% content_for :tab_line_buttons do %> <%= link_to( choose_projects_path( title: 'Copy to project...', action_name: 'Copy', action_href: actions_path, action_method: 'post', action_data: { copy_selections_into_project: true, selection: @name_link.andand.uuid || @object.uuid, selection_param: 'uuid', success: 'redirect-to-created-object' }.to_json), { class: "btn btn-sm btn-primary arv-move-to-project", remote: true, method: 'get' }) do %> Copy to project... <% end %> <% end %>
Found in collections:
<% @same_pdh.each do |c| %>
<%= link_to_if_arvados_object get_object(c.owner_uuid), {:friendly_name => true} %> / <%= link_to_if_arvados_object c, {:friendly_name => true} %>
<% end %>
Content hash:
<%= link_to @object.portable_data_hash, collection_path(@object.portable_data_hash) %>
Created: <%= name_or_object.created_at.to_s(:long) if name_or_object.created_at %>
Last modified: <%= name_or_object.modified_at.to_s(:long) if name_or_object.modified_at %> by <%= link_to_if_arvados_object name_or_object.modified_by_user_uuid, friendly_name: true %>
<% else %> <%= render_arvados_object_list_start(@logs, 'Show all activity', logs_path(filters: [['object_uuid','=',name_or_object.uuid]].to_json)) do |log| %><%= time_ago_in_words(log.event_at) rescue 'unknown time' %> ago: <%= log.summary %> <% if log.object_uuid %> <%= link_to_if_arvados_object log.object_uuid, link_text: raw('') %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %>Included in projects:
<%= render_arvados_object_list_start(@projects, 'Show all projects',
links_path(filters: [['head_uuid', '=', @object.uuid],
['link_class', '=', 'name']].to_json)) do |project| %>
<%= link_to_if_arvados_object(project, friendly_name: true) %>
<% end %>
Readable by:
<%= render_arvados_object_list_start(@permissions, 'Show all permissions',
links_path(filters: [['head_uuid', '=', @object.uuid],
['link_class', '=', 'permission']].to_json)) do |link| %>
<%= link_to_if_arvados_object(link.tail_uuid, friendly_name: true) %>
<% end %>