#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 . /usr/local/lib/arvbox/common.sh set -eu -o pipefail if ! [[ -d /tmp/arvbox-ready ]] ; then echo "Note: if this is a fresh arvbox installation, it may take 10-15 minutes (or longer) to download and" echo "install dependencies. Use \"arvbox log\" to monitor the progress of specific services." echo mkdir -p /tmp/arvbox-ready fi sleep 3 waiting="" for s in "${!services[@]}" do if ! [[ -f /tmp/arvbox-ready/$s ]] ; then if nc -z localhost ${services[$s]} ; then echo "$s is ready at $localip:${services[$s]}" touch /tmp/arvbox-ready/$s else waiting="$waiting $s" fi fi done if ! docker version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then waiting="$waiting docker" fi for sdk_app in arv arv-get cwl-runner arv-mount ; do if ! which $sdk_app >/dev/null ; then waiting="$waiting sdk" break fi done if ! (ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "crunch-dispatch") > /dev/null ; then waiting="$waiting crunch-dispatch" fi export ARVADOS_API_HOST=$localip:${services[controller-ssl]} export ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE=1 vm_ok=0 if test -s $ARVADOS_CONTAINER_PATH/vm-uuid -a -s $ARVADOS_CONTAINER_PATH/superuser_token; then vm_uuid=$(cat $ARVADOS_CONTAINER_PATH/vm-uuid) export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=$(cat $ARVADOS_CONTAINER_PATH/superuser_token) if (which arv && arv virtual_machine get --uuid $vm_uuid) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then vm_ok=1 fi fi if test $vm_ok = 0 ; then waiting="$waiting vm" fi if ! [[ -z "$waiting" ]] ; then if ps x | grep -v grep | grep "bundle install" > /dev/null; then gemcount=$(ls /var/lib/arvados/lib/ruby/gems/*/gems /var/lib/arvados-arvbox/.gem/ruby/*/gems 2>/dev/null | wc -l) lockfile=/usr/src/arvados/services/api/Gemfile.lock gemlockcount=$(cat $lockfile \ | grep -vE "(GEM|PLATFORMS|DEPENDENCIES|BUNDLED|GIT|$^|remote:|specs:|revision:)" \ | sed 's/^ *//' | sed 's/(.*)//' | sed 's/ *$//' | sort | uniq | wc -l) waiting="$waiting (installing ruby gems $gemcount of about $gemlockcount)" fi if ps x | grep -v grep | grep "c++.*/var/lib/passenger" > /dev/null ; then waiting="$waiting (compiling passenger)" fi if ps x | grep -v grep | grep "pip install" > /dev/null; then waiting="$waiting (installing python packages)" fi echo " Waiting for$waiting ..." exit 1 fi echo echo "Your Arvados-in-a-box is ready!" echo "Workbench2 is hosted at https://$localip:${services[workbench2-ssl]}" echo "Documentation is hosted at http://$localip:${services[doc]}" rm -r /tmp/arvbox-ready