<% coll_name = "Collection #{@object.uuid}" %> <% link_opts = {controller: 'collections', action: 'show_file', uuid: @object.uuid, reader_token: params[:reader_token]} %> <%= coll_name %> / <%= Rails.configuration.site_name %>

<%= coll_name %>

This collection of data files is being shared with you through Arvados. You can download individual files listed below. To download the entire collection with wget, try:

$ wget --mirror --no-parent --no-host --cut-dirs=3 <%=
         url_for(link_opts.merge(action: 'show_file_links', only_path: false,
                                 trailing_slash: true))

File Listing

<% if @object.andand.files_tree.andand.any? %> <% end %>
  • <% if size.nil? # This is a subdirectory. %> <% dirstack.push(File.join(dirname, filename)) %> <%= filename %> " }.join("
  • ")) %> <% else %>

    No files in this collection.

    <% end %>