/* * Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 OR Apache-2.0 * */ package org.arvados.client.facade; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import org.arvados.client.api.client.CollectionsApiClient; import org.arvados.client.api.client.GroupsApiClient; import org.arvados.client.api.client.KeepWebApiClient; import org.arvados.client.api.client.UsersApiClient; import org.arvados.client.api.model.*; import org.arvados.client.api.model.argument.Filter; import org.arvados.client.api.model.argument.ListArgument; import org.arvados.client.config.FileConfigProvider; import org.arvados.client.config.ConfigProvider; import org.arvados.client.logic.collection.FileToken; import org.arvados.client.logic.collection.ManifestDecoder; import org.arvados.client.logic.keep.FileDownloader; import org.arvados.client.logic.keep.FileUploader; import org.arvados.client.logic.keep.KeepClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.io.File; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class ArvadosFacade { private final ConfigProvider config; private final Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArvadosFacade.class); private CollectionsApiClient collectionsApiClient; private GroupsApiClient groupsApiClient; private UsersApiClient usersApiClient; private FileDownloader fileDownloader; private FileUploader fileUploader; private static final String PROJECT = "project"; private static final String SUBPROJECT = "sub-project"; public ArvadosFacade(ConfigProvider config) { this.config = config; setFacadeFields(); } public ArvadosFacade() { this.config = new FileConfigProvider(); setFacadeFields(); } private void setFacadeFields() { collectionsApiClient = new CollectionsApiClient(config); groupsApiClient = new GroupsApiClient(config); usersApiClient = new UsersApiClient(config); KeepClient keepClient = new KeepClient(config); ManifestDecoder manifestDecoder = new ManifestDecoder(); KeepWebApiClient keepWebApiClient = new KeepWebApiClient(config); fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(keepClient, manifestDecoder, collectionsApiClient, keepWebApiClient); fileUploader = new FileUploader(keepClient, collectionsApiClient, config); } /** * This method downloads single file from collection using Arvados Keep-Web. * File is saved on a drive in specified location and returned. * * @param filePathName path to the file in collection. If requested file is stored * directly in collection (not within its subdirectory) this * would be just the name of file (ex. 'file.txt'). * Otherwise full file path must be passed (ex. 'folder/file.txt') * @param collectionUuid uuid of collection containing requested file * @param pathToDownloadFolder path to location in which file should be saved. * Passed location must be a directory in which file of * that name does not already exist. * @return downloaded file */ public File downloadFile(String filePathName, String collectionUuid, String pathToDownloadFolder) { return fileDownloader.downloadSingleFileUsingKeepWeb(filePathName, collectionUuid, pathToDownloadFolder); } /** * This method downloads all files from collection. * Directory named by collection uuid is created in specified location, * files are saved on a drive in this directory and list with downloaded * files is returned. * * @param collectionUuid uuid of collection from which files are downloaded * @param pathToDownloadFolder path to location in which files should be saved. * New folder named by collection uuid, containing * downloaded files, is created in this location. * Passed location must be a directory in which folder * of that name does not already exist. * @param usingKeepWeb if set to true files will be downloaded using Keep Web. * If set to false files will be downloaded using Keep Server API. * @return list containing downloaded files */ public List downloadCollectionFiles(String collectionUuid, String pathToDownloadFolder, boolean usingKeepWeb) { if (usingKeepWeb) return fileDownloader.downloadFilesFromCollectionUsingKeepWeb(collectionUuid, pathToDownloadFolder); return fileDownloader.downloadFilesFromCollection(collectionUuid, pathToDownloadFolder); } /** * Lists all FileTokens (objects containing information about files) for * specified collection. * Information in each FileToken includes file path, name, size and position * in data stream * * @param collectionUuid uuid of collection for which FileTokens are listed * @return list containing FileTokens for each file in specified collection */ public List listFileInfoFromCollection(String collectionUuid) { return fileDownloader.listFileInfoFromCollection(collectionUuid); } /** * Creates and uploads new collection containing passed files. * Created collection has a default name and is uploaded to user's 'Home' project. * * @see ArvadosFacade#upload(List, String, String) * @param files list of files to be uploaded within new collection * @return collection object mapped from JSON that is returned from server after successful upload */ public Collection upload(List files) { return upload(files, null, null); } /** * Creates and uploads new collection containing a single file. * Created collection has a default name and is uploaded to user's 'Home' project. * * @see ArvadosFacade#upload(List, String, String) * @param file file to be uploaded * @return collection object mapped from JSON that is returned from server after successful upload */ public Collection upload(File file) { return upload(Collections.singletonList(file), null, null); } /** * Uploads new collection with specified name and containing selected files * to an existing project. * * @param sourceFiles list of files to be uploaded within new collection * @param collectionName name for the newly created collection. * Collection with that name cannot be already created * in specified project. If null is passed * then collection name is set to default, containing * phrase 'New Collection' and a timestamp. * @param projectUuid uuid of the project in which created collection is to be included. * If null is passed then collection is uploaded to user's 'Home' project. * @return collection object mapped from JSON that is returned from server after successful upload */ public Collection upload(List sourceFiles, String collectionName, String projectUuid) { return fileUploader.upload(sourceFiles, collectionName, projectUuid); } /** * Uploads a file to a specified collection. * * @see ArvadosFacade#uploadToExistingCollection(List, String) * @param file file to be uploaded to existing collection. Filenames must be unique * in comparison with files already existing within collection. * @param collectionUUID UUID of collection to which files should be uploaded * @return collection object mapped from JSON that is returned from server after successful upload */ public Collection uploadToExistingCollection(File file, String collectionUUID) { return fileUploader.uploadToExistingCollection(Collections.singletonList(file), collectionUUID); } /** * Uploads multiple files to an existing collection. * * @param files list of files to be uploaded to existing collection. * File names must be unique - both within passed list and * in comparison with files already existing within collection. * @param collectionUUID UUID of collection to which files should be uploaded * @return collection object mapped from JSON that is returned from server after successful upload */ public Collection uploadToExistingCollection(List files, String collectionUUID) { return fileUploader.uploadToExistingCollection(files, collectionUUID); } /** * Creates and uploads new empty collection to specified project. * * @param collectionName name for the newly created collection. * Collection with that name cannot be already created * in specified project. * @param projectUuid uuid of project that will contain uploaded empty collection. * To select home project pass current user's uuid from getCurrentUser() * @return collection object mapped from JSON that is returned from server after successful upload * @see ArvadosFacade#getCurrentUser() */ public Collection createEmptyCollection(String collectionName, String projectUuid) { Collection collection = new Collection(); collection.setOwnerUuid(projectUuid); collection.setName(collectionName); return collectionsApiClient.create(collection); } /** * Returns current user information based on Api Token provided via configuration * * @return user object mapped from JSON that is returned from server based on provided Api Token. * It contains information about user who has this token assigned. */ public User getCurrentUser() { return usersApiClient.current(); } /** * Gets uuid of current user based on api Token provided in configuration and uses it to list all * projects that this user owns in Arvados. * * @return GroupList containing all groups that current user is owner of. * @see ArvadosFacade#getCurrentUser() */ public GroupList showGroupsOwnedByCurrentUser() { ListArgument listArgument = ListArgument.builder() .filters(Arrays.asList( Filter.of("owner_uuid", Filter.Operator.LIKE, getCurrentUser().getUuid()), Filter.of("group_class", Filter.Operator.IN, Lists.newArrayList(PROJECT, SUBPROJECT) ))) .build(); GroupList groupList = groupsApiClient.list(listArgument); log.debug("Groups owned by user:"); groupList.getItems().forEach(m -> log.debug(m.getUuid() + " -- " + m.getName())); return groupList; } /** * Gets uuid of current user based on api Token provided in configuration and uses it to list all * projects that this user has read access to in Arvados. * * @return GroupList containing all groups that current user has read access to. */ public GroupList showGroupsAccessibleByCurrentUser() { ListArgument listArgument = ListArgument.builder() .filters(Collections.singletonList( Filter.of("group_class", Filter.Operator.IN, Lists.newArrayList(PROJECT, SUBPROJECT) ))) .build(); GroupList groupList = groupsApiClient.list(listArgument); log.debug("Groups accessible by user:"); groupList.getItems().forEach(m -> log.debug(m.getUuid() + " -- " + m.getName())); return groupList; } /** * Filters all collections from selected project and returns list of those that contain passed String in their name. * Operator "LIKE" is used so in order to obtain certain collection it is sufficient to pass just part of its name. * Returned collections in collectionList are ordered by date of creation (starting from oldest one). * * @param collectionName collections containing this param in their name will be returned. * Passing a wildcard is possible - for example passing "a%" searches for * all collections starting with "a". * @param projectUuid uuid of project in which will be searched for collections with given name. To search home * project provide user uuid (from getCurrentUser()) * @return object CollectionList containing all collections matching specified name criteria * @see ArvadosFacade#getCurrentUser() */ public CollectionList getCollectionsFromProjectByName(String collectionName, String projectUuid) { ListArgument listArgument = ListArgument.builder() .filters(Arrays.asList( Filter.of("owner_uuid", Filter.Operator.LIKE, projectUuid), Filter.of("name", Filter.Operator.LIKE, collectionName) )) .order(Collections.singletonList("created_at")) .build(); return collectionsApiClient.list(listArgument); } /** * Creates new project that will be a subproject of "home" for current user. * * @param projectName name for the newly created project * @return Group object containing information about created project * (mapped from JSON returned from server after creating the project) */ public Group createNewProject(String projectName) { Group project = new Group(); project.setName(projectName); project.setGroupClass(PROJECT); Group createdProject = groupsApiClient.create(project); log.debug("Project " + createdProject.getName() + " created with UUID: " + createdProject.getUuid()); return createdProject; } /** * Deletes collection with specified uuid. * * @param collectionUuid uuid of collection to be deleted. User whose token is provided in configuration * must be authorized to delete such collection. * @return collection object with deleted collection (mapped from JSON returned from server after deleting the collection) */ public Collection deleteCollection(String collectionUuid) { Collection deletedCollection = collectionsApiClient.delete(collectionUuid); log.debug("Collection: " + collectionUuid + " deleted."); return deletedCollection; } }