// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import React, { ReactElement, useState } from 'react'; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { StyleRulesCallback, WithStyles, withStyles, Card, CardHeader, IconButton, CardContent, Tooltip, Typography, Tabs, Tab, Table, TableHead, TableBody, TableRow, TableCell, Paper, Grid, Chip, CircularProgress, } from '@material-ui/core'; import { ArvadosTheme } from 'common/custom-theme'; import { CloseIcon, ImageIcon, InputIcon, ImageOffIcon, OutputIcon, MaximizeIcon, UnMaximizeIcon, InfoIcon } from 'components/icon/icon'; import { MPVPanelProps } from 'components/multi-panel-view/multi-panel-view'; import { BooleanCommandInputParameter, CommandInputParameter, CWLType, Directory, DirectoryArrayCommandInputParameter, DirectoryCommandInputParameter, EnumCommandInputParameter, FileArrayCommandInputParameter, FileCommandInputParameter, FloatArrayCommandInputParameter, FloatCommandInputParameter, IntArrayCommandInputParameter, IntCommandInputParameter, isArrayOfType, isPrimitiveOfType, StringArrayCommandInputParameter, StringCommandInputParameter, } from "models/workflow"; import { CommandOutputParameter } from 'cwlts/mappings/v1.0/CommandOutputParameter'; import { File } from 'models/workflow'; import { getInlineFileUrl } from 'views-components/context-menu/actions/helpers'; import { AuthState } from 'store/auth/auth-reducer'; import mime from 'mime'; import { DefaultView } from 'components/default-view/default-view'; import { getNavUrl } from 'routes/routes'; import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Link as MuiLink } from '@material-ui/core'; import { InputCollectionMount } from 'store/processes/processes-actions'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { RootState } from 'store/store'; import { ProcessOutputCollectionFiles } from './process-output-collection-files'; import { Process } from 'store/processes/process'; import { navigateTo } from 'store/navigation/navigation-action'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { DefaultCodeSnippet } from 'components/default-code-snippet/default-code-snippet'; import { KEEP_URL_REGEX } from 'models/resource'; type CssRules = | "card" | "content" | "title" | "header" | "avatar" | "iconHeader" | "tableWrapper" | "tableRoot" | "paramValue" | "keepLink" | "collectionLink" | "imagePreview" | "valArray" | "secondaryVal" | "secondaryRow" | "emptyValue" | "noBorderRow" | "symmetricTabs" | "imagePlaceholder" | "rowWithPreview" | "labelColumn"; const styles: StyleRulesCallback = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({ card: { height: '100%' }, header: { paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit, paddingBottom: 0, }, iconHeader: { fontSize: '1.875rem', color: theme.customs.colors.greyL, }, avatar: { alignSelf: 'flex-start', paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 0.5 }, content: { height: `calc(100% - ${theme.spacing.unit * 7}px - ${theme.spacing.unit * 1.5}px)`, padding: theme.spacing.unit * 1.0, paddingTop: 0, '&:last-child': { paddingBottom: theme.spacing.unit * 1, } }, title: { overflow: 'hidden', paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 0.5, color: theme.customs.colors.greyD, fontSize: '1.875rem' }, tableWrapper: { height: 'auto', maxHeight: `calc(100% - ${theme.spacing.unit * 4.5}px)`, overflow: 'auto', }, tableRoot: { width: '100%', '& thead th': { verticalAlign: 'bottom', paddingBottom: '10px', }, '& td, & th': { paddingRight: '25px', } }, paramValue: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'flex-start', flexDirection: 'column', }, keepLink: { color: theme.palette.primary.main, textDecoration: 'none', overflowWrap: 'break-word', cursor: 'pointer', }, collectionLink: { margin: '10px', '& a': { color: theme.palette.primary.main, textDecoration: 'none', overflowWrap: 'break-word', cursor: 'pointer', } }, imagePreview: { maxHeight: '15em', maxWidth: '15em', marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit, }, valArray: { display: 'flex', gap: '10px', flexWrap: 'wrap', '& span': { display: 'inline', } }, secondaryVal: { paddingLeft: '20px', }, secondaryRow: { height: '29px', verticalAlign: 'top', position: 'relative', top: '-9px', }, emptyValue: { color: theme.customs.colors.grey700, }, noBorderRow: { '& td': { borderBottom: 'none', } }, symmetricTabs: { '& button': { flexBasis: '0', } }, imagePlaceholder: { width: '60px', height: '60px', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: '#cecece', borderRadius: '10px', }, rowWithPreview: { verticalAlign: 'bottom', }, labelColumn: { minWidth: '120px', }, }); export enum ProcessIOCardType { INPUT = 'Inputs', OUTPUT = 'Outputs', } export interface ProcessIOCardDataProps { process: Process; label: ProcessIOCardType; params: ProcessIOParameter[] | null; raw: any; mounts?: InputCollectionMount[]; outputUuid?: string; } export interface ProcessIOCardActionProps { navigateTo: (uuid: string) => void; } const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch): ProcessIOCardActionProps => ({ navigateTo: (uuid) => dispatch(navigateTo(uuid)), }); type ProcessIOCardProps = ProcessIOCardDataProps & ProcessIOCardActionProps & WithStyles & MPVPanelProps; export const ProcessIOCard = withStyles(styles)(connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)( ({ classes, label, params, raw, mounts, outputUuid, doHidePanel, doMaximizePanel, doUnMaximizePanel, panelMaximized, panelName, process, navigateTo }: ProcessIOCardProps) => { const [mainProcTabState, setMainProcTabState] = useState(0); const handleMainProcTabChange = (event: React.MouseEvent, value: number) => { setMainProcTabState(value); } const [showImagePreview, setShowImagePreview] = useState(false); const PanelIcon = label === ProcessIOCardType.INPUT ? InputIcon : OutputIcon; const mainProcess = !process.containerRequest.requestingContainerUuid; const loading = raw === null || raw === undefined || params === null; const hasRaw = !!(raw && Object.keys(raw).length > 0); const hasParams = !!(params && params.length > 0); return } title={ {label} } action={
{ mainProcess && {setShowImagePreview(!showImagePreview)}}>{showImagePreview ? : } } { doUnMaximizePanel && panelMaximized && } { doMaximizePanel && !panelMaximized && } { doHidePanel && }
} /> {mainProcess ? (<> {/* raw is undefined until params are loaded */} {loading && } {/* Once loaded, either raw or params may still be empty * Raw when all params are empty * Params when raw is provided by containerRequest properties but workflow mount is absent for preview */} {(!loading && (hasRaw || hasParams)) && <> {/* params will be empty on processes without workflow definitions in mounts, so we only show raw */} {hasParams && } {(mainProcTabState === 0 && params && hasParams) &&
} {(mainProcTabState === 1 || !hasParams) &&
} } {!loading && !hasRaw && !hasParams && } ) : // Subprocess (<> {((mounts && mounts.length) || outputUuid) ? <> {label === ProcessIOCardType.INPUT && } {label === ProcessIOCardType.OUTPUT && }
{label === ProcessIOCardType.INPUT && } {label === ProcessIOCardType.OUTPUT && <> {outputUuid && Output Collection: {navigateTo(outputUuid || "")}}> {outputUuid} } }
: } ) }
; } )); export type ProcessIOValue = { display: ReactElement; imageUrl?: string; collection?: ReactElement; secondary?: boolean; } export type ProcessIOParameter = { id: string; label: string; value: ProcessIOValue[]; } interface ProcessIOPreviewDataProps { data: ProcessIOParameter[]; showImagePreview: boolean; } type ProcessIOPreviewProps = ProcessIOPreviewDataProps & WithStyles; const ProcessIOPreview = withStyles(styles)( ({ classes, data, showImagePreview }: ProcessIOPreviewProps) => { const showLabel = data.some((param: ProcessIOParameter) => param.label); return Name {showLabel && Label} Value Collection {data.map((param: ProcessIOParameter) => { const firstVal = param.value.length > 0 ? param.value[0] : undefined; const rest = param.value.slice(1); const mainRowClasses = { [classes.noBorderRow]: (rest.length > 0), }; return <> {param.id} {showLabel && {param.label}} {firstVal && } {firstVal?.collection} {rest.map((val, i) => { const rowClasses = { [classes.noBorderRow]: (i < rest.length-1), [classes.secondaryRow]: val.secondary, }; return {showLabel && } {val.collection} })} ; })}
; }); interface ProcessValuePreviewProps { value: ProcessIOValue; showImagePreview: boolean; } const ProcessValuePreview = withStyles(styles)( ({value, showImagePreview, classes}: ProcessValuePreviewProps & WithStyles) => {value.imageUrl && showImagePreview ? Inline Preview : ""} {value.imageUrl && !showImagePreview ? : ""} {value.display} ) interface ProcessIORawDataProps { data: ProcessIOParameter[]; } const ProcessIORaw = withStyles(styles)( ({ data }: ProcessIORawDataProps) => ); interface ProcessInputMountsDataProps { mounts: InputCollectionMount[]; } type ProcessInputMountsProps = ProcessInputMountsDataProps & WithStyles; const ProcessInputMounts = withStyles(styles)(connect((state: RootState) => ({ auth: state.auth, }))(({ mounts, classes, auth }: ProcessInputMountsProps & { auth: AuthState }) => ( Path Portable Data Hash {mounts.map(mount => (
))); type FileWithSecondaryFiles = { secondaryFiles: File[]; } export const getIOParamDisplayValue = (auth: AuthState, input: CommandInputParameter | CommandOutputParameter, pdh?: string): ProcessIOValue[] => { switch (true) { case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.BOOLEAN): const boolValue = (input as BooleanCommandInputParameter).value; return boolValue !== undefined && !(Array.isArray(boolValue) && boolValue.length === 0) ? [{display: renderPrimitiveValue(boolValue, false) }] : [{display: }]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.INT): case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.LONG): const intValue = (input as IntCommandInputParameter).value; return intValue !== undefined && // Missing values are empty array !(Array.isArray(intValue) && intValue.length === 0) ? [{display: renderPrimitiveValue(intValue, false) }] : [{display: }]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.FLOAT): case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.DOUBLE): const floatValue = (input as FloatCommandInputParameter).value; return floatValue !== undefined && !(Array.isArray(floatValue) && floatValue.length === 0) ? [{display: renderPrimitiveValue(floatValue, false) }]: [{display: }]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.STRING): const stringValue = (input as StringCommandInputParameter).value || undefined; return stringValue !== undefined && !(Array.isArray(stringValue) && stringValue.length === 0) ? [{display: renderPrimitiveValue(stringValue, false) }] : [{display: }]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.FILE): const mainFile = (input as FileCommandInputParameter).value; // secondaryFiles: File[] is not part of CommandOutputParameter so we cast to access secondaryFiles const secondaryFiles = ((mainFile as unknown) as FileWithSecondaryFiles)?.secondaryFiles || []; const files = [ ...(mainFile && !(Array.isArray(mainFile) && mainFile.length === 0) ? [mainFile] : []), ...secondaryFiles ]; const mainFilePdhUrl = mainFile ? getResourcePdhUrl(mainFile, pdh) : ""; return files.length ? files.map((file, i) => fileToProcessIOValue(file, (i > 0), auth, pdh, (i > 0 ? mainFilePdhUrl : ""))) : [{display: }]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.DIRECTORY): const directory = (input as DirectoryCommandInputParameter).value; return directory !== undefined && !(Array.isArray(directory) && directory.length === 0) ? [directoryToProcessIOValue(directory, auth, pdh)] : [{display: }]; case typeof input.type === 'object' && !(input.type instanceof Array) && input.type.type === 'enum': const enumValue = (input as EnumCommandInputParameter).value; return enumValue !== undefined && enumValue ? [{ display:
}] : [{display: }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.STRING): const strArray = (input as StringArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []; return strArray.length ? [{ display: <>{strArray.map((val) => renderPrimitiveValue(val, true))} }] : [{display: }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.INT): case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.LONG): const intArray = (input as IntArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []; return intArray.length ? [{ display: <>{intArray.map((val) => renderPrimitiveValue(val, true))} }] : [{display: }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.FLOAT): case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.DOUBLE): const floatArray = (input as FloatArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []; return floatArray.length ? [{ display: <>{floatArray.map((val) => renderPrimitiveValue(val, true))} }] : [{display: }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.FILE): const fileArrayMainFiles = ((input as FileArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []); const firstMainFilePdh = (fileArrayMainFiles.length > 0 && fileArrayMainFiles[0]) ? getResourcePdhUrl(fileArrayMainFiles[0], pdh) : ""; // Convert each main file into separate arrays of ProcessIOValue to preserve secondaryFile grouping const fileArrayValues = fileArrayMainFiles.map((mainFile: File, i): ProcessIOValue[] => { const secondaryFiles = ((mainFile as unknown) as FileWithSecondaryFiles)?.secondaryFiles || []; return [ // Pass firstMainFilePdh to secondary files and every main file besides the first to hide pdh if equal ...(mainFile ? [fileToProcessIOValue(mainFile, false, auth, pdh, i > 0 ? firstMainFilePdh : "")] : []), ...(secondaryFiles.map(file => fileToProcessIOValue(file, true, auth, pdh, firstMainFilePdh))) ]; // Reduce each mainFile/secondaryFile group into single array preserving ordering }).reduce((acc: ProcessIOValue[], mainFile: ProcessIOValue[]) => (acc.concat(mainFile)), []); return fileArrayValues.length ? fileArrayValues : [{display: }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.DIRECTORY): const directories = (input as DirectoryArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []; return directories.length ? directories.map(directory => directoryToProcessIOValue(directory, auth, pdh)) : [{display: }]; default: return [{display: }]; } }; const renderPrimitiveValue = (value: any, asChip: boolean) => { const isObject = typeof value === 'object'; if (!isObject) { return asChip ? :
; } else { return asChip ? : ; } }; /* * @returns keep url without keep: prefix */ const getKeepUrl = (file: File | Directory, pdh?: string): string => { const isKeepUrl = file.location?.startsWith('keep:') || false; const keepUrl = isKeepUrl ? file.location?.replace('keep:', '') : pdh ? `${pdh}/${file.location}` : file.location; return keepUrl || ''; }; interface KeepUrlProps { auth: AuthState; res: File | Directory; pdh?: string; } const getResourcePdhUrl = (res: File | Directory, pdh?: string): string => { const keepUrl = getKeepUrl(res, pdh); return keepUrl ? keepUrl.split('/').slice(0, 1)[0] : ''; }; const KeepUrlBase = withStyles(styles)(({auth, res, pdh, classes}: KeepUrlProps & WithStyles) => { const pdhUrl = getResourcePdhUrl(res, pdh); // Passing a pdh always returns a relative wb2 collection url const pdhWbPath = getNavUrl(pdhUrl, auth); return pdhUrl && pdhWbPath ? {pdhUrl} : <>; }); const KeepUrlPath = withStyles(styles)(({auth, res, pdh, classes}: KeepUrlProps & WithStyles) => { const keepUrl = getKeepUrl(res, pdh); const keepUrlParts = keepUrl ? keepUrl.split('/') : []; const keepUrlPath = keepUrlParts.length > 1 ? keepUrlParts.slice(1).join('/') : ''; const keepUrlPathNav = getKeepNavUrl(auth, res, pdh); return keepUrlPathNav ? {keepUrlPath || '/'} : ; }); const getKeepNavUrl = (auth: AuthState, file: File | Directory, pdh?: string): string => { let keepUrl = getKeepUrl(file, pdh); return (getInlineFileUrl(`${auth.config.keepWebServiceUrl}/c=${keepUrl}?api_token=${auth.apiToken}`, auth.config.keepWebServiceUrl, auth.config.keepWebInlineServiceUrl)); }; const getImageUrl = (auth: AuthState, file: File, pdh?: string): string => { const keepUrl = getKeepUrl(file, pdh); return getInlineFileUrl(`${auth.config.keepWebServiceUrl}/c=${keepUrl}?api_token=${auth.apiToken}`, auth.config.keepWebServiceUrl, auth.config.keepWebInlineServiceUrl); }; const isFileImage = (basename?: string): boolean => { return basename ? (mime.getType(basename) || "").startsWith('image/') : false; }; const isFileUrl = (location?: string): boolean => ( !!location && !KEEP_URL_REGEX.exec(location) && (location.startsWith("http://") || location.startsWith("https://")) ); const normalizeDirectoryLocation = (directory: Directory): Directory => { if (!directory.location) { return directory; } return { ...directory, location: (directory.location || '').endsWith('/') ? directory.location : directory.location + '/', }; }; const directoryToProcessIOValue = (directory: Directory, auth: AuthState, pdh?: string): ProcessIOValue => { if (isExternalValue(directory)) {return {display: }} const normalizedDirectory = normalizeDirectoryLocation(directory); return { display: , collection: , }; }; const fileToProcessIOValue = (file: File, secondary: boolean, auth: AuthState, pdh: string | undefined, mainFilePdh: string): ProcessIOValue => { if (isExternalValue(file)) {return {display: }} if (isFileUrl(file.location)) { return { display: {file.location}, secondary, }; } const resourcePdh = getResourcePdhUrl(file, pdh); return { display: , secondary, imageUrl: isFileImage(file.basename) ? getImageUrl(auth, file, pdh) : undefined, collection: (resourcePdh !== mainFilePdh) ? : <>, } }; const isExternalValue = (val: any) => Object.keys(val).includes('$import') || Object.keys(val).includes('$include') const EmptyValue = withStyles(styles)( ({classes}: WithStyles) => No value ); const UnsupportedValue = withStyles(styles)( ({classes}: WithStyles) => Cannot display value ); const UnsupportedValueChip = withStyles(styles)( ({classes}: WithStyles) => } label={"Cannot display value"} /> ); const ImagePlaceholder = withStyles(styles)( ({classes}: WithStyles) => );