemplate.limit(1).where(uuid: p.pipeline_template_uuid).each do |i| %> <%= link_to i.name, pipeline_instance_path(p.uuid) %> <% end %> <%= raw(distance_of_time_in_words(p[:created_at], Time.now).sub('about ','~').sub(' ',' ')) if p[:created_at] %> ago <% if p.success %> finished <% elsif p.success == false %> failed <% elsif p.active %> running <% else %> queued <% end %>
<% end %>
Recent collections <%= link_to raw("Show all collections →"), collections_path, class: 'pull-right' %> <% if not current_user.andand.is_active or @my_collections.empty? %>
(None) <% else %> <% @my_collections[0..6].each do |c| %> <% end %>
Contents Age
<% c.files.each do |file| %> <%= "#{file[0]}/#{file[1]}" %> <% end %> <%= raw(distance_of_time_in_words(c[:created_at], Time.now).sub('about ','~').sub(' ',' ')) if c[:created_at] %> ago
<% end %>
<% else %> <%= image_tag "dax.png", style: "max-width=40%" %> <% end %>