// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { StyleRulesCallback, WithStyles, withStyles, Card, CardHeader, IconButton, CardContent, Tooltip, Typography, Tabs, Tab, Table, TableHead, TableBody, TableRow, TableCell, Paper, Link, } from '@material-ui/core'; import { ArvadosTheme } from 'common/custom-theme'; import { CloseIcon, ProcessIcon } from 'components/icon/icon'; import { MPVPanelProps } from 'components/multi-panel-view/multi-panel-view'; import { BooleanCommandInputParameter, CommandInputParameter, CWLType, Directory, DirectoryArrayCommandInputParameter, DirectoryCommandInputParameter, EnumCommandInputParameter, FileArrayCommandInputParameter, FileCommandInputParameter, FloatArrayCommandInputParameter, FloatCommandInputParameter, IntArrayCommandInputParameter, IntCommandInputParameter, isArrayOfType, isPrimitiveOfType, StringArrayCommandInputParameter, StringCommandInputParameter, } from "models/workflow"; import { CommandOutputParameter } from 'cwlts/mappings/v1.0/CommandOutputParameter'; import { File } from 'models/workflow'; import { getInlineFileUrl } from 'views-components/context-menu/actions/helpers'; import { AuthState } from 'store/auth/auth-reducer'; import mime from 'mime'; type CssRules = 'card' | 'content' | 'title' | 'header' | 'avatar' | 'iconHeader' | 'tableWrapper' | 'tableRoot' | 'paramValue' | 'keepLink' | 'imagePreview'; const styles: StyleRulesCallback = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({ card: { height: '100%' }, header: { paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit, paddingBottom: theme.spacing.unit, }, iconHeader: { fontSize: '1.875rem', color: theme.customs.colors.green700, }, avatar: { alignSelf: 'flex-start', paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 0.5 }, content: { padding: theme.spacing.unit * 1.0, paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 0.5, '&:last-child': { paddingBottom: theme.spacing.unit * 1, } }, title: { overflow: 'hidden', paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 0.5 }, tableWrapper: { overflow: 'auto', }, tableRoot: { width: '100%', }, paramValue: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', }, keepLink: { cursor: 'pointer', }, imagePreview: { maxHeight: '15em', }, }); export interface ProcessIOCardDataProps { label: string; params: ProcessIOParameter[]; raw?: any; } type ProcessIOCardProps = ProcessIOCardDataProps & WithStyles & MPVPanelProps; export const ProcessIOCard = withStyles(styles)( ({ classes, label, params, raw, doHidePanel, panelName }: ProcessIOCardProps) => { const [tabState, setTabState] = useState(0); const handleChange = (event: React.MouseEvent, value: number) => { setTabState(value); } return } title={ {label} } action={
{ doHidePanel && }
} /> {tabState === 0 &&
} {tabState === 1 &&
; } ); export type ProcessIOValue = { display: string; nav?: string; imageUrl?: string; } export type ProcessIOParameter = { id: string; doc: string; value: ProcessIOValue[]; } interface ProcessIOPreviewDataProps { data: ProcessIOParameter[]; } type ProcessIOPreviewProps = ProcessIOPreviewDataProps & WithStyles; const ProcessIOPreview = withStyles(styles)( ({ classes, data }: ProcessIOPreviewProps) => Label Description Value {data.map((param: ProcessIOParameter) => { return {param.id} {param.doc} {param.value.map(val => ( {val.imageUrl ? Inline Preview : ""} {val.nav ? handleClick(val.nav)}>{val.display} : val.display} ))} ; })}
); const handleClick = (url) => { window.open(url, '_blank'); } const ProcessIORaw = withStyles(styles)( ({ data }: ProcessIOPreviewProps) =>
                {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
); // secondaryFiles File[] is not part of CommandOutputParameter so we pass in an extra param export const getInputDisplayValue = (auth: AuthState, input: CommandInputParameter | CommandOutputParameter, pdh?: string, secondaryFiles: File[] = []): ProcessIOValue[] => { switch (true) { case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.BOOLEAN): return [{display: String((input as BooleanCommandInputParameter).value)}]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.INT): case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.LONG): return [{display: String((input as IntCommandInputParameter).value)}]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.FLOAT): case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.DOUBLE): return [{display: String((input as FloatCommandInputParameter).value)}]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.STRING): return [{display: (input as StringCommandInputParameter).value || ""}]; case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.FILE): const mainFile = (input as FileCommandInputParameter).value; const files = [ ...(mainFile ? [mainFile] : []), ...secondaryFiles ]; return files.map(file => ({ display: getKeepUrl(file, pdh), nav: getNavUrl(auth, file, pdh), imageUrl: isFileImage(file.basename) ? getImageUrl(auth, file, pdh) : undefined, })); case isPrimitiveOfType(input, CWLType.DIRECTORY): const directory = (input as DirectoryCommandInputParameter).value; return directory ? [directoryToProcessIOValue(directory, auth, pdh)] : []; case typeof input.type === 'object' && !(input.type instanceof Array) && input.type.type === 'enum': return [{ display: (input as EnumCommandInputParameter).value || '' }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.STRING): return [{ display: ((input as StringArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []).join(', ') }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.INT): case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.LONG): return [{ display: ((input as IntArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []).join(', ') }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.FLOAT): case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.DOUBLE): return [{ display: ((input as FloatArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []).join(', ') }]; case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.FILE): return ((input as FileArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []).map(file => ({ display: getKeepUrl(file, pdh), nav: getNavUrl(auth, file, pdh), imageUrl: isFileImage(file.basename) ? getImageUrl(auth, file, pdh) : undefined, })); case isArrayOfType(input, CWLType.DIRECTORY): const directories = (input as DirectoryArrayCommandInputParameter).value || []; return directories.map(directory => directoryToProcessIOValue(directory, auth, pdh)); default: return []; } }; const getKeepUrl = (file: File | Directory, pdh?: string): string => { const isKeepUrl = file.location?.startsWith('keep:') || false; const keepUrl = isKeepUrl ? file.location : pdh ? `keep:${pdh}/${file.location}` : file.location; return keepUrl || ''; }; const getNavUrl = (auth: AuthState, file: File | Directory, pdh?: string): string => { let keepUrl = getKeepUrl(file, pdh).replace('keep:', ''); return (getInlineFileUrl(`${auth.config.keepWebServiceUrl}/c=${keepUrl}?api_token=${auth.apiToken}`, auth.config.keepWebServiceUrl, auth.config.keepWebInlineServiceUrl)); }; const getImageUrl = (auth: AuthState, file: File, pdh?: string): string => { const keepUrl = getKeepUrl(file, pdh).replace('keep:', ''); return getInlineFileUrl(`${auth.config.keepWebServiceUrl}/c=${keepUrl}?api_token=${auth.apiToken}`, auth.config.keepWebServiceUrl, auth.config.keepWebInlineServiceUrl); }; const isFileImage = (basename?: string): boolean => { return basename ? (mime.getType(basename) || "").startsWith('image/') : false; }; const normalizeDirectoryLocation = (directory: Directory): Directory => ({ ...directory, location: (directory.location || '').endsWith('/') ? directory.location : directory.location + '/', }); const directoryToProcessIOValue = (directory: Directory, auth: AuthState, pdh?: string): ProcessIOValue => { const normalizedDirectory = normalizeDirectoryLocation(directory); return { display: getKeepUrl(normalizedDirectory, pdh), nav: getNavUrl(auth, normalizedDirectory, pdh), }; };