<% n_inputs = 0 %> <% content_for :pi_input_form do %>
<% @object.components.each do |cname, component| %> <% next if !component %> <% component[:script_parameters].andand.each do |pname, pvalue_spec| %> <% if pvalue_spec.is_a? Hash %> <% if (pvalue_spec[:description] or (pvalue_spec[:required] and not pvalue_spec[:value])) %> <% n_inputs += 1 %>

<%= render_pipeline_component_attribute @object, :components, [cname, :script_parameters, pname.to_sym], pvalue_spec %>

<%= pvalue_spec[:description] %>

<% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% if n_inputs == 0 %>

This pipeline does not need any further inputs specified. You can start it by clicking the "Run" button.

<% else %>

Provide <%= n_inputs > 1 ? 'values' : 'a value' %> for the following <%= n_inputs > 1 ? 'parameters' : 'parameter' %>, then click the "Run" button to start the pipeline.

<%= content_for :pi_input_form %> <%= form_tag @object, :method => :put do |f| %> <%= hidden_field @object.class.to_s.underscore.singularize.to_sym, :state, :value => 'RunningOnServer' %> <%= button_tag({class: 'btn btn-primary run-pipeline-button'}) do %> Run <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>

Click the "Components" tab above to see a full list of pipeline components and parameters.