#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 """pysdk_pdoc.py - Run pdoc with extra rendering options This script is a wrapper around the standard `pdoc` tool that enables the `admonitions` and `smarty-pants` extras for nicer rendering. It checks that the version of `markdown2` included with `pdoc` supports those extras. If run without arguments, it uses arguments to build the Arvados Python SDK documentation. """ import collections import functools import os import sys try: import pdoc.__main__ import pdoc.markdown2 import pdoc.render_helpers except ImportError as err: if __name__ == '__main__': _imp_err = err else: raise else: _imp_err = None DEFAULT_ARGLIST = [ '--output-directory=sdk/python', '../sdk/python/build/lib/arvados/', # Because the module is prviate, pdoc does not build documentation for any # of it. The exclusion below additionally prevents pdoc from hyperlinking # references under arvados._internal that appear in method signatures, etc. '!arvados._internal', ] MD_EXTENSIONS = { 'admonitions': None, 'smarty-pants': None, } def main(arglist=None): if _imp_err is not None: print("error: failed to import pdoc:", _imp_err, file=sys.stderr) return os.EX_SOFTWARE # Ensure markdown2 is new enough to support our desired extras. elif pdoc.markdown2.__version_info__ < (2, 4, 3): print("error: need markdown2>=2.4.3 to render admonitions", file=sys.stderr) return os.EX_SOFTWARE # Configure pdoc to use extras we want. pdoc.render_helpers.markdown_extensions = collections.ChainMap( pdoc.render_helpers.markdown_extensions, MD_EXTENSIONS, ) pdoc.__main__.cli(arglist) return os.EX_OK if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:] or DEFAULT_ARGLIST))