--- layout: default navsection: admin title: Testing cloud configuration ... {% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} The @arvados-server@ package includes a @cloudtest@ tool that checks compatibility between your Arvados configuration, your cloud driver, your cloud provider's API, your cloud provider's VM instances, and the worker image you use with the *experimental* "cloud dispatcher":../install/install-dispatch-cloud.html. @arvados-server cloudtest@ performs the following steps: # Create a new instance # Wait for it to finish booting # Run a shell command on the new instance (optional) # Pause while you log in to the new instance and do other tests yourself (optional) # Shut down the instance This is an easy way to expose problems like these: * Configured cloud credentials don't work * Configured image types don't work * Configured driver is not compatible with your cloud API/region * Newly created instances are not usable due to a network problem or misconfiguration * Newly created instances do not accept the configured SSH private key * Selected machine image does not boot properly * Selected machine image is incompatible with some instance types * Driver has bugs h2. Typical uses Before bringing up the @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ service for the first time, we recommend running @cloudtest@ to check your configuration:
$ arvados-server cloudtest -command "crunch-run --list"
Before updating your configuration to use a new VM image, we recommend running @cloudtest@ with the new image:
$ arvados-server cloudtest -image-id new_image_id -command "crunch-run --list"
After adding an instance type to your configuration, we recommend running @cloudtest@ with the new instance type:
$ arvados-server cloudtest -instance-type new_instance_type_name
For a full list of options, use the @-help@ flag:
$ arvados-server cloudtest -help
  -command string
        Run an interactive shell command on the test instance when it boots
  -config file
        Site configuration file (default "/etc/arvados/config.yml")
        Destroy any existing instances tagged with our InstanceSetID, instead of erroring out
  -image-id string
        Image ID to use when creating the test instance (if empty, use cluster config)
  -instance-set-id value
        InstanceSetID tag value to use on the test instance (default "cloudtest-user@hostname.example")
  -instance-type string
        Instance type to create (if empty, use cheapest type in config)
        Prompt and wait before destroying the test instance