<% if attrvalue.is_a? Hash then attrvalue.each do |infokey, infocontent| %> <%= attr %>[<%= infokey %>] <% if infocontent.is_a? Array and infocontent.collect(&:class).uniq.compact == [String] then infocontent.each do |message| %> <%= message %>
<% end; elsif infocontent.is_a? String %> <%= infocontent %> <% else %> <%= infocontent.inspect %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% elsif attrvalue.is_a? String or attrvalue.respond_to? :to_s %> <%= attr %> <% if attr == 'uuid' and (uuid = attrvalue.split('-')).size == 3 %> <%= uuid[0..-2].join('-') %>-<%= uuid[-1] %> <% else %> <%= link_to_if_arvados_object attrvalue, {referring_attr: attr, referring_object: @object, with_prefixes: true, with_class_name: true} %> <% end %> <% end %>