<%# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 %> <% =begin Parameters received from the caller/requestor of the modal are attached to the action button (.btn-primary) as follows: action_class -- string -- added as a pseudoclass to the action button. action_href -- string -- will be available at $(btn).attr('data-action-href') action_data -- json-encoded object -- will be at $(btn).data('action-data') action_data_form_params -- array -- for each X in this array, the value of params[X] during this "show chooser" request will be in $(btn).data('action-data-from-params')[X]. =end %> $('body > .modal-container').html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'choose.html', locals: {multiple: multiple}) %>"); $('body > .modal-container .modal').modal('show'); $('body > .modal-container .modal .modal-footer .btn-primary'). addClass('<%= j params[:action_class] %>'). attr('data-action-href', '<%= j params[:action_href] %>'). attr('data-method', '<%= j params[:action_method] %>'). data('action-data', <%= raw params[:action_data] %>). data('action-data-from-params', <%= raw params.select { |k,v| k.in?(params[:action_data_from_params] || []) }.to_json %>);