--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Singularity container runtime ... {% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} Arvados can be configured to use "Singularity":https://sylabs.io/singularity/ instead of Docker to execute containers on cloud nodes or a SLURM/LSF cluster. Singularity may be preferable due to its simpler installation and lack of long-running daemon process and special system users/groups. Please note: * *Singularity support is currently considered experimental.* * Even when using the singularity runtime, users' container images are expected to be saved in Docker format using @arv keep docker@. Arvados converts the Docker image to Singularity format (@.sif@) at runtime as needed. Specifying a @.sif@ file as an image when submitting a container request is not yet supported. * Singularity does not limit the amount of memory available in a container. Each container will have access to all memory on the host where it runs, unless memory use is restricted by SLURM/LSF. * Programs running in containers may behave differently due to differences between Singularity and Docker. ** The root (image) filesystem is read-only in a Singularity container. Programs that attempt to write outside a designated output or temporary directory are likely to fail. ** The Docker ENTRYPOINT instruction is ignored. * Arvados is currently tested with Singularity version 3.5.2. To use singularity, first make sure "Singularity is installed":https://sylabs.io/guides/3.5/user-guide/quick_start.html on your cloud worker image or SLURM/LSF compute nodes as applicable. Note @squashfs-tools@ is required.
$ singularity version
$ mksquashfs -version
mksquashfs version 4.3-git (2014/06/09)
Then update @Containers.RuntimeEngine@ in your cluster configuration:
      # Container runtime: "docker" (default) or "singularity" (experimental)
      RuntimeEngine: singularity
Restart your dispatcher (@crunch-dispatch-slurm@, @arvados-dispatch-cloud@, or @arvados-dispatch-lsf@) after updating your configuration file.