// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { RootState } from 'store/store'; import { ServiceRepository } from 'services/services'; import { bindDataExplorerActions } from 'store/data-explorer/data-explorer-action'; import { propertiesActions } from 'store/properties/properties-actions'; import { getProperty } from 'store/properties/properties'; import { navigateToRunProcess, navigateTo } from 'store/navigation/navigation-action'; import { goToStep, runProcessPanelActions, loadPresets, getWorkflowRunnerSettings } from 'store/run-process-panel/run-process-panel-actions'; import { snackbarActions, SnackbarKind } from 'store/snackbar/snackbar-actions'; import { initialize } from 'redux-form'; import { RUN_PROCESS_BASIC_FORM } from 'views/run-process-panel/run-process-basic-form'; import { RUN_PROCESS_INPUTS_FORM } from 'views/run-process-panel/run-process-inputs-form'; import { RUN_PROCESS_ADVANCED_FORM } from 'views/run-process-panel/run-process-advanced-form'; import { getResource } from 'store/resources/resources'; import { ProjectResource } from 'models/project'; import { UserResource } from 'models/user'; import { getWorkflowInputs, parseWorkflowDefinition } from 'models/workflow'; import { ContextMenuResource } from 'store/context-menu/context-menu-actions'; import { dialogActions } from 'store/dialog/dialog-actions'; import { ResourceKind, Resource } from 'models/resource'; import { selectedToArray } from "components/multiselect-toolbar/MultiselectToolbar"; import { CommonResourceServiceError, getCommonResourceServiceError } from "services/common-service/common-resource-service"; import { projectPanelDataActions } from "store/project-panel/project-panel-action-bind"; export const WORKFLOW_PANEL_ID = "workflowPanel"; const UUID_PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME = 'uuidPrefix'; const WORKFLOW_PANEL_DETAILS_UUID = 'workflowPanelDetailsUuid'; export const workflowPanelActions = bindDataExplorerActions(WORKFLOW_PANEL_ID); export const WORKFLOW_PROCESSES_PANEL_ID = "workflowProcessesPanel"; export const workflowProcessesPanelActions = bindDataExplorerActions(WORKFLOW_PROCESSES_PANEL_ID); export const loadWorkflowPanel = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(workflowPanelActions.REQUEST_ITEMS()); const response = await services.workflowService.list(); dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_WORKFLOWS(response.items)); }; export const setUuidPrefix = (uuidPrefix: string) => propertiesActions.SET_PROPERTY({ key: UUID_PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME, value: uuidPrefix }); export const getUuidPrefix = (state: RootState) => { return state.properties.uuidPrefix; }; export const openRunProcess = (workflowUuid: string, ownerUuid?: string, name?: string, inputObj?: { [key: string]: any }) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const response = await services.workflowService.list(); dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_WORKFLOWS(response.items)); const workflows = getState().runProcessPanel.searchWorkflows; const listedWorkflow = workflows.find(workflow => workflow.uuid === workflowUuid); const workflow = listedWorkflow || await services.workflowService.get(workflowUuid); if (workflow) { dispatch(navigateToRunProcess); dispatch(goToStep(1)); dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_STEP_CHANGED(true)); dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_SELECTED_WORKFLOW(workflow)); dispatch(loadPresets(workflow.uuid)); dispatch(initialize(RUN_PROCESS_ADVANCED_FORM, getWorkflowRunnerSettings(workflow))); let owner; if (ownerUuid) { // Must be writable. owner = getResource(ownerUuid)(getState().resources); if (!owner || !owner.canWrite) { owner = undefined; } } if (owner) { dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_PROCESS_OWNER_UUID(owner.uuid)); } dispatch(initialize(RUN_PROCESS_BASIC_FORM, { name, owner })); const definition = parseWorkflowDefinition(workflow); if (definition) { const inputs = getWorkflowInputs(definition); if (inputs) { const values = inputs.reduce((values, input) => ({ ...values, [input.id]: input.default, }), {}); dispatch(initialize(RUN_PROCESS_INPUTS_FORM, values)); } } if (inputObj) { dispatch(initialize(RUN_PROCESS_INPUTS_FORM, inputObj)); } } else { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `You can't run this process` })); } }; export const getPublicUserUuid = (state: RootState) => { const prefix = state.auth.localCluster; return `${prefix}-tpzed-anonymouspublic`; }; export const getPublicGroupUuid = (state: RootState) => { const prefix = state.auth.localCluster; return `${prefix}-j7d0g-anonymouspublic`; }; export const getAllUsersGroupUuid = (state: RootState) => { const prefix = state.auth.localCluster; return `${prefix}-j7d0g-fffffffffffffff`; }; export const showWorkflowDetails = (uuid: string) => propertiesActions.SET_PROPERTY({ key: WORKFLOW_PANEL_DETAILS_UUID, value: uuid }); export const getWorkflowDetails = (state: RootState) => { const uuid = getProperty(WORKFLOW_PANEL_DETAILS_UUID)(state.properties); const workflows = state.runProcessPanel.workflows; const workflow = workflows.find(workflow => workflow.uuid === uuid); return workflow || undefined; }; export const openRemoveWorkflowDialog = (resource: ContextMenuResource, numOfWorkflows: Number) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const confirmationText = numOfWorkflows === 1 ? "Are you sure you want to remove this workflow?" : `Are you sure you want to remove these ${numOfWorkflows} workflows?`; const titleText = numOfWorkflows === 1 ? "Remove workflow permanently" : "Remove workflows permanently"; dispatch( dialogActions.OPEN_DIALOG({ id: REMOVE_WORKFLOW_DIALOG, data: { title: titleText, text: confirmationText, confirmButtonLabel: "Remove", uuid: resource.uuid, resource, }, }) ); }; export const REMOVE_WORKFLOW_DIALOG = "removeWorkflowDialog"; export const removeWorkflowPermanently = (uuid: string, ownerUuid?: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const resource = getState().dialog.removeWorkflowDialog.data.resource; const checkedList = getState().multiselect.checkedList; const uuidsToRemove: string[] = resource.fromContextMenu ? [resource.uuid] : selectedToArray(checkedList); //if no items in checkedlist, default to normal context menu behavior if (!uuidsToRemove.length) uuidsToRemove.push(uuid); if(ownerUuid) dispatch(navigateTo(ownerUuid)); const workflowsToRemove = uuidsToRemove .map(uuid => getResource(uuid)(getState().resources) as Resource) .filter(resource => resource.kind === ResourceKind.WORKFLOW); for (const workflow of workflowsToRemove) { try { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: "Removing ...", kind: SnackbarKind.INFO })); await services.workflowService.delete(workflow.uuid); dispatch(projectPanelDataActions.REQUEST_ITEMS()); dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: "Removed.", hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.SUCCESS })); } catch (e) { const error = getCommonResourceServiceError(e); if (error === CommonResourceServiceError.PERMISSION_ERROR_FORBIDDEN) { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `Access denied`, hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR })); } else { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `Deletion failed`, hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR })); } } } };