zzzzz-bi6l4-0123456789abcdef (keep0.zzzzz.arvadosapi.com:25107, disk): ChangeSet{Pulls:0, Trashes:0}
# Remove the @UnsafeDelete@ configuration entry on the target volume.
# Remove the @BlobTrashLifetime@ configuration entry (or restore it to its previous value).
# If the target volume has @PrefixLength: 0@ and the new volume has @PrefixLength: 3@, skip the next two steps: new data will be stored on the new volume, some existing data will be moved automatically to other volumes, and some will be left on the target volume as long as it's needed.
# If you want to resume writing new data to the target volume, revert to @ReadOnly: false@ and @AllowTrashWhenReadOnly: false@ on the target volume.
# If you want to stop writing new data to the newly created volume, set @ReadOnly: true@ and @AllowTrashWhenReadOnly: true@ on the new volume.
# Remove the @BalancePullLimit@ configuration entry (or restore its previous value), and restart @keep-balance@.
# Restart all @keepstore@ services with the updated configuration.