// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 package scheduler import ( "sort" "time" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/dispatchcloud/container" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) var quietAfter503 = time.Minute func (sch *Scheduler) runQueue() { unsorted, _ := sch.queue.Entries() sorted := make([]container.QueueEnt, 0, len(unsorted)) for _, ent := range unsorted { sorted = append(sorted, ent) } sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool { if pi, pj := sorted[i].Container.Priority, sorted[j].Container.Priority; pi != pj { return pi > pj } else { // When containers have identical priority, // start them in the order we first noticed // them. This avoids extra lock/unlock cycles // when we unlock the containers that don't // fit in the available pool. return sorted[i].FirstSeenAt.Before(sorted[j].FirstSeenAt) } }) running := sch.pool.Running() unalloc := sch.pool.Unallocated() if t := sch.client.Last503(); t.After(sch.last503time) { // API has sent an HTTP 503 response since last time // we checked. Use current #containers - 1 as // maxConcurrency, i.e., try to stay just below the // level where we see 503s. sch.last503time = t if newlimit := len(running) - 1; newlimit < 1 { sch.maxConcurrency = 1 } else { sch.maxConcurrency = newlimit } } else if sch.maxConcurrency > 0 && time.Since(sch.last503time) > quietAfter503 { // If we haven't seen any 503 errors lately, raise // limit to ~10% beyond the current workload. // // As we use the added 10% to schedule more // containers, len(running) will increase and we'll // push the limit up further. Soon enough, // maxConcurrency will get high enough to schedule the // entire queue, hit pool quota, or get 503s again. max := len(running)*11/10 + 1 if sch.maxConcurrency < max { sch.maxConcurrency = max } } if sch.last503time.IsZero() { sch.mLast503Time.Set(0) } else { sch.mLast503Time.Set(float64(sch.last503time.Unix())) } sch.mMaxContainerConcurrency.Set(float64(sch.maxConcurrency)) sch.logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "Containers": len(sorted), "Processes": len(running), "maxConcurrency": sch.maxConcurrency, }).Debug("runQueue") dontstart := map[arvados.InstanceType]bool{} var overquota []container.QueueEnt // entries that are unmappable because of worker pool quota var overmaxsuper []container.QueueEnt // unmappable because max supervisors (these are not included in overquota) var containerAllocatedWorkerBootingCount int // trying is #containers running + #containers we're trying to // start. We stop trying to start more containers if this // reaches the dynamic maxConcurrency limit. trying := len(running) supervisors := 0 tryrun: for i, ent := range sorted { ctr, it := ent.Container, ent.InstanceType logger := sch.logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "ContainerUUID": ctr.UUID, "InstanceType": it.Name, }) if ctr.SchedulingParameters.Supervisor { supervisors += 1 if sch.maxSupervisors > 0 && supervisors > sch.maxSupervisors { overmaxsuper = append(overmaxsuper, sorted[i]) continue } } if _, running := running[ctr.UUID]; running || ctr.Priority < 1 { continue } switch ctr.State { case arvados.ContainerStateQueued: if sch.maxConcurrency > 0 && trying >= sch.maxConcurrency { logger.Tracef("not locking: already at maxConcurrency %d", sch.maxConcurrency) overquota = sorted[i:] break tryrun } trying++ if unalloc[it] < 1 && sch.pool.AtQuota() { logger.Trace("not locking: AtQuota and no unalloc workers") overquota = sorted[i:] break tryrun } if sch.pool.KillContainer(ctr.UUID, "about to lock") { logger.Info("not locking: crunch-run process from previous attempt has not exited") continue } go sch.lockContainer(logger, ctr.UUID) unalloc[it]-- case arvados.ContainerStateLocked: if sch.maxConcurrency > 0 && trying >= sch.maxConcurrency { logger.Debugf("not starting: already at maxConcurrency %d", sch.maxConcurrency) overquota = sorted[i:] break tryrun } trying++ if unalloc[it] > 0 { unalloc[it]-- } else if sch.pool.AtQuota() { // Don't let lower-priority containers // starve this one by using keeping // idle workers alive on different // instance types. logger.Trace("overquota") overquota = sorted[i:] break tryrun } else if sch.pool.Create(it) { // Success. (Note pool.Create works // asynchronously and does its own // logging about the eventual outcome, // so we don't need to.) logger.Info("creating new instance") } else { // Failed despite not being at quota, // e.g., cloud ops throttled. TODO: // avoid getting starved here if // instances of a specific type always // fail. logger.Trace("pool declined to create new instance") continue } if dontstart[it] { // We already tried & failed to start // a higher-priority container on the // same instance type. Don't let this // one sneak in ahead of it. } else if sch.pool.KillContainer(ctr.UUID, "about to start") { logger.Info("not restarting yet: crunch-run process from previous attempt has not exited") } else if sch.pool.StartContainer(it, ctr) { logger.Trace("StartContainer => true") // Success. } else { logger.Trace("StartContainer => false") containerAllocatedWorkerBootingCount += 1 dontstart[it] = true } } } sch.mContainersAllocatedNotStarted.Set(float64(containerAllocatedWorkerBootingCount)) sch.mContainersNotAllocatedOverQuota.Set(float64(len(overquota) + len(overmaxsuper))) if len(overquota)+len(overmaxsuper) > 0 { // Unlock any containers that are unmappable while // we're at quota (but if they have already been // scheduled and they're loading docker images etc., // let them run). for _, ctr := range append(overmaxsuper, overquota...) { ctr := ctr.Container _, toolate := running[ctr.UUID] if ctr.State == arvados.ContainerStateLocked && !toolate { logger := sch.logger.WithField("ContainerUUID", ctr.UUID) logger.Info("unlock because pool capacity is used by higher priority containers") err := sch.queue.Unlock(ctr.UUID) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).Warn("error unlocking") } } } // Shut down idle workers that didn't get any // containers mapped onto them before we hit quota. for it, n := range unalloc { if n < 1 { continue } sch.pool.Shutdown(it) } } } // Lock the given container. Should be called in a new goroutine. func (sch *Scheduler) lockContainer(logger logrus.FieldLogger, uuid string) { if !sch.uuidLock(uuid, "lock") { return } defer sch.uuidUnlock(uuid) if ctr, ok := sch.queue.Get(uuid); !ok || ctr.State != arvados.ContainerStateQueued { // This happens if the container has been cancelled or // locked since runQueue called sch.queue.Entries(), // possibly by a lockContainer() call from a previous // runQueue iteration. In any case, we will respond // appropriately on the next runQueue iteration, which // will have already been triggered by the queue // update. logger.WithField("State", ctr.State).Debug("container no longer queued by the time we decided to lock it, doing nothing") return } err := sch.queue.Lock(uuid) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).Warn("error locking container") return } logger.Debug("lock succeeded") ctr, ok := sch.queue.Get(uuid) if !ok { logger.Error("(BUG?) container disappeared from queue after Lock succeeded") } else if ctr.State != arvados.ContainerStateLocked { logger.Warnf("(race?) container has state=%q after Lock succeeded", ctr.State) } } // Acquire a non-blocking lock for specified UUID, returning true if // successful. The op argument is used only for debug logs. // // If the lock is not available, uuidLock arranges to wake up the // scheduler after a short delay, so it can retry whatever operation // is trying to get the lock (if that operation is still worth doing). // // This mechanism helps avoid spamming the controller/database with // concurrent updates for any single container, even when the // scheduler loop is running frequently. func (sch *Scheduler) uuidLock(uuid, op string) bool { sch.mtx.Lock() defer sch.mtx.Unlock() logger := sch.logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "ContainerUUID": uuid, "Op": op, }) if op, locked := sch.uuidOp[uuid]; locked { logger.Debugf("uuidLock not available, Op=%s in progress", op) // Make sure the scheduler loop wakes up to retry. sch.wakeup.Reset(time.Second / 4) return false } logger.Debug("uuidLock acquired") sch.uuidOp[uuid] = op return true } func (sch *Scheduler) uuidUnlock(uuid string) { sch.mtx.Lock() defer sch.mtx.Unlock() delete(sch.uuidOp, uuid) }